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Age Of Sigmar Rulebook Pdf

Warhammer Age Of Sigmar Book Pdf Download

CONTENTS KHARADRON OVERLORDS ......4 Prosper or Die....................................6 The Rulers Above the Clouds ..........8 The Code...........................................10 The Breath of Grungni ...................12 Trade in the Realms ........................14 The Sky-fleets ...................................16 The Wonders of Aethercraft ..........18 Dwellings of the Kharadron ..........20 Upon Clouds of Gold......................24 A Rising Power ................................26 Structured for Profit........................28 The Guilds ........................................29 The Arkanaut Sky-fleets .................30 Regalia of the Sky-ports .................32 Barak-Nar .........................................33 Barak-Zilfin......................................34 Barak-Zon.........................................35 Barak-Urbaz .....................................36 Barak-Mhornar................................37 Barak-Thryng...................................37 PROSPECTORS AND PRIVATEERS ......................38 Brokk Grungsson ............................40 Admirals and Warrant Officers ....42 Ironclads and Skyriggers................44 Frigates and Companies.................46 The Grundcorps...............................48
GLORY OF THE SKY-PORTS .....50 Vengeance of the Wind ..................64 Painting Your Kharadron Overlords .....................76 The Major Sky-ports .......................78 Kharadron Features ........................82 Symbols and Markings ...................84 Tips and Tricks ................................86 AIRFLEETS OF THE OVERLORDS ......................88 Forces of the Kharadron Overlords ..90 The Sky-ports ...................................91 Barak-Nar, City of the First Sunrise..92 Barak-Zilfin, the Windswept City ...93 Barak-Zon, City of the Sun ............94 Barak-Urbaz, the Market City.......95 Barak-Mhornar, City of Shadow ...96 Barak-Thryng, City of the Ancestors ...................................97 Allegiance Abilities .........................98 Artefacts of Power .........................100 Battleplan: Stake a Claim .............102 Battleplan: The Cost of Victory...104 Battleplan: A Grudge to Settle.....106 Battleplan: Prospectors Down! ...108 Battleplan: Acquisition .................110 Path to Glory Campaigns.............112 Kharadron Overlords Warband Tables .............................116
Fighting Battles With Your Kharadron Overlords ...................120 Theming Your Army.....................121 Deployment and Tactics ...............122 WARSCROLL BATTALIONS ....124 Grand Armada...............................126 Iron Sky Command ......................127 Iron Sky Squadron ........................128 Grundstok Escort Wing ...............129 Aetherstrike Force.........................130 WARSCROLLS ...........................132 Brokk Grungsson, Lord-Magnate of Barak-Nar...................................134 Arkanaut Admiral.........................135 Aetheric Navigator ........................136 Aether-Khemist .............................136 Endrinmaster .................................137 Arkanaut Company ......................137 Arkanaut Ironclad .........................138 Arkanaut Frigate ...........................139 Grundstok Gunhauler ..................140 Grundstok Thunderers .................141 Endrinriggers.................................142 Skywardens ....................................143 Pitched Battle Profiles...................144 WHAT’S NEXT? ........................149
DESIGNED BY GAMES WORKSHOP IN NOTTINGHAM Order Battletome: Kharadron Overlords © Copyright Games Workshop Limited 2017. Order Battletome: Kharadron Overlords, GW, Games Workshop, Warhammer, Stormcast Eternals, and all associated logos, illustrations, images, names, creatures, races, vehicles, locations, weapons, characters, and the distinctive likenesses thereof, are either ® or TM, and/or © Games Workshop Limited, variably registered around the world. All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publishers. This is a work of fiction. All the characters and events portrayed in this book are fictional, and any resemblance to real people or incidents is purely coincidental. British Cataloguing-in-Publication Data. A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library. Pictures used for illustrative purposes only. Certain Citadel products may be dangerous if used incorrectly and Games Workshop does not recommend them for use by children under the age of 16 without adult supervision. Whatever your age, be careful when using glues, bladed equipment and sprays and make sure that you read and follow the instructions on the packaging.
Games Workshop Ltd., Willow Road, Lenton, Nottingham, NG7 2WS, United Kingdom ISBN: 978-1-78572-595-1
KHARADRON OVERLORDS Far above the highest mountain peaks, a new power has arisen. In secrecy they have grown strong, developing new technology and weapons of war. Guided by their Code, the Kharadron Overlords have sent forth their sky-fleets, commanding them to return with riches, or not at all… Trailing streaks of vapour, the sky-fleets of the Kharadron Overlords burst from the cloud cover. Like some shoal of deep-sea predators, armourplated craft angle towards their quarry, drawing ever nearer before the ships’ decks suddenly erupt into deafening life. Roaring bombardments of cannon fire are unleashed. Sleek fighter craft race ahead of the main fleet, swooping down on screaming attack runs. Behind them in arrowhead formation sail the Frigates, their bows obscured as forward guns flash again and again, raining death on foes below. The ground shakes as the first grudgesettler bombs impact; geysers of flame, shattered earth and the broken bodies of the enemy are flung
REDMETAL VENGEANCE Fresh from the Cloudreef Battles around the sky-islands of the Outer Airs, the Arkanaut Frigate Rhyngul Vengryn (‘Redmetal Vengeance’) sought to return to its home sky-port of Barak-Zon. After a string of victories and with a hold filled with aether-gold, Captain Grund Tahlihro returned to a kuzzbryndal (‘hero’s welcome’). After refuelling and replacing crew lost in battle, the Rhyngul aimed to sail forth once more, for all knew there were many riches still to be plundered in the Outer Airs, and Grund wished to earn enough victories to be awarded the Ironstar.
skywards. The largest of the airships – the Ironclad – glides low, mechanical ladders extending as the bold Arkanaut Companies ready themselves to deploy. Soon the roar of ordnance is joined by the rapid clatter and crack-burst of small arms fire, a sound produced not by crude black-powder weapons, but aethermatically powered carbines, rotary guns and decksweepers. As volley fire from the Arkanaut crews and elite Grundstok Thunderers rakes the foe, the sky cavalry dives downwards. With spherical aether-endrins strapped upon their backs, the daredevil Skyriggers race into the battle, lowering their whirring saws and skypikes to strike down the last of the opposition.
The Kharadron Overlords are a faction of the duardin unlike any other. Since unlocking the secrets of aether-gold, they have forsaken their mountain holds and taken to the skies. There, guided by their Kharadron Code, they have not merely survived the Age of Chaos but thrived. Now that Sigmar’s armies have returned to the realms, the Kharadron have decreed that the time is right for them to end their isolation and join the fray once more.
‘Admirals, Captains and Master Shareholders shall each receive two shares of a galkhron.’ - Artycle 2, Point 2 of the Code galkhron - the dividing of plunder
PROSPER OR DIE Of the six major sky-ports – the massive floating cities of the Kharadron Overlords – Barak-Nar is currently in ascendancy. Its fleets ply the airways from the Stratis Skull to the Outer Airs, as unrelenting in trade negotiations as they are in battle. Barak-Nar’s motto, priffa dreng, translates as ‘prosper or die’. Their quest to conquer and expand has run into great opposition, but thus far they have overcome it all. Since the Time of Reaving and the establishment of the Kharadron Code, their fleets have been broadening frontiers, sweeping outwards and securing more cloud mines than any of their rival sky-ports. In the midst of the Age of Chaos, during the Hydrox Wars, it was the fleets and the wealth of Barak-Nar which ensured final victory for the Kharadron Overlords. Today, thanks to leaders such as Lord-Magnate Brokk Grungsson, BarakNar remains at the forefront of opening new trade routes, although the cost to secure such treacherous airways has been high. Three times has Grungsson led the fleets to repel daemon hordes, including breaking the Blockade of Barak-Zon.
THE RULERS ABOVE THE CLOUDS The Kharadron Overlords seek to amass wealth, and they do so by trade or by war. What baffles the other races of the realms is how the Kharadron’s approach to both ventures is so similar. Whether in battle or haggling contracts, the Kharadron are ruthless, and will exploit any weakness. The Kharadron Overlords are a militaristic, mercantile society distinct from the other branches of duardin. Like their kindred, the Kharadron Overlords are shorter than humans, broad-shouldered and known for their thick beards, great stamina and gruff natures. All are relentless workers, driven to hone their craft. Just as the Fyreslayers honour their word, the Kharadron treat sworn oaths as sacrosanct, but they are more likely
than other duardin to exploit loopholes in less-than-explicit contractual wording, especially if doing so will add substantially to their profits. The Kharadron Overlords excel at both trade and war, and have no qualms about shifting rapidly from one to the other as need or opportunity arises. For instance, before engaging in mining activities atop a mountain they might first fight back the indigenous peoples
that use the peak for primitive rituals. Later, however, the duardin will not hesitate to seek out the defeated natives and offer peaceful trade terms. In the beginning the Kharadron Overlords bartered metal tools or weapons for foodstuffs or animal skins, but as the grip of Chaos on the Mortal Realms lessens, so do their trade partners multiply, as nomadic tribes come out of hiding and establish their own settlements.
Every one of the sky-ports has hundreds of business partners, and the Kharadron airfleets not only guard their own innumerable mining operations and merchant routes, but often go to battle in support of their trading partners’ interests. Such actions are not due to kindheartedness, but rather pure pragmatism. The practicalminded Kharadron stand to benefit far more safeguarding their lucrative commercial practices than they do returning to the isolationist ways that marked their existence during the Age of Chaos. Indeed, business in all six of the major sky-ports is booming.
The Kharadron’s success is not down to hard work alone, but also a strict adherence to a set of guiding principles. The Kharadron Code specifies the rules of commerce, clarifying which trade associates should be protected and which should be left to their own devices should they come under attack. To make a decision based solely on emotions would be considered foolish, merely a repeat of the old ways that nearly led to the duardin’s extinction. Kharadron society is run like a welloiled and expertly crafted machine. It is a multi-level meritocracy in which each
ship, clan, company, guild and member of the Kharadon Council is chosen for their position based upon their talents, recent successes and perceived ability to lead the way towards greater prosperity. To wield power based purely on inheritance is, to the Kharadron Overlords, a blueprint for failure. The driving agenda is to generate profit, and although they might vie constantly with each other in the name of doing so, they are not underhanded. All of their dealings are in accordance with the Kharadron Code, and as long as its edicts are maintained, then a deal is considered fair.
THE CODE The Kharadron Code is the supreme constitution of the Kharadron Overlords, and the principles it lays down govern all of their actions. The duardin that escaped the fall of the mountain kingdoms spent years simply fighting for survival, which led to the disparate airborne realms forging a loose confederation for mutual protection. But as the sky-ports grew, so too did rivalries. All sought to mine the same aether-gold that kept their societies flourishing and afloat. On the verge of civil war, the leaders of each sky-port met in council. It was this Conference of Madralta – named after the floating isle where the meeting took place – that produced the document known as the Kharadron Code, or simply ‘the Code’. The duardin leaders sought to establish laws that would see them prosper despite the Age of Chaos. They wished to avoid the pitfalls of the past, for the rule of kings had failed them, and even the gods had deserted them – all the survivors had seen the fate of those that awaited the divine aid of Grungni, Grimnir or Sigmar. The Kharadron Code was based upon the ships’ codes that Captains from every developing sky-port devised in one form or another. These were a set of practical guidelines for shipmates, ensuring discipline, quantifiable personal profit and compensation for death or injury. Above all, they were created for the good of the ship. The Code simply took these artycles and expanded upon them to cover the governance of their entire society. The Code stipulates everything, from how aether-gold deposits can be claimed to the rules for engaging foes. The original document included nine artycles, each subdivided into many sections. Therein could be found the Artycles of Union, the Seven Rules of Prosperity and the Twelve Points of Election. Over time there have been amendments to the Code, although some sky-ports refute them, most notably Barak-Thryng. Even upon agreed artycles, there is often room for interpretation, and some Captains, particular those hailing from the roguish Barak-Mhornar, are notably agile in their ability to navigate the framework of the Code.
THE BREATH OF GRUNGNI Like their ground-based kindred, the Kharadron Overlords mine many metals. However, there is one substance they seek above all others: aether-gold. Every sky-port launches fleet after fleet to search for this coveted mineral, and many wars have been fought over rights to mine the richest cloud banks. Aether-gold – also called the Breath of Grungni – is the lifeblood of all Kharadron society, for this lighterthan-air metal holds their cities aloft, fuels their skyships and empowers a great portion of their weaponry. Without an ever-increasing supply of the substance, the airborne metropolises would, quite literally, fall. Mining aether-gold is dangerous work. In its natural state, aether-gold is a gas or vapour, running through the skies just as lodes of precious metals run through the ground. Only when refined does the metal solidify, its hardened form resembling mundane gold, only with a far brighter sheen. Often hidden within cloud banks or rendered all but invisible by their
transient nature, aether-gold deposits are difficult to locate, and harder still to mine. Concentrated seams of aethergold are prone to drift, carried far by air currents, and their presence attracts all manner of beasts, the majority of which are extremely dangerous, such as the harkraken, chimera and megalofin. During the harvesting of large accumulations of aether-gold, it is not a question of if such monsters will attack, but when.
blink of an eye by fierce aetherstorms, and coalesced drops of the precious mineral that fall from the skies induce fits of maddening paranoia in those caught in such deluges. The Kharadron Overlords themselves do not subscribe to the notion that aether-gold is magical. Instead, they use many of their burgeoning forms of scientific research to identify and catalogue the myriad unusual effects produced by the substance.
Most non-Kharadron denizens of the Mortal Realms that know of its existence regard aether-gold as magical, for it has countless strange properties. In great volumes, it causes unusual atmospheric conditions. Whole veins are shifted hundreds of miles in the
Should a rich vein of aether-gold be discovered, the sky-fleets cordon off the surrounding airways while the rest of the armada set to work. Larger operations employ cloud dredgers and trawlers to sweep the area, siphoning and straining the raw aether-gold.
THE HAMMER OF IRON Many Admirals choose a new capital ship for each voyage they lead, but not Admiral Khrag of Barak-Zilfin. For his capital ship, Khrag always demands the Arkanaut Ironclad Grund Ang (‘Hammer of Iron’). This is not superstition on his part, but rather practicality. The ship’s speed cannot be bested, and the great skyhook mounted atop its forecastle has never yet missed its mark, felling gargants and dropping skaviathans out of the air. With such a weapon under his command, Khrag has never failed to return to his sky-port bearing great profits.
If the fleet is small – an exploratory or prospecting flotilla sent to find new veins – then it will be composed entirely of warships. Although equipped primarily for battle, the ever practical Kharadron also use such fleets for mining and trade operations.
attracts those beasts and airborne raiders that lust after it. Many a convoy has been smashed out of the sky by raging chimera packs, pulled down into sludgeclouds by tentacled nightmares or brought to battle by the aerial armies of the Grotbag Scuttlers.
Should the dangers of mining aethergold be avoided, the extracted gas is stored within the holds of airships or, in larger mining fleets, within the vast hulks known as Krontankers. Many convoys transport the mined material in a steady stream away from the mine, heading back to the sky-port from which the fleets originated. This too is dangerous work, for even within the armour-plated holds of Kharadron ships, the siren call of the substance
Despite the importance of aether-gold, it is not the only source of commerce for the Kharadron Overlords. Trade between the sky-ports is vital, and now that the Code has decreed drek-urb – the opening up of trade with other races – other markets have become quite lucrative as well. Many sky-ports have begun to exact tolls from travellers along mountain passes, or run transport networks through their own cleverly concealed Realmgates.
SCIENCE & SUPERSTITION The Kharadron, with the exception of those from Barak-Thryng, have increasingly come to place science above worship of the ancestor gods. However, even amongst the most progressive of their kind, ancient superstitions persist. Given its import to their race, many of these legends revolve around aethergold. Tales tell of how Grungni, the Great Maker, gave rise to the substance, as the metal-dust shed by his hammer mingled with his own exhalations. Others tell of how the creation of aether-gold was Grungni’s folly, and the reason he came to leave Sigmar’s pantheon.
TRADE IN THE REALMS Chamon is criss-crossed by sky-paths that lead to all the Mortal Realms. Below is a cartographic spectromitor as used by those of the Logistrator and Forecastinator Guilds to keep track of the profits generated by all Kharadron trading activity in each of the realms (or at least that which is reported).
THE SKY-FLEETS Although the duardin’s early ornithopters possessed the ability of flight, it was not until the discovery of aether-gold that they realised the true potential of air power. Seeing the might of their growing sky-fleets, the Kharadron Overlords foreswore life on the ground altogether. During the Age of Chaos civilisations were broken, and dispossessed peoples were forced to flee the ruins of their shattered kingdoms. Cast adrift, many of those exiled were slain or captured and pressed into slavery. Those that escaped did so by finding hidden enclaves or living as nomads, forever fleeing to stay ahead of enemy armies and monstrous ravagers. The duardin were driven out of mountain holds, save only in Aqshy where the Fyreslayers held many of their ancestral homes against the tides of invaders. Most exiled duardin were slain, for they had many enemies. Once ousted from their fastnesses the refugees were vulnerable, ripe for extinction. In Chamon, however, some duardin fled in an unexpected direction – to the skies. There, the ancestors of the Kharadron Overlords carved out a foothold using their newest weapon: the sky-fleets. Early designs evolved into what would later become the Arkanaut class of airship. Sleek, armour-plated, and capable of carrying a complement of crew and warriors, the Arkanaut Frigate became the mainstay of the Kharadron Fleets, with the larger Ironclads serving as flagships. Since the earliest days the duardin learned to outfit their skyborne ships with as much weaponry as possible. There were no rampaging Chaos armies scouring the upper atmosphere, but the duardin swiftly learned that danger abounded up in the clouds. The black-powder
weapons of yore were replaced, with the majority of the Arkanauts’ impressive arsenals now powered aethermatically. The sky-dwellings that were once but temporary refuges were built up, becoming vast growing cities. When the true riches of the upper atmosphere were discovered, all plans to return to ground-based living were abandoned – and it was the sky-fleets that made it all possible.
are chosen at the Musterpress, and can come from different academies within the same sky-port. Although they hail from different families and backgrounds, once aboard the crew are bonded by many oaths and Code-prescribed rituals. Crew pride themselves on their loyalty to ship and shipmates, and invariably the most successful of the sky-fleets employ crew that have served together for decades.
Sky-fleets are used to seek out aethergold and to protect those mining it. The sky-fleets transport cargo, and each sky-port maintains patrol fleets that protect the airspace above and around the floating cities as well as common trade routes. In essence, the sky-fleets are the very lifeblood of the Kharadron Overlords. Across each of the different sky-ports it is the desire of every young beardling to serve aboard the airfleets. Competition is fierce amongst the company-sponsored aereonautical academies. There, retired crew and Captains teach – and pass notoriously ruthless judgements upon – their charges, offering ratings to only the most able-bodied. It is in their best interests to do so, of course, for they own stock in the fleets and will be rewarded only if newly crewed ships can return profits.
It is possible, as laid out by Artycle 1, Point 5 of the Code, for crew to usurp a captaincy. This is not some riotous act of mutiny, but rather meritocracy at work. Sub-clauses of the Code mandate the replacement of Captains that do not bring success upon a ship, for to rest upon the laurels of past triumphs is not the way of the Kharadron. Captains so deposed are not dishonoured, but merely lose their rank and join the crew, as per Artycle 1, Point 6, where they might rise or fall based on their own achievements like all others.
As the Kharadron Code states, every ship must bear a Captain, a leader who rules the craft absolutely. Whilst aboard, none save the Admiralty have the right to disobey an order. Crews
‘If a duardin obtains a properly signed and approved grudgeclause, they are given the Rune of Mark and considered exempt from other statutes of the Code. Any plunder seized during an act of vengeance must be taken to the Admiralty’s Court so that galkhron can be performed.’ - Amendment 3 of the Code
THE WONDERS OF AETHERCRAFT The success of the Kharadron Overlords would not be possible without their wide range of mechanised inventions and aethermatically powered apparatuses. From airships to propulsion-packs, weapons to high-altitude rebreathers, their technology allows the Kharadron to rule the skies.
The hazardous nature of aether-gas makes it ideal for alchemical weaponry. A fumigator, or billowgun, can discharge a lethal cloud to envelop the firer’s enemies.
Arkanaut armour would slow even the sturdy duardin without aether to lighten its load. The same substance also powers features such as headlamps or lens magnifiers.
By rapid compression, aether is fired through the barrels of this volley pistol as focussed beams that harden into solid shot mid-flight, causing grievous damage upon impact.
From turbocharging aero-endrins to imbuing hammers with more bludgeoning power, the Kharadron Endrineers have unlocked many uses for aether. Whether powering the explosive propulsion of a skyhook or the scattershot energies unleashed by a decksweeper, the combination of duardin smithery and aether-technology has thus far proven deadly in the extreme.
DWELLINGS OF THE KHARADRON The Kharadron Overlords have many outposts, both ground- and sky-based, across the Mortal Realms. However, it is in Chamon, home of the aether-gold seams, that their largest dwellings exist. There are several dozen sky-ports, though they are all dominated by the six most powerful. BARAK-URBAZ It is said that bartering with a trader from Barak-Urbaz is more treacherous than navigating a shoal of stunfish. Barak-Urbaz is the most cosmopolitan of the sky-ports, and its citizens pursue profit with unmatched zeal. This city boasts the greatest fishing fleets, for its Codewrights long ago won Code Claims to the most abundant cloud
BARAK-MHORNAR Eternally wreathed in dark mists, the sky-port of Barak-Mhornar is where the most illicit trade deals and shady goings-on occur. Labelled pirates or worse by the duardin of the other sky-ports, the denizens of BarakMhornar are regarded with no small amount of irony as great innovators when it comes to interpreting the Kharadron Code. Indeed, several of the amendments that have been added
banks. Further income pours into the sky-port from Realmgates known only to its Admirals Council, and its fleets ferry people or goods through these portals to any of the realms so long as their prices are met. The most skilled Aether-Khemists come from BarakUrbaz, and their alchemic formulas ensure that not even the clouds can avoid being squeezed for extra profit.
to the original document were ratified specifically to halt depredations largely being carried out by privateer fleets from Barak-Mhornar. The guile of those who hail from the City of Shadow is legendary among the Kharadron Overlords. Tales abound of their use of optics that alter the colour of their ships, and of surprise attacks launched suddenly by their fleets from the blackest of clouds.
BARAK-ZILFIN Also known as the Windswept City, Barak-Zilfin is famed for the skill of its pilots and shipwrights. No fleets venture as far as those from BarakZilfin, and while some regard them as reckless, they are confident in the abilities of their crew and the sturdiness of their ships. None can predict or ride the zephyrs as can those of BarakZilfin. They are known as windmasters, although the other sky-ports claim this
moniker refers to their tendency to boast, or even their skills of flatulence. This is mere jealousy, for the aggressive opening of new trade markets has seen Barak-Zilfin grow to be the second largest of the Kharadron sky-ports, holding vital seats on the Geldraad. It is a position they seem unlikely to relinquish, for the Great Coghalls of Barak-Zilfin – the most famed of all Endrineering Academies – produce more new airships than any other.
BARAK-THRYNG The old ways are best, say the duardin who hail from Barak-Thryng. They are so conservative that they feel the Kharadron Code should not be altered from its original form, and even stubbornly refuse to recognise some of the amendments that have been made since. Such an outlook has meant that they have a garnered a reputation as intractable trading partners within Kharadron society.
BARAK-ZON The first founded of the sky-ports, Barak-Zon is also the highest situated. It is known as the City of the Sun because the light causes the floating metal metropolis to gleam red from afar, as though it were burning like some distant star. Fourteen triumphal arches are situated throughout the skyport, each marking a major victory of the Kharadron Overlords. Martial pride is everything to its citizens, and rare
Obstreperous and easily offended, the folk of Barak-Thryng venerate the past and fill their city with monuments to the duardin’s ancestors and gods. Their disposition is best described as gruff and disapproving, and even amongst fellow duardin they are infamous for holding grudges. Although they have but a single delegate in the Geldraad – the hoary Admiral Grymm Sternbok – none can fail to hear his loud list of complaints at every session.
indeed is the Barak-Zon Arkanaut that does not long to earn the Ironstar and be immortalised along one of the many avenues of heroes that traverse the city. The duardin of Barak-Zon hail the incomparable Admiral Nelriksson as their greatest champion, for it was he who proved indomitable during the Time of Reaving, a period in which he won his most famous triumph at the Battle of Tungsten Peaks.
BARAK-NAR The City of the First Sunrise, Barak-Nar is the largest and most successful of the Kharadron sky-ports. It is they who have the Steering Hand, for they have the most delegates upon the ruling council of the Geldraad. The denizens of Barak-Nar are highly practical and the least superstitious of their kind. The city is best known for its many leading science academies,
its great wealth, and its history of producing dynamic leaders. Bold, fearless, and progressive, the folk of Barak-Nar were the first of the Kharadron Overlords to aggressively pursue trade agreements with non-duardin settlements, and it was they who established the bestpatrolled trade routes, routinely marking the sky-paths with zonbeks – well-garrisoned glowbeacon lighthouse docks.
UPON CLOUDS OF GOLD Even at anchorage the sky-ports are prone to drift, but the Kharadron Overlords use this to their advantage, steering the cities into advantageous positions. These maps show the current locations in Chamon of the six major sky-ports, along with the aether-gold seams above which they are sited.
A RISING POWER From mere waystations for refugees to thriving sky-ports, the Kharadron Overlords have grown their skyborne domain. Now, in the Age of Sigmar, the Kharadron Overlords have cast off their isolationist ways, revealing a new power in the Mortal Realms.
BEYOND DETECTION Aether-gold is imperceptible to magical scrying and detection. Even the science-minded Endrineers were yet to devise a machine that could reliably track the substance. As fortune would have it, however, the aethermatcially powered sky-fleets and sky-ports of the Kharadron Overlords actually benefited from this invisibility, and not even the gods themselves could see the growing enclaves of the sky duardin.
BARAK-NAR VICTORIOUS Led by their founder, Bulwark Norgrimsson, the fleets of Barak-Nar defeated the airborne Waaagh! of the Great Ghazbag and laid claim to the Gleaming Banks, a region rich in deposits of aether-gold.
THE GRUNDCORPS After the repeated successes of ships bearing Thunderers from the Grundstok clan, Master Gunner Olgrimm Grundstok went into business, organising the Grundstok clan into the Grundcorps. Soon, elite warrior training academies were situated in each of the major sky-ports. Hiring the best Endrineers, the Grundcorps began equipping its Thunderers with their own line of aethermatic weapons, as well as the Grundstok Gunhauler fighter craft. Before long it was standard practice to hire Grundstok-trained warriors to protect airships and mining operations.
NECESSARY AMENDMENTS A series of short but fierce battles were fought between fleets from over a dozen sky-ports, although it is notable that the ships of Barak-Mhornar were nearly always involved. To discourage such internecine fighting, two amendments were made to the Kharadron Code, despite contention from Barak-Thryng.
THE LEGEND OF GRUNGNI’S FORGE Seeking aether-gold, an airfleet of Barak-Zilfin instead found clues that led them to the lost Forge-City of Grungni, only to find that fabled place infested and overrun by the rat-like skaven. Seven expeditions set off to reclaim the mountaintop halls, or, failing that, to salvage any of the artefacts left by the Great Maker. Those few who returned from such ventures brought back nothing but memories so horrific they would not speak of what they had seen.
WAR OF THE PEAKS Several of the richest aether-gold seams were found amongst the cloud banks ringing the Azgal Mountains, and fleets from every sky-port struck out to stake their claims. However, a great number greenskins, ratmen and monstrous beasts were also drawn towards the aetheric energies given off by the concentrated deposits. The sprawling peaks became the site of battles untold as aerial and ground-based armies duelled for supremacy in that cloud-shrouded region. Barak-Nar ultimately claimed the most resources using strike forces of Grundstok Gunhaulers and Skyriggers to navigate the great floating rocks that made battling within the dense aether-clouds treacherous in the extreme.
THE ARMIES OF THE MAN-GOD Although they had watched them from above, the Kharadron Overlords had thus far avoided the Stormcast Eternals. Although many duardin had voted to aid Sigmar’s cause and join the fight against Chaos, the Code stipulated when alliances could be forged. They watched the failed attack upon the Ironholds that guarded the Allpoints, and did not intervene. Only when the God-King’s followers began to build their cities did the sky-fleets join the fight alongside the Stormcasts.
THE MINES OF MUSPELZHARR Seeking to claim the abundant lodes of precious metal in the Muspelzharr Mountains, an Ironweld Arsenal artillery train from Azyrheim chanced upon a Kharadron trading post being overrun by greenskins led by Spindrik, greatest of the Spiderling Kings. After driving off the raiders, the two forces forged an alliance and cleared the high passes in a series of devastating bombardments.
WAR OF THE WYRDQUARTZ Travelling through the secret Realmgates of Barak-Urbaz, the Kharadron Overlords were able to help their Fyreslayer cousins in Aqshy stave off the daemon legions of Tzeentch. Nine different mountain ranges in the Realm of Fire were assailed, for the minions of the Changer of the Ways sought the strange crystal veins that could only be found in those smouldering peaks.
AETHERSTORM Using an aetheric storm as cover, Chaos daemons ambushed the floating fortress that guarded the airways above Vindicarum. Its winged Stormcast Eternal defenders fought nobly, but were overwhelmed by the forces of the Dark Gods. Yet before their seemingly inevitable defeat, the clouds parted to reveal the sky-fleets of the Kharadron Overlords, come to aid Sigmar’s champions. Since that first alliance, the two sides have been frequent allies.
THE BLOCKADE OF BARAK-ZON Kairos Fateweaver led a daemonic convocation of Tzeentch in the creation of a vast arcane barrier that surrounded the sky-port of Barak-Zon. For ninety-nine days the Kharadron city was besieged by daemon hosts, despite numerous attempts by its fleets to breach the cordon. Responding to the city’s pleas for aid, a confederation of fleets from all the sky-ports – assembled under the leadership of Brokk Grungsson – smashed the barrier asunder in a daring massed ramming action, thwarting the Fateweaver’s plans.
STRUCTURED FOR PROFIT Whether one of the largest sky-ports, a mining colony or a mountain-based trading post, Kharadron Overlord society is like a great corporation. As stipulated in the Code, councils and guilds run everything, and all is contingent upon accumulating ever more wealth. The rule of each sky-port is headed by an Admirals Council, which presides over a body of the six most powerful guilds. Only the most successful ever make the Admirals Council, and to serve on that illustrious board is the goal of all who set sail upon an airship. The six governing guilds beneath the Admirals Council are the same in each sky-port, although where each stands in the hierarchy can fluctuate from city to city. The one exception, however, is that the sky-fleets are always the most influential guild, as the gathering of aether-gold would be impossible without their ships. Duardin that serve in the fleets and survive long enough reap vast profits. Each member of a ship’s crew is a
shareholder (a non-managing member) and each fleet is backed by a council (originally comprising seventy-six members but later reduced to sixty) who act as managing directors. Beneath the sky-fleets are the Khazukan (the conglomerate of all the city’s craftsfolk), the Aether-Khemist Guild, the Grundcorp, the Nav-League and the Endrineers Guild. All hold shares in the fleets and provide aid to them, either through sponsorship or the provision of their own specialists. Above even the Admirals Council of each sky-port is the Geldraad, the highest ruling body of Kharadron Overlord society. It is composed of members from the six wealthiest skyports, with the number of delegates
provided by each determined by capital. One additional seat is given to a different minor sky-port every twenty-five shifts of the Strahlstrom, the great windstream.
THE STATUS OF WEALTH Below is a list of the major sky-ports and their current capital (aether-gold shares) and delegates on the Geldraad. Sky-port Capital Delegates Barak-Nar 307,620,967 7 Barak-Zilfin 102,300,678 4 Barak-Zon 54,000,000 3 Barak-Urbaz 46,412,890 2 Barak-Mhornar 26,806,212 1 Barak-Thryng 173,000 1
ANCESTRAL HAMMER The Gromthi-a-Grund , or ‘Ancestral Hammer’, is a Khrundhal-class battleship in the service of BarakThryng. With their multiple aetherendrins, such craft are expensive to produce and maintain. Even at anchor these war vessels strain the limits of Artycle 2 of the Code, the famed Seven Points of Prosperity. Despite the cost, each sky-port maintains a fair number of such warships for times of extreme need, including Grundcarriers, Basthal-class minelayers, Thrunghal shieldships, Tork-class torpedo boats, and a great many one-off designs.
THE GUILDS Guilds and leagues dominate Kharadron society, and each sky-port boasts dozens of such groups. From the Dockworkers Union to the Consortium of Cloudminers, each is organised according to the Code and maintains their own hall and charter. Below are some of the most important guilds. THE NAV-LEAGUE The Nav-League is made of Aetheric Navigators, a secretive order of aerocartographers. It is their lore that has mapped out the troposphere and sections of the stratosphere. They study the elements, especially the winds and shifting energies of Chamon. They guide the sky-fleets along aerial trade routes, seeking to catch thermals and avoid the many atmospheric perils. Only those that can quickly solve complex mathematical formulas under great duress can hope to pass the entrance exams to attend one of the Navcademies. Yet no matter how rigorous the training, it is nothing compared to hanging onto the deck rails while trying to calculate the shifting currents of the Strahlstrom – just one of the many duties a Navigator is called upon to perform aboard an airship.
THE AETHERHE AETHER-KHEMISTS GUILD The Aether-Khemists are alchemic scientists. It is with their knowledge that even cloud-obscured aether-gold seams can be located and followed. Indeed, it is only by the genius of their guild’s inventions that aether-gold can be siphoned from clouds and refined into a solid substance. The guild trains its members to use a wide range of gadgets, including analytic recogitators, heliotropic distillators and the God’s Lung. Yet their methods are not solely experimental in nature, for an Aether-Khemist must also learn to grade the quality of aether-gold through the only means known – by smell. Aether-Khemists maintain guilds in all but the smallest of skyports, but Barak-Urbaz has by far the greatest number, and their members are renowned for their skill at wringing aether-gold from the air.
THE ENDRINEERS GUILD The most mechanically inclined Kharadron are apprenticed to the Endrineers Guild. All sky-ports have guild-run Endrineering Academies, the largest of which are the Great Coghalls of Barak-Zilfin. Those who demonstrate skill find profitable employment as artificers, metalcasters, forgekeepers or shipwrights, but only the very best and bravest are sent to work on the Arkanaut fleets themselves. There, they serve the ships as Endrinriggers or, should they survive long enough and accomplish full mech-mastery, as Endrinmasters. The guild is just as protective of its machines as the rites that keep them running.
THE ARKANAUT SKY-FLEETS While each sky-port has its own distinct way of organising the different components of its fleets – from the hun-ghrumtok (‘heavy bomber wing’) of Barak-Thryng to the mighromtok (‘scout patrol wing’) of Barak-Zilfin – all are assembled from the same core of officers, troops and airships. At the top of an airfleet’s hierarchy are its commissioned officers. Each airship has a Captain, whose rule over his craft is absolute. When enough ships are grouped together, however, an Admiral
is appointed to overall command, and his authority extends further still. Each sky-port has a number of Admirals at its disposal, and each of these has the potential to command an entire
airfleet. The other officers in the fleet hail not from the Arkanaut training academies, but rather are specialists from the guilds – Aetheric Navigators, Aether-Khemists and Endrinmasters.
These warrant officers are assigned wherever their skills will serve the sky-fleet best, but commonly go to war upon its Arkanaut Ironclad. Arkanaut Frigates and Ironclads are the ships of the line and the mainstay of the fleet, acting as bombers, gunships or transport craft as the Admiral sees fit. An Admiral can pick any ship within the fleet to call his capital ship; this is most often the largest vessel – usually an Ironclad – but sometimes a Frigate of long or distinguished service will have the honour of bearing him to battle. Grundstok Gunhaulers, meanwhile, are hired escort-class fighters, used as interdiction craft or to launch swift assault runs. There have been instances where raids or even large-scale battles have been brought to a successful and profitable conclusion by the use of these ships alone.
The bulk of the sky-fleet’s infantry is comprised of the Arkanaut Companies, whose primary role is to perform ground-based or boarding actions in furtherance of the fleet’s objectives. The more heavily armed and armoured Grundstok Thunderers are professional fighters contracted to safeguard the fleet, though how they perform this duty is often at their discretion. Finally, the Skyriggers are mobile rapidresponse specialists whose roles require them to manoeuvre among the other elements of the fleet as the situation demands. Endrinriggers usually enter battle alongside the flagship but will scramble to repair other ships as necessary. The offense-oriented role of Skywardens usually sees them accompany the Grundcorps, though in terms of fleet hierarchy they answer directly to the Captains and Admiral.
AETHERSSON’S GAMBIT Njord Aethersson, the infamous Grumblemaestro of Barak-Nar, had hit upon hard times before the foundation of the fleet that made his name. An ill-timed raid upon the gold-gnawing Olwyr ogors of Chamon’s sky-bridges had seen his fleet scuppered and his fortune literally gobbled up. By liquidating every asset he had amassed over a century of miserdom, the Admiral assembled one last fleet he believed was the perfect balance between frugality and adaptability. Over the next five wind cycles Aethersson, at the helm of the Cannonchild with his old drinking partners close by, waged a series of raids that ranged from simple heists to the sacking of the Great Anvrokian Dreadhold.
ARKANAUT IRONCLAD Cannonchild Endrinmaster Aerod Steamwarden Aetheric Navigator Davasst Portsmith Aether-Khemist Eorlin Smokewright ARKANAUT COMPANY Enskyr ENDRINRIGGERS Stormssons
Njord Aethersson ARKANAUT FRIGATE Brondt’s Last Gamble Grundstok Thunderers Debtsettlers Skywardens Brondt’s Castellans ARKANAUT FRIGATE Dawnrunner ARKANAUT COMPANY The Rising Flagons
ARKANAUT FRIGATE Skjarlhelm’s Bane Arkanaut Company The Banebrethren
GRUNDSTOK GUNHAULERS Steel Avalanche, Randravenger, Bright Eddra
REGALIA OF THE SKY-PORTS Each ship and crew member of the Kharadron Overlord sky-fleets proudly displays the colours, insignia and symbols of their sky-port. Whether a lone craft or an enormous armada, each ship is the pride of its crew and Captain, and bears the honour of the entire sky-port whence it sailed. COMPANY CAPTAIN
Ghaldhak Borm of Barak-Nar is the Company Captain of the Arkanaut Company serving aboard the Ironclad Ang Drungnar.
Borm is equipped with two hand weapons in the standard Arkanaut fashion, in this case a volley pistol and an Arkanaut cutter, both of which draw upon aether-charge for power.
Borm’s helm is airtight and is connected to a rebreather and an oxygen canister. This allows Borm to fight at high altitude or within the confines of a toxic-metal cloud.
Borm’s metal-plated boots are magcharged, helping him keep his feet during rough air. His helm bears an array of lenses and light reflectors which aid vision in clouds or darkness.
BARAK-NAR As the foremost and most prosperous of all the Kharadron Overlord sky-ports, those who bear the colours of Barak-Nar do so with great pride. Bold but not ostentatious, aggressive but not foolhardy, those from the City of the First Sunrise prefer to lead by example.
Leaders from all of the sky-ports, such as Admirals and warrant officers, tend to incorporate more gold in their armour than do those of lesser ranks. In Barak-Nar this tendency is seen perhaps more than anywhere else.
Images of the ancestors feature prominently upon many Kharadron ships and items of equipment, though for the folk of Barak-Nar especially, these are more artistic adornments than objects of worship or superstition.
BARAK-ZILFIN When rival sky-ports discern approaching ships bearing the colours of Barak-Zilfin, they abandon any hope of outrunning them, for none can match the speed of the windmasters. So attached to their skyvessels are they that Barak-Zilfin crew will patch up their ships before tending to their own wounds.
Above are shown an Arkanaut Admiral, a Privateer from the Arkanaut Companies and a Grundstok Thunderer in Barak-Zilfin colours. The right shoulder pad of an Arkanaut Company member displays their fleet’s marking, and the left pad their ship’s marking.
Runes are used to link ships with the Arkanaut Companies that crew them.
BARAK-ZON None take more pride in their uniforms and regimental bearing than do the Kharadron Overlords from the militaristic sky-port of Barak-Zon. Their armour and ships are bright, so that all foes might see them coming and know who it is that shall defeat them.
Barak-Zon’s ships often bear stripe arrangements that tie them to their squadron. Banding also sometimes features on the armour of high-ranking crew and specialists.
All Kharadron Overlords polish their equipment and keep it in excellent working order, as per Artycle 5, Point 5 of the Code. This is especially important for the continued operation of aether-powered generators.
The red of Barak-Zon armour echoes the crimson hue of their sky-port when it is viewed from afar.
BARAK-URBAZ Amongst the other sky-ports it is often said that if there is a profit to be made then soon the colours of Barak-Urbaz will be seen. With a keen nose for aether-gold seams and exploitable loopholes in the Code, the warfleets of Barak-Urbaz can be found along all major trade routes.
Above are an Endrinmaster, an Arkanaut Company Privateer and an Aether-Khemist from the sky-port of Barak-Urbaz. They wear bodysuits of a rich pink-purple, and metals used in their steel alloys give it a subtle blue-green sheen.
Endrinriggers are borne aloft by spherical aetherendrins. They wear the colours of their sky-port but typically do not bear any ship markings, although those that do display them on their rudders.
BARAK-MHORNAR Midnight blue is the colour of those that hail from the darksome City of Shadow. Of all the major sky-ports, the uniforms and airships of those from Barak-Mhornar show the most wear, battered by war and many hard-sailing journeys.
The exotic – some would say contraband – minerals Barak-Mhornar use in the forging of optics grant the wearer extraordinary night-sight. Strange tattoos are also prevalent amongst this sky-port’s citizens, but they are usually concealed by armour.
BARAK-THRYNG Simplicity and utility is the order of the day for those from Barak-Thryng. Dour traditionalists, they disdain flashy displays of wealth, claiming that some of their kin have ‘too much aether-gold to waste’.
In Barak-Thryng, tradition dictates that ancestor runes and images be cast in metals melted down from weapons of antiquity, so that in a way, the hammers and axes of their forebears still go to war today, albeit in a different form altogether.
BROKK GRUNGSSON It takes sheer audacity to reach the rank of Admiral in the fleets of the Kharadron Overlords. To be named a Lord-Magnate of Barak-Nar requires yet further boldness and scores of profitable triumphs. Despite achieving these honours, Brokk Grungsson still strives for more. Brokk Grungsson exemplifies the selfmade Kharadron Overlord privateer. He is rapacious in the hunt for aethergold, and daring in his explorations of the skybound wonders of Chamon. Brokk Grungsson is the only Admiral that has successfully led a fleet around the Spire, the fabled Horn of Chamon. He is hailed as the victor of the Battle of Stratis Skull, and when all the skyports joined forces to break the siege of Barak-Zon it was Brokk who was elected as the combined fleets’ High Admiral. He personally led the counterraids that ended the season of strife with Barak-Mhornar, and the greater daemon known as the Lord of Chrystal Flame was slain by his hand. The claiming of the aether-rich Cloud Ring of Dharz – the single richest haul ever brought back to Barak-Var – is another of Brokk’s long list of achievements. Back when Brokk was a beardling, his father, Grung, had failed to make Musterpress during his time at the Arkanaut Academy and instead found work in the docks. As a result, Grung was always telling his son stories of a life of aeronautical adventure, the one he himself had yearned for. Fed upon all the tales of famous Captains, Brokk vowed to make his mark, aiming for nothing less than to rise to the rank of Grand Admiral of the Council. During his own days at the Academy – and ever since – Brokk lived by a central tenet of the Code: ‘to the victor the spoils’. His daring was boundless,
and as a young Arkanaut working through the ranks, Brokk’s deeds soon earned him medals, commendations and, best of all, more shares. After only a decade aboard the airfleets Brokk was named Captain, when his predecessor was lost during an attack by a rampaging harkraken. Upon leading a fleet to drive off the greenskins that had overtaken the floating isle of Madralta, Barak-Nar named Brokk Grungsson LordMagnate. Short of being elevated to the Admirals Council, this is the highest honour that can be paid to an Arkanaut commander. It granted him the right to wear a zhaktopper – a symbol of great status amongst Arkanauts. Despite bringing trawler-loads of riches into Barak-Nar, Brokk Grungsson has yet to achieve his goal of a seat on the Admirals Council. Although he has not yet matched the levels of profit generated by the current six members, he is closing quickly, and the fact that the present incumbents have amassed their wealth over several centuries whereas Brokk is still reckoned young by the lives of duardin has made his meteoric ascent even more spectacular. Yet leading airfleets is dangerous work, and many who have looked destined to claim a seat upon the sky-port’s ruling council have fallen – instead of winning glory, their names have been solemnly carved into the Rocks of Remembrance. Always one to lead from the front, however, Brokk’s natural aeronautical
skills and aggressive nature have led him to many glories, and fleetmasters constantly hear of his exploits. Putting his growing wealth to use, Brokk commissioned a magnificent custom-built dirigible suit from the Master Endrineer Durek Coghammer of Barak-Zilfin. This aether-powered exo-armour not only grants Brokk the power of flight, but also incorporates a number of advanced weapons, including a pair of moustache-mounted aetherblasters, a multi-barrelled gun he refers to as the Magnate’s Charter and a sizable cannon called Grungsson’s Boast. Brokk has perfected the art of landing amidst a melee, dropping the not-inconsiderable weight of his oneduardin flying suit right on top of his target whilst slashing around him with the whirring blade of his aethermatic saw. In battle, Brokk’s preferred strategy is to issue the fleet commands before leading his Skyriggers on bold manoeuvres to vanquish the greatest threat amongst the enemy’s number, be it commander, ship or monster.
‘Leaders shall be chosen by proof of skills. No title of nobility shall be granted by the Kharadron Overlords. Titles and ranks are earned by mehret.’ - Artycle 1, Point 1 of the Code mehret - a combination of success, profit and experience
ADMIRALS & WARRANT OFFICERS The officers of the Kharadron Overlords’ airfleets are the hardiest, bravest and most daring of their kind. To maintain their lofty stations, each must bring constant success to their ships and crew, weighing risks while remaining ever watchful to ensure that all actions adhere to the Code. The airships of the Kharadron Overlords are led by two hierarchies of command: fleet-commissioned officers and warrant officers. The Admiral and each ship’s Captain are chosen by their sky-port’s fleet council. If success is not met during a journey, and there is no confidence in the situation improving, these officers can be replaced according to the strictures of the Code. The warrant officers – the technicians and specialists – are not commissioned by the fleet but are instead given warrants and contracts approved by their guilds.
ARKANAUT ADMIRALS An Arkanaut Admiral is the leader of an airfleet. An Admiral does not have a ship of his own, as each ship has a Captain at the wheel, but will nominate one craft as his flagship. It takes success and tremendous profit for a duardin to catapult themselves into the upper echelons of the airfleets, and individuals that have done so are battle-scarred veterans that have seen countless wars, boarding actions and aerial bombardments. Whether ordering tactical manoeuvres, directing
concentrated firepower or coordinating land and air forces, an Arkanaut Admiral is first and foremost a leader. Yet Admirals do not earn their rank by issuing commands alone, nor do they lead from the rear. Using their high share of profits an Admiral can outfit themselves with thick plates of Arkanaut armour, and back-mounted generators that fuel an aethermatically powered sskalfhammer so that it impacts with enough force to crack boulders. A sidearm is standard, typically a multi-barrelled volley pistol.
An Aether-Khemist is an invaluable addition to an airfleet. The armour of these specialists incorporates an array of high-tech tools, including quadbreather apparatus that allows them to sniff out aether-gold hidden within thick cloud banks. In addition to harvesting and assessing airborne resources, their atmospheric anatomisers can vacuum away a foe’s breathable air or spray a cloud of lethal chemicals. Pressurised gouts of poison gas can be fired forwards in a deafening blast known as the ‘Roar of Grungni’, or a shimmering golden cloud of chemfog can be released with the pull of a lever, a metallic fug that boosts the power of nearby aetheric weapons.
Endrinmasters are senior members of the Endrineers Guild responsible for the upkeep of the fleets, and they take great pride in the speed and firepower of the craft under their auspices. They can strip down and reassemble an aether-endrin while hanging upside down miles above land, and pick out a single misalignment amidst thousands of moving cogs using a mechanical intuition that other races might call magic. Most Endrinmasters wield an aethermight hammer, a bludgeon so heavy that only the power of their supercharged harness allows them to lift it, and many wear headgear that has a built-in energy beam emitter known as a ‘God’s Eye’ to cut through metal.
Masters of the guiding winds, Aetheric Navigators are aero-cartographers, atmospheric map-makers that help chart courses, find currents and steer along perilous trade routes. Even the most journeyed Admirals value the counsel of an Aetheric Navigator, for they can see barometric eddies and electro-aetheric vortices, and can plot a course through such hazards. Using a plethora of mechanical wonders, an Aetheric Navigator can influence the winds to gain the weather gauge, speed up his fleet or slow down flying foes. They can even call upon aetheric currents to disrupt enemy spells, and their keen eyes ensure that they are proficient in the use of firearms.
IRONCLADS & SKYRIGGERS Arkanaut Ironclads are large, heavily armed airships that often serve as an Admiral’s flagship. Each craft has its own name, and all its crew know the vessel’s storied history. Skyriggers, meanwhile, are specialists capable of independent flight, who use their great manoeuvrability to support the airfleets. ARKANAUT IRONCLADS The jewel in the crown of the fleet, the Arkanaut Ironclad is a majestic airship. Bristling with weaponry, its deep cargo holds can be laden with aether-gold or it can be loaded to the gunwales with Arkanaut Companies or Grundstok Thunderers. Although each sky-port maintains larger fighting craft, some of immense proportions, they are costly to maintain. To date, the Ironclad is the largest vessel routinely seen in the airfleets. Such size restrictions are not by choice, but because of necessity. It was long believed by shipwrights that the Arkanaut Frigate was as large a craft as could be held aloft with a single buoyancy endrin, and multiple endrins make fuel consumption prohibitive. However, duardin ingenuity should never be underestimated – a more powerful endrin and highly refined aether-fuel allowed for an incremental gain in the tonnage that could be lifted. Expensive to build and maintain, the loss of an Arkanaut Ironclad is a great blow to the sky-port from which it issued. To better protect the investment it represents, an Arkanaut Ironclad bears thick armour in the form of multiple layers of riveted iron plates. The duardin know, however, that a craft’s best defence is its offensive capability. When an Ironclad sails to battle, a battery of bow-mounted gas carbines rains death upon the foe. With a whoosh followed by the blast of firing jet-endrins, aethershock torpedoes are launched, their streaking contrails
terminating in massive explosions. Racks of grudgesettler bombs are released, blasting gaping holes in ground targets. The largest of the Ironclad’s ordnance is housed above the forecastle – either a great sky cannon or great skyhook for eliminating the largest of targets, or an aethermatic volley cannon for raking numerous foes with a lethal hail of aether-shot.
hit-and-run attacks, for their delayed detonations cause chaos among the foe, allowing the duardin to jet away in a blast of aether-exhaust. In order to conserve fuel, Skyriggers often hook onto Arkanaut Ironclads or Frigates and trail behind the airships, detaching themselves and flying away as targets of opportunity arise.
SKYRIGGERS The word Skyrigger describes two different troop types equipped with back-mounted aether-endrins that grant the wearer the power of flight. Endrinriggers are members of the Endrineers Guild, and report to a ship’s Captain as well as the fleet’s Endrinmaster. They bear rapid-fire rivet guns and aethermatic saws for conducting airborne repairs, flying to wherever they are needed in order to patch up damage to a ship. In need, Endrinriggers can put their high-powered tools to deadly use, riddling the foe with red-hot rivets or slicing through armour, flesh and bone with their whirring sawblades. Skywardens are elite members of the Arkanaut crews, a form of aerial cavalry that can scramble to aid the fleets. They use potent, heat-generating vulcaniser pistols to fell foes before lowering their skypikes and charging in to finish them off. Each Skywarden is equipped with skymines for harrying flying foes, and a timed explosive. These charges are the perfect weapon to aid the Skywardens’
‘If backed by either the majority or full vote of the Trommraad, a krenkha gorogna can be called. The entire crew (or equivalent) must vote. A majority vote of ‘out’ results in the election of a replacement, as appropriate.’ - Artycle 1, Point 5 of the Code Trommraad - lit. ‘the Bearded Council’; an informal group of the eldest, wisest or simply longest-bearded individuals in a group. In duardin society, where age, experience and beard length are much venerated, such individuals are seen as the givers of sound counsel. krenkha gorogna - lit. ‘leadership driving us to a place of no alcohol’; a term most commonly used to describe a vote of no confidence, usually occurring when leadership is either ill-fated or insistent upon following a path along which lies little or no profit.
FRIGATES & COMPANIES No craft better represents the growing supremacy of the Kharadron Overlords than the Arkanaut Frigate. The backbone of the sky-fleets, these ships sail above the battlefield with their guns blazing, delivering Arkanaut Companies straight into the thick of the fight. ARKANAUT FRIGATES The Arkanaut Frigate represents centuries of refinement by the shipwrights of the Endrineers Guild. In its design, a balance was struck between speed, transport capacity and firepower to create a versatile craft that could serve as the mainstay for the airfleets. With its sleek hull and powerful buoyancy endrin, the Arkanaut Frigate is fast enough to escape
a ravenous lumprey, and has enough power to pull clear from the gravitational drag of a density hole. While a Frigate’s cargo holds are tiny compared to the massive aetherhulks or cloud-dredgers used for mining, those craft carry few weapons and move at a speed that can barely cause a flag to ripple. Among the core vessels of the airfleets, only the Arkanaut Ironclad bears more firepower than the Arkanaut Frigate. The Frigate’s main gun is mounted atop the foredeck in a turret that can be fitted with either a heavy sky cannon or harpoon-like heavy skyhook, weapons as devastating in war as they are in the Kharadron’s hunts for the monstrous creatures that prowl the sky-ways above Chamon. Bow-mounted ball turrets house aethershot carbines, their highvelocity salvoes laying down a deadly spray of shot, and the craft’s payload of grudgesettler bombs can lay waste to
tightly-packed ground targets. Should attackers attempt to board the Frigate, detonation drills are released, tearing up the terrain in a chain of seismic blasts to stop the enemy’s manoeuvres in their tracks. The ship is similarly well defended against aerial threats – many a harkraken tentacle has snaked out of the clouds seeking to grasp an Arkanaut Frigate, only to be repelled by exploding skymines. Arkanaut Frigates can be found throughout the airfleets. They form the backbone of the patrols that secure the airspace around every major sky-port. For lesser trade ventures, Arkanaut Frigates may even haul goods, although typically they act as escorts to the trade fleets. In small-scale mining operations, Arkanaut Frigates perform all the associated ship duties – hunting aether-gold seams, cloud dredging and siphoning, and transporting the unrefined gases. In larger operations, the Arkanaut Frigates are still used but their role centres around protecting the vulnerable mining trawlers and tankers. Yet the versatile nature of the Arkanaut Frigate should not distract from the fact that the Kharadron Overlords designed it as a ship of war, and it is in battle where the craft truly excels.
During the breaking of the daemon blockade of Barak-Zon, Arkanaut Frigates of all the sky-ports assumed a line abreast formation. They poured forth such prodigious firepower that not only was the arcane chain that threatened to strangle the floating city broken, but the flying daemon hosts were utterly obliterated. Beasts and tribesmen alike throughout the Kharzdon Mountains looked skyward to see strange flickering lights, ignorant of the fact that the phenomenon was caused by the daemons’ spectacular doom, visible even in broad daylight. Even a trio of Arkanaut Frigates possesses a terrifying amount of firepower, as was proven at the battle over Grimlock Pass. There, a small fleet out of Barak-Nar was enough to break the charge of Waaagh! Ironteef, saving several mountaintop trading posts in that region. No greenskins have dared enter the pass since.
ARKANAUT COMPANIES Despite the overwhelming firepower of the airfleets, all Admirals know that to secure territory, infantry is needed. When it comes to feet on the ground, the Arkanaut Companies form the Kharadron Overlords’ main fighting forces. Descending swiftly via a Frigate’s grav-ladders or suspension ropes, an Arkanaut Company can deploy rapidly into the fray. Most are armed with pistols and stout cutting blades, allowing them to pepper the enemy with shots before engaging them at close quarters. A few of the Arkanauts carry heavier weaponry – a skypike adds to a company’s close-combat prowess, an aethermatic volley gun lays down a blisteringly high rate of fire, while the portable version of the ship-mounted skyhook is effective at bringing down large targets.
The Arkanaut Companies are a hardened lot, toughened not only by battle but also the daily challenge of aeronautical life. They spend whole wind cycles at a time aboard their craft, crammed into tight quarters. What seemed like easy sailing can become a treacherous journey with little warning, whether due to sudden and severe climatic change or attacks from airborne raiders and monsters. Simply standing watch at high altitude is an ordeal, for even within Arkanaut armour a duardin becomes wind-bitten, their skin hardened by the strange metallic airs that drift far above the clouds of Chamon. Special rebreathers built into their helms and masks filter toxic vapours as the Arkanauts work long shifts scanning the horizon for foes, searching for the telltale shimmer of aether-gold veins, or watching out for the oncoming specks that all too quickly can resolve into roaring packs of manticores. Every black cloud that passes might harbour a harkraken, and enemy fleets – from those of rogue sky-ports to airborne grots – can attack from any angle. Despite the many dangers of life on the sky-ways, there are always more duardin who wish to become Arkanauts, eager for their chance to earn great wealth. In the days of the Sky Exodus, the growing airfleets were crewed by clans. When the Code was established, however, meritocracy supplanted the old ways, and so recruiting practices changed. Those sought to serve in the Arkanaut
Companies were not simply able bodies connected by blood, but the boldest of their kind. At the day of Brynruf – when the sun shines gold over Chamon – the different Arkanaut Academies of every sky-port hold a six-day competition. Only the highest achievers are allowed into the Arkanaut Academies, the training facilities where airfleet veterans conduct military drills and teach aeronautical skills. On Musterpress days, Captains arrive to observe the drills, and they may choose to recruit new crew members by purchasing contracts, often to fill the places that have become available through death or injury. Those selected join the Arkanaut Companies will endure any number of rites and rituals sacred to their new fleet, ship or both. Those passed over after three Musterpresses must instead settle for lesser positions, often on mining or fishing vessels, or as dockworkers.
THE GRUNDCORPS For added protection and firepower, many airfleets hire the troops and gunships of the famed Grundcorps. Once oathsigned into contracts, the highly professional Grundstok Gunhaulers and Thunderers will do all in their power to ensure the safety and success of the ships in their charge. To the Kharadron Overlords, the name Grundstok is synonymous with elite military prowess. In exchange for a charter and shares in the fleets’ profits, the Grundstok Company – sometimes called the Grundcorps – send their highly trained warriors and escort fighter craft to safeguard the airfleets. Founded soon after the Sky Exodus, the rise of the Grundcorps has paralleled the growth of the burgeoning empire of the Kharadron Overlords. Now, their training academies can be found in all major sky-ports, and even some minor ones. Their mission has remained the same since they were established by Belegrimm Grundstok, in the days when he trained units of crack shots. Their motto ‘kazar valrhank’ means ‘protect with honour’. It is a duty they evidently perform well, for Grundcorps business is flourishing.
GRUNDSTOK GUNHAULERS Grundstok Gunhaulers streak through the air, weaving between the larger Arkanaut craft. They are two-duardin vessels tasked with eliminating threats before they have a chance to endanger the ships under their care. In this the Grundstok Gunhaulers are ideal, for they are fast and agile craft, being little more than a gun platform carried aloft by a buoyancy endrin. Working alone, a Gunhauler will dart about and harass the foe, seeking targets of opportunity or provided supporting fire to larger vessels. When operating in a hunt squadron, the fighters swarm, concentrating their fire to bring down powerful targets. The protection of the fleet is paramount to the Grundpilots, and in desperate need
he Indomitable groaned and lurched as something heavy struck it. In the lowest hold the Grundstok Thunderers assumed broad stances to maintain their footing. A few of the more recent recruits looked at one another as a new sound could be heard – the telltale pinging of small-arms fire ricocheting off the lower hull. It was a sure sign they were getting closer to the action. Twice the ready-orb blinked, and the tension mounted in the cramped confines. ‘Steady,’ growled Gunnery Sergeant Stonehelm, his cogscope whirring to fix upon Nhar, the newest member of the regiment. ‘I want a fast deploy. I want a clean deploy. I want an Ironwall formation, centred on Droggins. Keep an eye out for enemy artillery – if you
they will steer their craft to interdict enemies or even absorb incoming fire. Despite its smaller size relative to other Arkanaut vessels, the Grundstok Gunhauler is nonetheless a sturdy craft thanks to duardin endrineering, and can sustain substantial damage while still remaining aloft.
‘In times of war, allies must be aided unless to do so would prove pointless. Waste no duardin blood on unguz throlt.’ - Artycle 4, Point 5 of the Code unguz throlt - a lost cause; lit. ‘undrinkable batch’. When an error occurs in the brewing of alcohol and good ingredients are lost, it is regarded as a tragedy among duardin.
see it, call it out for Dhorek and his mortar. Hamfist, if any of the big ones get close, I want Helga on ’em.’ At this, Hamfist looked over the bulky blast shield of his aethercannon. ‘Aye-aye, Gunnery Sergeant, Sir,’ he said, patting his weapon. Then the third blink came, and before the ready-orb’s glow faded the hatch clanked opened. The thick hull no longer muffled the sounds of battle. Below was a blur of moving ground broken by green streaks as the skaven’s shots whizzed by underneath. At Stonehelm’s shouted command the descent began. One after another, the Grundstok Thunderers dropped down the hatch, their gauntlets sparking as they slid down the mechanised ladder, plunging down into the chaos below.
GRUNDSTOK THUNDERERS The Grundstok Thunderers are militarised formations employed by the fleet to help defend it. The endless training and drilling conducted by the Grundstok Academies results in high standards of discipline and marksmanship in their graduates – upon commands from their officer, the Grundcaptain, they march, wheel and ready their aim with aweinspiring speed and precision. Firing in near-perfect synchronicity, a line of Grundstok Thunderers temporarily disappears among eye-searing flashes and weapon reports as they unleash a storm of munitions that can halt even the most well-armoured foes in their tracks.
The Grundstok Company spares no expense in outfitting their warriors, and each is equipped with the finest arms and armour available to the Kharadron Overlords. Aethershot rifles shoot a hypercharged blast of aether that condenses mid-flight into a solid round, and combine a high rate of fire with impressive stopping power. The aethercannon operates on a similar principle, but is a heftier model that fires rounds of a much larger calibre. The fumigator, meanwhile, belches forth a cloud of noxious fumes, while the decksweeper fires a wide spray of aether-grain shot, ideal for repelling enemy boarding actions. The Grundstok mortar lobs a high-arcing shell that terminates in a blinding explosion of lethal aether-energies.
Grundstok Thunderer formations often include an Honour Bearer, a warrior carrying an ancestral standard that holds a record of the unit’s proud history. Furthermore, it is tradition for units to be accompanied by an aethermatic bird known as a drillbill, in honour of the original one that was taken to battle by Grundstok himself. Grundstok Thunderers are transported aboard an Arkanaut Frigate or Ironclad, and form an invaluable reserve that can be deployed quickly to wherever they are needed. Kharadron military history is replete with stories of Thunderers arriving in the nick of time to solidify a battle line or drive back an encroaching enemy, standing alone at battle’s end surrounded by a circle of fallen foes.
The Kharadron Overlords and the forces of Tzeentch clash among the cloud banks high above Chamon.
Borne by one-duardin aether-endrins, Skywardens and Endrinriggers boldly take the fight to the foe.
Skywardens scramble from behind the cover of an Arkanaut Ironclad to launch a well-timed counter-attack.
After repairing damaged Arkanaut airships, Endrinriggers move out to engage the foe themselves.
Well drilled, a formation of Grundstok Thunderers takes aim, preparing to obliterate their targets with aethershot.
Grundstok Thunderers from Barak-Zilfin eradicate a verminous nest that threatens nearby trade outposts.
Protected by the Grundcorps, an Aetheric Navigator unravels the enemy’s spells with the power of Kharadron science.
An Arkanaut Admiral leads the charge while his capital ship swoops overhead to provide supporting fire.
The weight of fire laid down by a Grundstok Thunderer gunline can be truly devastating.
No foe, dead or alive, can stand between the Kharadron and the chance to plunder.
Bound by oathsigned contract, the Grundcorps will fight to the last to guard the ships under their protection.
An Endrinmaster prepares to smash the daemons of Tzeentch into oblivion with his aethermight hammer.
Swift-moving, a trio of Grundstok Gunhaulers speeds ahead of the main fleet to intercept enemy fliers.
An Aether-Khemist uses clouds of alchemic gas to poison foes or boost his allies’ weapons.
An Arkanaut Admiral wades into the fray, supported by a squadron of Skywardens.
With their Arkanaut Admiral at the fore, Iron Sky Command take the fight directly to the Khorne Bloodbound.
VENGEANCE OF THE WIND The fleet known as ‘Vengeance of the Wind’ has been assembled and given charter by the Admirals Council of Barak-Zilfin. Their first mission is to find and destroy the greenskin army that sacked the Narr Outposts, before seeking out aether-gold seams above the little-explored Ferrium Mountains. In Barak-Zon a fleet is most commonly named after the Admiral that leads it, but in Barak-Zilfin it is usually given its own name. Zil Vengryn (‘Vengeance of the Wind’) has been assembled beneath the command of Admiral
Horth Gildzhar, who uses the Arkanaut Ironclad Urki Zank (‘Foecleaver’) as his capital ship. Gildzhar prefers bold, aggressive tactics, utilising the speed for which his sky-port’s vessels are famous to launch swift assaults. The Arkanaut
Companies of this fleet play a vital role, using the manoeuvrability and firepower of their Frigates to take the fight straight to the enemy, sailing forward with guns blazing before rapidly deploying from their holds.
Admiral Gildzhar didn’t rise to his current rank without knowing how to get the most out of his warrant officers. He ensures that his Aetheric Navigator remains as close as possible to the centre of the fleet, where the specialist’s ability to read the winds can benefit the greatest number of ships. It is the Aether-Khemist’s task, meanwhile, to accompany the ground assault, ensuring that the aethermatic weapons of the Arkanaut Companies and
Grundstok Thunderers are constantly overcharged with killing power. The Endrinmaster’s place is aboard the Urki Zank, ensuring that the capital ship remains skyworthy during battle, but he stands ready to be deployed elsewhere as needed. The Grundstok Gunhaulers and Skyriggers are usually held in reserve, serving as a protective screen around the Ironclad, but they are always on the lookout for targets of opportunity.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.
Arkanaut Admiral Arkanaut Ironclad Aetheric Navigator Endrinmaster Aether-Khemist Endrinriggers Arkanaut Frigate Arkanaut Company Grundstok Gunhauler Grundstok Thunderers Skywardens
Brokk Grungsson, Lord-Magnate of Barak-Nar
Arkanaut Admiral
Aetheric Navigator
Grapnel launcher
Endrinriggers with rapid-fire rivet guns and aethermatic saws
Aethermatic volley gun Skymines
Skywardens with vulcaniser pistols, skypikes and skymines
Grundstok mortar
Aethershot rifle
Aetheric fumigator
Gunnery Sergeant with Drillbill
Honour Bearer
Company Captain with volley pistol
Privateer pistol and Arkanaut cutter
Privateer pistol and Arkanaut cutter
Light skyhook
Company Captain with aetherflare pistol
Aethermatic volley gun
Arkanaut Company with privateer pistols and Arkanaut cutters
Grudgesettler bombs, detonation drill and fragmentation charge
Grundstok Gunhauler
Crew-operated aethershot carbine
Aetheric Navigator
Ancestor figurehead
Arkanaut Frigate
Arkanaut Ironclad
Aethershot carbines
Boarding plank
Supremacy mine
Aetheric Navigator
Great sky cannon
Aethermatic volley cannon
PAINTING YOUR KHARADRON OVERLORDS The Mortal Realms offer near infinite possibilities for miniatures collectors. Their fantastical landscapes are an endless source of inspiration for your own projects, be they a fleet of Kharadron Overlords or a different faction altogether. This battletome is just the start of your exciting journey. One of the greatest joys of collecting Citadel Miniatures can be found in the modelling and painting of your collection. Nothing beats seeing a fully painted army in a well-crafted setting – an epic fantasy world recreated in miniature, with all the pageantry and spectacle that comes with it. There’s real satisfaction to be had in making your miniatures your own, bringing them to life with a paintbrush and teasing out all the finely sculpted detail. Some people revel in treating each miniature as a work of art, lavishing attention on every inch and
painstakingly crafting scenic bases. Others prefer to assemble legions of warriors in matching liveries, focussing on the spectacle of massed ranks. A fully painted Kharadron Overlords sky-fleet is particularly striking on the tabletop, as their trademark skyvessels and aethermatic technology are unlike anything possessed by the other races and factions of the Mortal Realms. There’s no right or wrong way to go about painting your collection of miniatures – you should do whatever you feel makes them look amazing. Take your time to think about your
chosen paint schemes, as those you decide on will give your models their character and define who they are. In the case of the Kharadron Overlords, the colour scheme you choose may well determine what special rules and abilities your army will benefit from on the tabletop (pg 91). For example, if you paint you miniatures in the blue and yellow livery of Barak-Zilfin, your skyvessels will be swifter and harder to bring down! The act of painting Citadel Miniatures is extremely rewarding. The more you put in, the more you get out. Painting
allows you to explore your miniatures, unlocking their potential and bringing their detail into focus. Best of all, by painting each miniature, you’ll be creating something truly unique. Before painting your models, however, you’ll first need to assemble them. To begin with, you’ll want to follow the advice given in the construction booklet, but as your confidence grows you may find yourself customising your miniatures by combining different weapons and modifying their poses. See page 86 for an example of how you can give your Arkanaut Admiral a unique weapon with a bit of ‘kitbashing’.
enhances the underlying colour to produce a final scheme that belies the straightforward techniques.
Taking the guesswork out of painting, the Citadel Paint System consists of a number of techniques that use several different formulations of paint, each of which is applied with its own specially designed brush. The paints are used in a set sequence, and each
The following stage-by-stage guides present the colours and techniques we used to paint the major sky-ports, but there are no real ‘rules’ as to the colours you use for your own miniatures – the Mortal Realms are a limitless canvas; it’s up to you how you fill them.
Base paints contain a high percentage of pigment, and deliver bold, intense colour that provides the foundation for the paint scheme. Neat basecoats are key to a great-looking miniature, and two thin coats are almost always better than one thick coat.
The first paint you’ll apply is called the undercoat. Supplied in spray cans, it’s formulated to provide a smooth, even surface for the colours that follow. Often an undercoat will be available in the model’s predominant colour – if not, the general rule is that bright schemes look their best over white undercoat, while darker ones look better over black. Once it has dried, you can break out your brushes and start bringing your miniature to life.
Shade paints are almost the consistency of ink, and are designed to run into the model’s recesses to create depth and contrast. They are usually applied all over an area as a wash, or painted directly into recesses such as the gaps between armour plates.
Warhammer TV’s painting tutorials have insights for everyone, as they show you how to paint Citadel Miniatures from start to finish. The guides are available for free on, and can also be watched via the Warhammer TV YouTube channel. Why not take a moment to check them out?
Dry Compounds are applied using a technique called drybrushing, which involves passing a very lightly loaded brush rapidly across the model to apply a dusting of colour to the raised detail. It’s a very quick way of adding highlights to a miniature.
Layer paints are brighter colours than Base paints, and have a smoother consistency. They are usually applied all over an underlying Base colour to achieve a more vibrant hue, or are painted in focused lines along raised areas and edges as highlights.
The windmasters of Barak-Zilfin complement their tempest-blue undersuits with warm bronze for an effective contrast.
The renowned warriors of Barak-Nar, City of the First Sunrise, wear overalls of regal purple underneath cold steel armour with gold flourishes.
Not ones for ostentation, Arkanauts of Barak-Thryng wear a utilitarian beige plate over red overalls. Their ancestor icons are highly polished out of respect.
Undercoat: Chaos Black Spray
Undercoat: Chaos Black Spray
Undercoat: Corax White Spray
Basecoat Stage: Leadbelcher, Balthasar Gold, Abaddon Black, The Fang, Rakarth Flesh, Rhinox Hide, Screamer Pink 2
Basecoat Stage: Leadbelcher, Screamer Pink, Zandri Dust (gloves and straps), Rakarth Flesh (rag), Balthasar Gold, Abaddon Black 2
Basecoat Stage: Screaming Skull, Fulgurite Copper, Rhinox Hide, Leadbelcher, Abaddon Black, Khorne Red
Layer 1 Stage: Fulgurite Copper, Thunderhawk Blue, Mechanicus Standard Grey, Pallid Wych Flesh, Skrag Brown 3
Shade Stage: Drakenhof Nightshade (armour), Nuln Oil Gloss (weapons), Druchii Violet (overalls), Seraphim Sepia, Agrax Earthshade Gloss (gold) 3
Shade Stage: Seraphim Sepia (armour), Reikland Fleshshade Gloss (brass), Nuln Oil Gloss (silver), Nuln Oil (overalls)
Shade Stage: Reikland Fleshshade Gloss (bronze), Nuln Oil (overalls and steel), Druchii Violet (haft), Reikland Fleshshade (helm) 4
Layer 1 Stage: Ironbreaker, Fulgurite Copper, Genestealer Purple, Karak Stone (straps), Pallid Wych Flesh (rag), Dark Reaper (black) 4
Layer 1 Stage: Screaming Skull (armour), Stormhost Silver (all metallics), Dark Reaper (black), Evil Sunz Scarlet, Skrag Brown
Layer 2 Stage: Sycorax Bronze, Russ Grey (overalls), White Scar (helm), Balor Brown, Administratum Grey, Stormhost Silver, Pink Horror 5
Layer 2 Stage: Stormhost Silver (all metallics), Slaanesh Grey (overalls), Screaming Skull (straps), Fenrisian Grey (black) 5
Layer 2 Stage: White Scar (armour), Administratum Grey (black), Fire Dragon Bright (overalls), Balor Brown
A militaristic sky-port, the proud warriors of Barak-Zon stand tall in their distinctive uniforms of red and deep blue.
The profiteers of Barak-Urbaz are distinguished by pink-purple overalls and steel armour with a distinctive blue-green tint.
Dark blue armour plate is the hallmark of Barak-Mhornar, a sky-port infamous for its dubious interpretation of the Kharadron Code.
Undercoat: Chaos Black Spray
Undercoat: Chaos Black Spray
Undercoat: Chaos Black Spray
Basecoat Stage: Khorne Red, Stegadon Scale Green (overalls), Retributor Armour (gold), Zandri Dust (straps), Leadbelcher (silver) 2
Basecoat Stage: Leadbelcher (silver), Balthasar Gold (light bronze), Screamer Pink (overalls), Mournfang Brown, Warplock Bronze (dark bronze) 2
Basecoat Stage: Leadbelcher (silver), Stegadon Scale Green (armour), Zandri Dust (overalls), Balthasar Gold (bronze), Rhinox Hide (leather)
Shade Stage: Nuln Oil (armour and overalls), Reikland Fleshshade (gold), Nuln Oil, Nuln Oil Gloss (silver), Seraphim Sepia (straps) 3
Shade Stage: Nuln Oil Gloss (silver), Nuln Oil (overalls), Coelia Greenshade (armour), Agrax Earthshade (leather), Reikland Fleshshade (bronze) 3
Shade Stage: Nuln Oil (armour), Seraphim Sepia (overalls), Reikland Fleshshade Gloss (bronze), Nuln Oil Gloss (silver)
Layer 1 Stage: Evil Sunz Scarlet, Auric Armour Gold, Sotek Green (overalls), Ushabti Bone (straps), Mechanicus Standard Grey (black) 4
Layer 1 Stage: Fulgurite Copper (bronze), Pink Horror (overalls), Skrag Brown (leather), Mechanicus Standard Grey (black) 4
Layer 1 Stage: Sotek Green (armour), Ushabti Bone (overalls), Fulgurite Copper (bronze), Eshin Grey (black), Skrag Brown (leather)
Layer 2 Stage: Fire Dragon Bright (armour), Stormhost Silver (all metallics), Karak Stone (overalls), Administratum Grey (black) 5
Layer 2 Stage: Stormhost Silver (all metallics), Karak Stone (overalls), Balor Brown (leather), Administratum Grey (black) 5
Layer 2 Stage: Fenrisian Grey (armour), Pallid Wych Flesh (overalls), Administratum Grey (black), Stormhost Silver (all metallics)
KHARADRON FEATURES In this section we show you how to paint the many portholes, domes and optics on Kharadron Overlords miniatures, along with effective techniques for weathering both bare and painted metal. PORTHOLES
First, carefully basecoat the porthole with Abaddon Black.
Apply a layer of Warpstone Glow, leaving a small area of black at the top.
Now, paint a crescent of Moot Green around the bottom edge.
Next, paint an even thinner crescent of Yriel Yellow to outline the shape.
Lastly, apply Waystone Green to the entire area to give it a gloss sheen.
Soulstone Blue painted over gold gives a deep bluegreen effect.
Waystone Green painted over gold leads to a more yellow-green result.
When painted over gold, Spiritstone Red takes on a dark orange hue.
Soulstone Blue painted over Leadbelcher gives a colder effect.
A Leadbelcher base emphasises the blue pigment in Waystone Green.
Spiritstone Red painted over Leadbelcher looks more menacing.
Soulstone Blue over white contrasts strikingly with brass and gold.
A coat of Waystone Green over white gives the feeling of strange energies.
When used over white, Spiritstone Red takes on an eerie translucency.
First, carefully apply a base of Retributor Armour over the dome area.
This example uses a Leadbelcher basecoat – two thin coats works best.
This time we used a couple of thin layers of Ceramite White as a basecoat.
The following three techniques use different Technical Paints to achieve several styles, all over the same base paint. They are all quick and effective.
Whereas a gold basecoat will slightly alter the hue of these technical paints, a silver basecoat is better if you want to maintain its original colour. Painting these Technical paints over a white basecoat gives the impression of light shining out from within the vessel.
Start with Fulgurite Copper, Reikland Fleshshade Gloss and Stormhost Silver.
Add Nihilakh Oxide in the recesses, then add a few dribbles to the hatch edges.
Alternatively, for a darker effect, add thinned Sotek Green into the recesses.
Then add Temple Guard Blue into the deepest recesses to intensify the effect.
Next, add Baharroth Blue dots to the deepest points of corrosion.
This hull has broad stripes of Thunderhawk Blue and Zamesi Desert. To add scratches, add dashes of Russ Grey on the blue areas, and Ushabti Bone on the yellow area.
Create the illusion of a recess by applying a line just above the upper edge of each dash. Use Mournfang Brown on the yellow area and Rhinox Hide on the blue areas.
For a sharper effect, apply a highlight of Administratum Grey onto the Russ Grey dashes, and Pallid Wych Flesh onto the Ushabti Bone dashes.
Finally, use Skrag Brown to simulate dribbles of rust and oil seeping from the cracks and the panels. These should be carefully applied with an Artificer Brush if possible.
SYMBOLS AND MARKINGS The Kharadron Overlords proudly display runes and heraldic devices that not only link a vessel to its crew, but also to the wider fleet. They are simple enough to achieve with a few techniques. CROSS-AXE VESSEL SYMBOL
First, make sure you have achieved a smooth, flat underlying colour – in this case, Khorne Red.
Start by painting a simple cross of Averland Sunset. This acts as a basis for the rest of the symbol.
Next, add a line connecting the bottom of the cross, and two thinner lines as a basis for the axe heads.
Fill out the shape of the axe heads by adding small triangles, cutting in with the base paint if necessary.
Before starting to paint any symbol free-hand, make sure all the previous stages of the surface are complete.
Now paint a smaller circle within the first and add further lines to form thin triangles pointing away from it.
Apply a small circle of Pallid Wych Flesh above the row of rivets, halfway between two of them.
Fill in the shape you have just sketched out, forming the appearance of a pair of compasses.
Now, paint two diagonal lines coming off the circle using the rivets as points of reference.
With an Artificer Brush, carefully add small navigational runes around the main symbol.
Using the Shattered Dominion Large Base Detail Kit, choose parts to suggest a broken landscape for your vessel to traverse. Then, use Plastic Glue to affix them to the base.
Paint the recesses with Citadel PVA Glue, and then place the base on a large sheet of paper before sprinkling it with Citadel Sand. Shake off the excess sand and return it to the pot.
The masonry on this base was painted with Thousand Sons Blue and Retributor Armour. For the sand, Rhinox Hide was used as a basecoat and Ryza Rust was drybrushed in patches.
Here, the stone was painted Stormvermin Fur, and the brass Warplock Bronze. Astrogranite Debris and Longbeard Grey were used for the earth, and Valhallan Blizzard for the snow.
This red-desert effect was achieved with Martian Ironcrust Technical paint drybrushed with Eldar Flesh. The masonry was painted with Stormvermin Fur and Retributor Armour.
This example uses Stirland Battlemire with a drybrushing of Dawnstone. The masonry was painted with Zandri Dust and Fulgurite Copper, and Mordheim Turf was used for the grass.
TIPS AND TRICKS In this section, we look at a few techniques that will help you get the most out of your Kharadron Overlords miniatures. Sub-assemblies involve building and undercoating certain parts of a miniature separately to speed up the painting process, while kitbashing is a way of customising your miniatures with other components from the range to add that personal touch to your collection. SKYWARDEN SUB-ASSEMBLY
Instead of gluing the parts together, we left this Skywarden in two separate pieces – the duardin himself was mounted on a spare flying stand, and his aether-endrin on another.
The aether-endrin was undercoated with Retributor Armour Spray…
…while the Skywarden himself was undercoated with Chaos Black Spray.
First, take an Arkanaut Admiral armed with a Skalfhammer.
Using a Citadel Knife, cut off the hammer’s flat face with care.
Use a Grundstok Thunderer Honour Bearer’s standard for the next step.
Taking great care, cut out the runic stone from the ring of the standard.
Trim away the bottom section of the stone using the lowest line as a guide.
Now, attach the stone to the trimmed hammer to form a unique weapon.
Basecoat Stage: Leadbelcher, Retributor Armour (gold), Mechanicus Standard Grey, Warplock Bronze, Screamer Pink
Shade Stage: Nuln Oil Gloss (silver), Reikland Fleshshade Gloss (gold), Nuln Oil (head and haft)
Layer 1 Stage: Auric Armour Gold, Dawnstone (head), Pink Horror, White Scar (glow)
Layer 2 Stage: Stormhost Silver (all metallics), Administratum Grey (head), Emperor’s Children (haft), Soulstone Blue (glow)
Wielding his newly forged hammer of aethermatic might, this Arkanaut Admiral is the bane of monsters.
FORCES OF THE KHARADRON OVERLORDS On the following pages, you will find exciting rules and abilities for your Kharadron Overlords army. These include powerful allegiance abilities, warscrolls and warscroll battalions that describe the redoubtable forces of the Kharadron Overlords, for you to use in games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar. ALLEGIANCE ABILITIES From the strictures of the Kharadron Code to potent aethermatic artefacts, this section provides rules and abilities for Kharadron Overlords armies.
ALLEGIANCE Every unit and warscroll battalion in Warhammer Age of Sigmar owes allegiance to one of the Grand Alliances – either ORDER, CHAOS, DEATH or DESTRUCTION . Many units and warscroll battalions also have more specific allegiances, for example, KHARADRON OVERLORDS . If all the units and warscroll battalions in your army are KHARADRON OVERLORDS , then it has the KHARADRON OVERLORDS allegiance. An army with the KHARADRON OVERLORDS allegiance – sometimes known as a KHARADRON OVERLORDS army – can use the potent allegiance abilities found on the following pages. When your army qualifies for more than one allegiance – e.g. all of the units are KHARADRON OVERLORDS and ORDER – you must choose which allegiance your army will use before each game. These restrictions aside, you can use allegiance abilities whenever you play games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar.
The Sky-ports: The airborne cities of the Kharadron Overlords each have their own proud traditions and distinct ways of making war based upon their interpretation of the Code. To represent this, armies chosen from one of the six major sky-ports gain additional rules as described on the opposite page.
BATTLEPLANS The Kharadron Overlords have their own unique methods and tactics in war – the battles they fight are unlike those of any other army. The battleplans on pages 102-111 allow you to wage war in the manner of the sky-fleets.
PATH TO GLORY Battle Traits: An allied army fights with unity and cohesion, granting it additional boons. See page 99 for the battle traits available to Kharadron Overlords armies. Command Traits: Each leader has their own style of command. See page 98 for the command traits available to Kharadron Overlords generals. Artefacts of Power: These masterwork examples of Kharadron technology are borne to war by the mightiest heroes, or built into the most famous vessels. See pages 100-101 for the artefacts HEROES from your army can possess, and the great endrinworks that your SKYVESSELS can bear.
BROKK GRUNGSSON Brokk Grungsson, Lord-Magnate of Barak-Nar, is a singular and mighty warrior with his own unique abilities and bespoke items of terrifying power. As such, he cannot have a command trait or artefact of power.
On pages 112-115 you will find rules for playing a Path to Glory campaign. These enable you to field your Kharadron Overlords miniatures as a formidable warband, and fight an immersive campaign in which your forces grow stronger with each victory. Included are warband tables to help you collect your army, as well as rewards tables for your champion and their followers.
WARSCROLL BATTALIONS This section describes formations made up of several units that fight as one, combining their strengths to gain powerful new abilities. By fielding these formations you can muster a mighty Kharadron Overlords fleet on the tabletop.
WARSCROLLS This section describes the characteristics and abilities of the individual Kharadron Overlords models and units.
THE SKY-PORTS From the martial prospectors of Barak-Zon to the piratical raiders of Barak-Mhornar, the different sky-fleets of the Kharadron Overlords are distinct in their character. On the following pages you will find rules that allow you to tailor your collection to represent one of the six major sky-ports. You can organise your collection of Kharadron Overlords miniatures as a fleet from one of the major sky-ports simply by painting it in the sky-port’s colours. All Kharadron Overlords units and warscroll battalions in the fleet are considered to be from that sky-port. For example, if you decided to organise your collection into a fleet from BarakZon, each unit would be considered a Barak-Zon unit, and each warscroll battalion would be considered a BarakZon warscroll battalion. This does not change their allegiance. When you organise your collection to be a fleet from a specific sky-port, it benefits from additional types of rules, which are explained below. The rules themselves for each of the major sky-ports are presented on the following pages.
The Kharadron Code: Each of the sky-ports ascribes varying degrees of importance to the different artycles, amendments and footnotes of the Kharadron Code, which greatly influences the particular strengths of their fleets in battle. Abilities: The Aether-Khemists of Barak-Urbaz are second to none, and no one holds a grudge like a duardin from Barak-Thryng. The favoured specialisations and quirks of the different sky-ports are represented by an additional ability that benefits some or all of the units in their fleets. Command Traits and Artefacts of Power: Each sky-port has its own great leaders and unique technologies. Where a fleet can use a unique command trait or artefact of power, it will be detailed on its sky-port’s page later in this section.
Warscroll Battalions: The character of the different Kharadron cities is also prevalent in the composition of their fleets. To reflect this, warscroll battalions in a Kharadron Overlords army may have the option to include additional units depending on the skyport from which they hail.
ENDLESS SKIES While the rules on the following pages present you with a way to collect a fleet from any one of the major sky-ports, there are countless more vying for profit in the Mortal Realms. You can choose to organise your collection of Kharadron Overlords miniatures as a fleet from a sky-port of your own devising, choosing their particular interpretation of the Kharadron Code and giving them their own character. To do so, simply use the rules presented on page 99.
BARAK-NAR, CITY OF THE FIRST SUNRISE All the Kharadron Overlords can claim bold leaders that scrupulously adhere to (or cleverly manipulate) the Code in their quest for wealth, but no airfleet commanders have proven so successful as those of Barak-Nar. Embracing the laws of science like no others, the leaders of the City of the First Sunrise are driven and dynamic individuals who mix sound tactics with fearless daring.
A Barak-Nar fleet has the following interpretation of the Kharadron Code:
Scholars and Commanders: Add 1 to any unbinding rolls made for Barak-Nar HEROES .
ARTYCLE Respect Your Commanders: You can re-roll battleshock tests for your units while they are within 8' of a HERO from your army.
AMENDMENT Trust Aethermatics, Not Superstition: Your HEROES can attempt to unbind one spell in each enemy hero phase as if they were wizards. If they can already attempt to unbind one spell, they can attempt to unbind two spells instead. FOOTNOTES Through Knowledge, Power: Once per battle, in your opponent’s hero phase, your HEROES can each attempt to unbind one additional spell. You can choose an additional footnote from page 99 for a Barak-Nar fleet, other than These Are Just Guidelines.
A Barak-Nar general can have this command trait instead of one of those listed on page 98: Champion of Progress: The duardin of Barak-Nar know that they are at the very forefront of the Kharadron Overlords’ advance, and their confidence is palpable. Friendly Barak-Nar units within 3' of this general do not have to take battleshock tests.
WARSCROLL BATTALIONS A Barak-Nar Iron Sky Command battalion (pg 127) can include any number of Aetheric Navigators.
BARAK-ZILFIN, THE WINDSWEPT CITY There are no finer aeronautical sailors than those out of BarakZilfin, as they themselves frequently point out. There is more to this claim than mere bombast, however, as the airfleets of BarakZilfin have outmanoeuvred and outpaced armadas from rival sky-ports time and again. Their moniker of ‘windmasters’ is apt, for none can anticipate and ride the zephyrs like the skilled crews of Barak-Zilfin.
A Barak-Zilfin fleet has the following interpretation of the Kharadron Code:
Superlative Sailors: Whenever a Barak-Zilfin SKYVESSEL suffers a mortal wound, roll a dice. On a roll of 6 that mortal wound is ignored.
ARTYCLE Master The Skies: You can re-roll hit and wound rolls of 1 for your units if their target can fly. AMENDMENT Don’t Argue With The Wind: When you run with a SKYVESSEL , you are always considered to have rolled a 6. FOOTNOTES There’s Always A Breeze If You Look For It: Once per battle, in your hero phase, one of your SKYVESSELS can immediately move as if it were the movement phase (though it cannot run, and it cannot do this in a turn in which it descended using Aetherspheric Endrins). It can act normally for the remainder of your turn, including allowing embarked units to disembark in the hero phase. You can choose an additional footnote from page 99 for a Barak-Zilfin fleet, other than These Are Just Guidelines.
ARTEFACT OF POWER One Barak-Zilfin SKYVESSEL can have this great endrinwork instead of one chosen from page 100: Aetherspheric Endrins: A SKYVESSEL with these endrins can be set up in the aethersphere. At the beginning of any of your hero phases, this vessel can descend. When it does, set it up on the battlefield more than 9' from the enemy. Units that disembark from the vessel in the turn it descends must do so more than 9' from the enemy. Neither the vessel nor units that disembark from it can move in the movement phase in the turn it descends. If the vessel has not descended by the end of the battle, the vessel and any units embarked on it are considered slain.
WARSCROLL BATTALIONS A Barak-Zilfin Iron Sky Squadron (pg 128) can include up to one unit of Endrinriggers for each Arkanaut Frigate included in the battalion.
BARAK-ZON, CITY OF THE SUN When a fleet is launched from Barak-Zon it does so to the fanfare of blaring trumpets. Military honours and martial routine are more prominent in this sky-port than any other. Arkanauts of Barak-Zon take great pride in the esteemed victories of their forefathers and seek to earn their own recognitions, from the famed Ironstar – given for exceptional valour – to the massive triumphs held for heroes of old.
A Barak-Zon fleet has the following interpretation of the Kharadron Code:
Deeds, Not Words: You can re-roll wound rolls of 1 in the combat phase for Barak-Zon units if they charged in the same turn.
ARTYCLE Honour Is Everything: You can re-roll hit rolls and wound rolls of 1 for your HEROES if their target is a HERO or MONSTER .
ARTEFACT OF POWER One Barak-Zon HERO can have the following artefact of power instead of one chosen from page 101:
AMENDMENT Leave No Duardin Behind: If one of your units fails a battleshock test within 7' of a SKYVESSEL from your army, roll a dice for each model that flees. On a roll of 5 or 6, that model doesn’t flee.
Aethersped Hammer: The bearer of this weapon can always be chosen to pile in and attack first in the combat phase, regardless of whose turn it is. If an enemy unit also has an ability that lets them do this, the normal turn order is used.
FOOTNOTES Show Them Your Steel: Once per battle, in your hero phase, one of your SKYFARER units embarked on a SKYVESSEL can immediately disembark and attempt to charge as if it were the charge phase.
You can choose an additional footnote from page 99 for a Barak-Zon fleet, other than These Are Just Guidelines.
A Barak-Zon Iron Sky Squadron (pg 128) can include up to one unit of Skywardens for each Arkanaut Frigate included in the battalion.
BARAK-URBAZ, THE MARKET CITY It is widely known that Codewrights from Barak-Urbaz will squeeze every drop of advantage out of any situation. The same holds true for the sky-port’s fleets, who relentlessly pursue profits and strip foes of anything of value. Perhaps none exemplify this characteristic more than the Aether-Khemists of Barak-Urbaz, who can wring more out of their alchemic compounds than others in their field.
A Barak-Urbaz fleet has the following interpretation of the Kharadron Code:
Khemists Supreme: Whenever a Barak-Urbaz AetherKhemist uses its Aetheric Augmentation ability, you can pick an additional SKYFARERS unit within range to benefit from the effect.
ARTYCLE Seek New Prospects: You can re-roll battleshock tests for your units while they are wholly within your opponent’s territory. AMENDMENT Always Take What You Are Owed: Your army can include one additional artefact of power. FOOTNOTES Where There’s War, There’s Gold: Once per battle, in your hero phase, one of your units within 3' of an enemy can pile in and attack as if it were the combat phase, or shoot as if it were the shooting phase. You can choose an additional footnote from page 99 for a Barak-Urbaz fleet, other than These Are Just Guidelines.
ARTEFACT OF POWER One Barak-Urbaz Arkanaut Ironclad can have the following great endrinwork instead of one chosen from page 100: Breath of Morgrim: Immediately after you move the Ironclad that has this great endrinwork in the movement phase (though not if it runs), pick an enemy unit within 6' and roll a dice for each model in that unit. If you roll at least one 6, that unit suffers D3 mortal wounds.
WARSCROLL BATTALIONS A Barak-Urbaz Iron Sky Command battalion (pg 127) can include any number of Aether-Khemists.
BARAK-MHORNAR, CITY OF SHADOW There have been many notable occasions where the airfleets of Barak-Mhornar secured victory before their opponents fully realised they were engaged in battle. By striking rapidly from unexpected quarters, the denizens of the City of Shadow always ensure they have the upper hand. What some call guile or piracy, the Arkanauts of BarakMhornar simply view as shrewd opportunism.
A Barak-Mhornar fleet has the following interpretation of the Kharadron Code:
Fearsome Raiders: Enemy units that take a battleshock test within 3' of any Barak-Mhornar units must add 1 to the roll.
ARTYCLE Seek New Prospects: You can re-roll battleshock tests for your units while they are wholly within your opponent’s territory. AMENDMENT Prosecute Wars With All Haste: In your first turn, your units can run and shoot. FOOTNOTES Who Strikes First, Strikes Hardest: Once per battle, in your hero phase, one of your units can attempt to charge as if it were the charge phase, or pile in and attack as if it were the combat phase. You can choose an additional footnote from page 99 for a Barak-Mhornar fleet, which may be These Are Just Guidelines.
COMMAND TRAIT A Barak-Mhornar general can have this command trait instead of one of those listed on page 98: Opportunistic Privateers: In your shooting phase you can pick an enemy unit. Until the end of the phase, you can re-roll failed hit rolls against that unit for any of your units that are within 3' of your general.
WARSCROLL BATTALIONS A Barak-Mhornar Grundstok Escort Wing (pg 129) can include up to one additional Grundstok Gunhauler.
BARAK-THRYNG, CITY OF THE ANCESTORS All duardin have a reputation for holding grudges, but none burn so brightly as those carried by the inhabitants of Barak-Thryng. This is unfortunate for others, as BarakThryng is the most conservative of sky-ports. Not only do they find that nearly everything measures short against the values they maintain from antiquity, but also that the least of slights is still more than enough to earn a grudge.
A Barak-Thryng fleet has the following interpretation of the Kharadron Code:
Log of Grudges: When picking an enemy unit for the Settle The Grudges artycle, pick D3 enemy units instead.
ARTYCLE Settle The Grudges: Once both armies are set up, pick an enemy unit. Your army bears a grudge against that unit. You can re-roll hit and wound rolls of 1 against that unit for all of your units.
AMENDMENT Trust To Your Guns: Your units add 1 to their Bravery as long as there are no enemy units within 3' of them. FOOTNOTES Honour The Gods, Just In Case: Once per battle, in any phase, you can re-roll one of your dice rolls. You can choose an additional footnote from page 99 for a Barak-Thryng fleet, other than These Are Just Guidelines.
One Barak-Thryng HERO can have the following artefact of power instead of one chosen from page 101: Grudgehammer: The bearer can re-roll all failed hit and wound rolls in the combat phase for attacks that target an enemy unit which was picked for the Settle The Grudges artycle.
WARSCROLL BATTALIONS A Barak-Thryng Grundstok Escort Wing (pg 129) can include up to one additional Arkanaut Frigate.
ALLEGIANCE ABILITIES A Kharadron Overlords army is an inspiring sight, their vessels laden with doughty warriors descending to the battlefield to fight for honour and riches. These pages describe the battle traits that a Kharadron Overlords army possesses, and the command traits that its general can have. COMMAND TRAITS In addition to their command abilities, if they are a HERO, the general of a Kharadron Overlords army can have a command trait from the table below. Pick the trait that best suits your
general’s personality. Alternatively, you can roll a dice to randomly determine a trait. If, for any reason, you must select a new general during a battle, immediately generate a trait for them.
D6 1
Command Trait Doughty Champion: When your general suffers a mortal wound, roll a dice. On a roll of 5 or more, that mortal wound is ignored.
Fleetmaster: Once both armies are set up, but before the first battle round begins, you can remove a friendly SKYVESSEL that was set up on the battlefield and set it up again (along with any passengers) according to the battleplan’s rules.
Grudgebearer: Choose one of your general’s melee weapon profiles and increase its Attacks characteristic by 1.
Stickler for the Code: Generate an additional footnote for your army. You cannot have the same footnote twice – re-roll duplicate results. If your general is slain before you have used the footnote, it is lost.
Prospector: Once both sides have been set up but before the battle begins, pick a terrain feature. While your general is alive, units from your army that are within or on that terrain feature do not have to take battleshock tests.
Rising Star: Units from your army within 7' of your general can use the general’s Bravery in place of their own when taking battleshock tests.
BATTLE TRAITS Armies with the KHARADRON OVERLORDS allegiance have the following ability: Stick to the Code: The Code is the great constitution that guides every
D6 Artycle 1 Defend Your Territory: You can re-roll battleshock tests for your units while they are wholly within your territory. 2 Honour Is Everything: You can re-roll any hit rolls and wound rolls of 1 for your HEROES if their target is a HERO or MONSTER . 3 Master The Skies: You can reroll hit and wound rolls of 1 for your units if their target can fly. 4 Respect Your Commanders: You can re-roll battleshock tests for your units while they are within 8' of a HERO from your army. 5 Seek New Prospects: You can re-roll battleshock tests for your units while they are wholly within your opponent’s territory. 6 Settle The Grudges: Once both armies are set up, pick an enemy unit. Your army bears a grudge against that unit. You can re-roll hit and wound rolls of 1 against that unit for all of your units.
aspect of the Kharadron Overlords’ lives, including the way they wage war. However, the duardin of the different sky-ports have wildly varying interpretations of the Code. When you choose a Kharadron Overlords army that is not from one of the six major
D6 Amendment 1 Always Take What You Are Owed: Your army can include one additional artefact of power. 2 Don’t Argue With The Wind: When you run with a SKYVESSEL , you are always considered to have rolled a 6. 3 Leave No Duardin Behind: If one of your units fails a battleshock test within 7' of a SKYVESSEL from your army, roll a dice for each model that flees. On a roll of 5 or 6, that model doesn’t flee. 4 Prosecute Wars With All Haste: In your first turn, your units can run and shoot. 5 Trust Aethermatics, Not Superstition: Your HEROES can attempt to unbind one spell in each enemy hero phase as if they were wizards. If they can already attempt to unbind one spell, they can attempt to unbind two spells instead. 6 Trust To Your Guns: Units from your army add 1 to their Bravery as long as there are no enemy units within 3' of them.
sky-ports, you can pick an artycle, an amendment and a footnote that most suit the background of your army from the tables below. Alternatively, you can roll a dice on each table to determine your army’s interpretation of the Kharadron Code.
D6 Footnote 1 Surrender Is Rarely Profitable: Once per battle, when you make a battleshock test for one of your units, you can replace your roll with a roll of 1. 2 There’s No Reward Without Risk: Once per battle, you can re-roll the charge distance for one of your units. 3 There’s No Trading With Some People: Once per battle, when an enemy unit suffers any unsaved wounds from an attack made by one of your units, you can roll a D3. The enemy unit suffers that number of mortal wounds in addition to any other damage. 4 Today’s Foes Are Tomorrow’s Customers: Once per battle, when one of your units retreats and runs, you can replace your run roll with a roll of 6. 5 Without Our Ships, We Are Naught: Once per battle, you can re-roll the dice for an ability that heals a SKYVESSEL . 6 These Are Just Guidelines: Once per battle, at the beginning of your hero phase, you can change your army’s artycle – roll a dice and consult the table. If you roll an artycle that requires you to pick an enemy unit, do so immediately. Your previous artycle is no longer in effect.
ARTEFACTS OF POWER These artefacts are crafted in the sprawling forges and foundries of the sky-ports. They can be aethermatic weapons, masterwrought armour or wondrous pieces of technology borne by skyvessels, but all are potent tools in the hands of the Kharadron Overlords. If a KHARADRON OVERLORDS army includes any HEROES , then one may bear an artefact of power. Declare which HERO has the artefact after picking your general, and then pick which artefact of power the HERO has. Ideally, that artefact should fit the appearance of the model, or the heroic backstory you have given them. Alternatively, pick one of the tables on the opposite page and roll a dice to randomly select one. You may choose one additional HERO to have an artefact of power for each warscroll battalion in your army. The same model cannot have more than one artefact of power.
Additionally, if a KHARADRON OVERLORDS army includes any SKYVESSELS , then one may include a great endrinwork. Declare which SKYVESSEL has the endrinwork after picking your general, and then pick which great endrinwork the SKYVESSEL has. Alternatively, roll a dice and consult the table below to randomly select one. You may choose one additional SKYVESSEL to have a great endrinwork for each warscroll battalion in your army. The same model cannot have more than one great endrinwork.
GREAT ENDRINWORKS Any SKYVESSEL can be given one of the following great endrinworks. D6 1
Great Endrinwork The Last Word: When all seems lost, this vessel’s greatest weapon continues to thunder. Pick one of this SKYVESSEL ’s missile weapons to be The Last Word. When an enemy unit finishes a charge within ½' of this vessel, you can immediately shoot at that unit with this weapon as if it were your shooting phase. Incredible Self-healing Hull: The Endrinmaster Dhurak Thengisson was renowned for his obstinacy, a quality that ships of his design have inherited. Roll a dice for this SKYVESSEL in each of your hero phases. On a roll of 4 or more it heals 1 wound. This is in addition to any other healing it receives. Malefic Skymines: Invented during the Great Harpy Migrations, these mines pack a mean punch. If an enemy unit that can fly ends its charge move within 1' of this SKYVESSEL , it suffers D3 mortal wounds. This is in addition to any other ability that affects charging units.
Ebullient Buoyancy Aid: This aether-enhancing unit increases the buoyancy of even the largest ships, particular useful in thin atmospheres. This SKYVESSEL halves any penalty for being overburdened, rounding down. Re-roll this result if this SKYVESSEL is a Grundstok Gunhauler. Prudency Chutes: Some prudency chutes come in outlandish patterns and shades, but Barak-Thryng insists on discreet colours for their own. If this SKYVESSEL is destroyed, you can re-roll any rolls of 1 when determining whether its passengers survive when they bail out. Re-roll this result if this SKYVESSEL is a Grundstok Gunhauler. Magnificent Omniscope: This apparatus makes the winds aetheric apparent to the ship’s Navigator. This SKYVESSEL can move an extra D6' rather than D3' when it uses its Aetheric Navigation ability. Re-roll this result if this SKYVESSEL is a Grundstok Gunhauler.
AETHERMATIC WEAPONS Any Kharadron Overlords HERO can be given one of the following aethermatic weapons. D6 1
Aethermatic Weapon Hammer of Aethermatic Might: When swung with enough force, this weapon can release its supercharged aether-energies in a brilliant flash. Pick one of the bearer’s melee weapons to be a Hammer of Aethermatic Might. Wound rolls of 6 or more made for this weapon cause double damage. Sledgeshock Hammer: Aether-forces have been infused with the metals of this weapon to increase its density upon impact. Pick one of the bearer’s melee weapons to be a Sledgeshock Hammer. Add 1 to wound rolls made for this weapon. Aethershock Bludgeon: So jarring is the impact of this weapon that rocks are pulverized and metal cracked with every blow. Pick one of the bearer’s melee weapons to be an Aethershock Bludgeon. Improve the Rend characteristic of this weapon by 1 (if it has a Rend of ‘-’ it becomes -1).
Gattlesson’s Endless Repeater: Named after its famous inventor, this gun houses an aether supercharger that gives it a tremendous rate of fire. Pick one of the bearer’s missile weapons to be an Endless Repeater. Add 2 to the Attacks characteristic of this weapon. Aethershock Earbuster: The Aether-Khemist Lhux Zadum discovered the unstable shrieker isotope that causes aether-shots to wail. Pick one of the bearer’s missile weapons to be fitted with an Aethershock Earbuster. If any models are slain with this weapon, their unit must immediately take a battleshock test. This is in addition to the test they must take in the battleshock phase. Staff of Ocular Optimisation: Highly refined lenses and aether filters allow the bearer of this device to see accurately see through any murk. Add 1 to any hit rolls you make in the shooting phase for a HERO with a Staff of Ocular Optimisation.
TREASURES OF THE SKY-PORTS Any Kharadron Overlords HERO can be given one of the following treasures of the sky-ports. D6 1
Treasure of the Sky-ports Masterwrought Armour: Duardin master smiths have long kept the secrets of forging nigh-impenetrable armour plate. Re-roll save rolls of 1 for this HERO. Balebreath Mask: With a spoken command, a Balebreath Mask issues forth a pressurised cloud of gas infused with toxic metals. At the beginning of each combat phase, roll a dice if there is an enemy unit within 3' of this HERO. On a roll of 4 or more that unit suffers a mortal wound. Autotinkerer: When this device’s sensors detect damage to a ship, a metal appendage extends from a port in the bearer’s armour to conduct repairs. In your hero phase, this HERO can attempt to repair a single SKYVESSEL within 3' or the one it is embarked upon. On a roll of 4 or more, that SKYVESSEL heals 1 wound.
Aethersight Loupe: This finely wrought lens renders tenebrous aetherfields visible. This HERO can unbind one spell in each enemy hero phase as if they were a wizard. If they already have this ability, they roll an extra dice when they do so and add it to their total. Gimlet Lens: A wonder of science, this invention allows its bearer to see straight through objects. Enemy units can never benefit from modifiers to their Save or save rolls (e.g. from being within cover) against attacks made by this HERO. Aethercharged Rune: This rune is infused with a glowing charge of aether power, which can be drawn upon by its bearer when the need arises. Once per battle, you can change the result of one hit, wound, damage or save roll for this HERO to the result of your choice.
STAKE A CLAIM HOW TO USE BATTLEPLANS This book contains five battleplans, each of which enables you to fight a battle that epitomises the Kharadron Overlords’ way of war. These battles should be fought using all of the rules on the Warhammer Age of Sigmar rules sheet unless the battleplan specifically indicates otherwise. Each of the battleplans includes a map reflecting the landscape on which the battle is fought; these maps usually show a battlefield that is 6 feet by 4 feet in size, but you can use a smaller or larger area if you wish.
The duardin of the Kharadron Overlords know that commerce is life, and there can be no commerce without goods. So it is that the skyfleets leave from the city-ports to find new territories rich in resources, armed to teeth so that their claim can be defended from any rivals. Resistance is common, and it is rare that these expeditions are completed without significant casualties, but a successful Admiral can expect to rise significantly in station on their return. This battleplan enables your Kharadron Overlords to make a bold strike into new territory, fighting to claim land for the enrichment of their city against whosoever currently holds it.
THE ARMIES One player commands the Kharadron Overlords army, and the other commands the Defenders. Each army has a unique ability, shown on the right.
KHARADRON OVERLORDS’ OBJECTIVES The key to any successful claim is to establish a strong military foothold in the territory you mean to assert control over. Identify the most tactically important position and take it, whatever the opposition. Your warriors know that your advancement – and by extension their own – depends on their performance in this battle. They will fight all the harder to be recognised, and you should capitalise on their zeal.
DEFENDERS’ OBJECTIVES By dint of great effort, not to mention a great deal of spilled blood, you and your predecessors have managed to hold this land against all that the Mortal Realms have so far thrown
KHARADRON OVERLORDS’ ABILITY Your Chance for Glory: When a friendly KHARADRON OVERLORDS unit is destroyed in the shooting or combat phase, one friendly KHARADRON OVERLORDS unit within 12' of that unit can immediately shoot or pile in and make attacks as if it were the appropriate phase. They then act normally for the remainder of the turn (e.g. a unit could pile in and attack twice in a combat phase using this ability).
DEFENDER’S ABILITY The Land We’ve Bled For: Friendly units do not have to take battleshock tests while they are wholly within the contested territory (see map).
against you. Now that could all change. Acquisitive interlopers descend from the skies to take everything that you have fought so long to protect, all for simple material gain. Their greed cannot triumph over your ancestral connection to this land. Repel them!
THE BATTLEFIELD This battle takes place on a battlefield that has been fought over countless times. Scattered buildings are all that the defenders have managed to preserve, but they will fight to the death to hold onto them. You can either generate the rest of the scenery for this battle as described on the Warhammer Age of Sigmar rules sheet, or use the example scenery shown on the map.
territory extends 12' from the short battlefield edge nearest the contested territory, and the Kharadron Overlords’ territory extends 12' from the opposite battlefield edge. The defender sets up their army first, anywhere in their territory; the Kharadron Overlords player then sets up their army in their territory.
FIRST TURN The defender has the first turn in the first battle round.
AT THE DOUBLE Both armies know that whoever can claim the contested territory first will have the upper hand in the battles to come. When a unit runs, their player may re-roll the dice.
EMBOLDENED SET-UP Do not use the set-up instructions on the Warhammer Age of Sigmar rules sheet. Instead, the defender’s
Having gained a foothold in the contested territory, warriors will fight all the harder, knowing that they are the lynchpin around which the
battle revolves. You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 for units wholly within the contested territory.
VICTORY Do not use any of the victory conditions on the Warhammer Age of Sigmar rules sheet. Instead, a player wins a major victory at the end of a battle round if their opponent has no models on the battlefield. In addition, at the end of the fifth battle round, a player wins a major victory if they have a model within the contested territory and none of their opponent’s models are within the contested territory. Otherwise, the battle continues for another battle round. At the end of the sixth battle round, a player wins a minor victory if they have any models within the contested territory and their opponent does not. Otherwise the result is a draw.
THE COST OF VICTORY The Kharadron Overlords are doughty folk and renowned fighters throughout the Mortal Realms. Not above hiring themselves out as mercenaries to those with sufficient coin, the Kharadron Overlords have grown rich offering their swift vessels and devastating weaponry to the highest bidder. Assassinations, uprisings and conquests have all been achieved with the aid of these airborne warriors. This battleplan lets you fight a battle between the Kharadron Overlords and their designated target. Aware of their predicament, the target has surrounded themselves with the most able forces they have to hand, with their life hanging in the balance.
THE ARMIES One player takes command of the Kharadron Overlords army, and the other commands the target’s army. The general of each army has a unique command ability, shown on the right, in addition to any others they have.
KHARADRON OVERLORDS’ OBJECTIVES For a truly outrageous sum a buyer has secured the services of you and your warriors to eliminate a hated rival. Best to get the job done, and done quickly, as there’s nothing to be gained by taking your time over it. Your target has no doubt surrounded themselves with the best warriors they can afford. It won’t matter – they should have come to you instead. Blast your way through to them and be done with this.
TARGET’S OBJECTIVES There’s a price on your head, and word has reached you that the Kharadron Overlords mean to collect. The situation looks grim, but they should not underestimate you. You have elite forces at your disposal, and you have advance warning. If they mean to kill you, they will have to fight past your defences and best your finest warriors before they can earn their blood money. Do your best to destroy these mercenaries, but above all survive!
KHARADRON OVERLORDS’ COMMAND ABILITY Promise Bounty: Your general promises to handsomely reward the warrior who slays the target. If your general uses this ability, until your next hero phase friendly KHARADRON OVERLORDS units within 6' re-roll hit and wound rolls for attacks directed against the enemy’s general.
THE BATTLEFIELD The battlefield has been chosen to make things as difficult as possible for the would-be assassins – their target has prepared for this and the shattered terrain is full of potential hiding places and ideal locations for an ambush. You can either generate the scenery for this battle as described on the Warhammer Age of Sigmar rules sheet, or use the example scenery shown on the map below.
TARGET’S COMMAND ABILITY Protect Your Lord: Your general – the target – reminds their warriors of their vows and of the price of failure. If your general uses this ability, until your next hero phase you can roll a dice every time the general suffers a wound or mortal wound while a friendly unit is within 3'. On the roll of 4 or more, that unit suffers the wound or mortal wound instead of your general.
SET-UP Do not use the set-up instructions on the Warhammer Age of Sigmar rules sheet. Instead, the target player chooses a table half as shown on the map to be their territory, and the rest of the battlefield is the Kharadron Overlords’ territory. The target player sets up their army first, anywhere in their territory; the Kharadron Overlords player then sets up their army in their territory, more than 12' from enemy units.
IN HIDING If they wish, the target player can set up their general in hiding rather than on the battlefield. If they do this, they declare that they are doing so, and secretly note down which unit is hiding their general. This unit must be one that is set up on the battlefield, and it cannot leave the battlefield for any reason during the battle. For the target player to set up their general in hiding, the general cannot have a Wounds characteristic of more than 6,
and the unit must include at least 5 models. While a general is in hiding, the target player cannot use any of the model’s abilities.
FIRST TURN The target player takes the first turn in the first battle round.
REVEALED If the target is set up in hiding, they can be revealed at the beginning of any of the target player’s hero phases. When they are revealed, set them up within 3' of the unit that was hiding them and more than 3' from the enemy. If the unit hiding the target is destroyed before the target is revealed, the target is set up within 3' of the last model remaining in the unit before it is removed, and more than 3' from the enemy. If this is not possible, the general is slain!
VICTORY Do not use any of the victory conditions on the Warhammer Age of Sigmar rules sheet. Instead, the Kharadron Overlords player immediately wins a major victory if the target is slain before the end of the fifth battle round. Otherwise, the Kharadron Overlords player rolls a dice at the end of the fifth battle round, and at the end of each battle round that follows. If the roll is 3 or more, the battle continues. Otherwise the Kharadron Overlords cut their losses and withdraw. If the target is slain in the sixth or subsequent battle rounds, the Kharadron Overlords player wins a minor victory. If, at the end of the battle, the target is on the battlefield or still hidden, the target player wins a major victory.
A GRUDGE TO SETTLE They may have left some of the more traditional aspects of duardin culture behind them when they took to the skies, but the Kharadron Overlords value a good grudge just as much as any Fyreslayer. When they have been cheated in a trade agreement, their territory has been trespassed on, or they have been defeated in battle, the party that has wronged them should spend the rest of their lives looking over their shoulder – it is not a matter of if, only a matter of when vengeance will come for them. This battleplan can be used to fight a battle over just such a grudge, with the Kharadron Overlords arriving in force to see a wrong righted, and their opponent defiantly standing against them.
THE ARMIES One player takes command of the Kharadron Overlords army, and the other commands the wrongdoers. The precise nature of the grudge will have an effect on the battle, as described in the box on the right.
KHARADRON OVERLORDS’ OBJECTIVES Your warriors have sharpened their blades and loaded their weapons – the winds are favourable and the time is ripe for your long-awaited revenge. Solemn vows have been made, and today you will see them fulfilled or die in the attempt. Find your enemies and ensure that all that survives of them is a memory and a tale of what happens should you wrong the Kharadron Overlords!
WRONGDOERS’ OBJECTIVES You always suspected that this day would arrive, that these unscrupulous privateers would come after you and yours, crying vengeance for that imagined slight, the details of which have all but faded from memory. Well this will not be the day of revenge that they have so fondly imagined – your forces are strong and you will see the Kharadron Overlords sent back to the skies, bearing with them a message that you are not to be trifled with! THE GRUDGE The specific grudge that brings the armies together will affect the battle and the conditions for victory. Once both armies are set up but before the first battle round begins, the Kharadron Overlords player rolls a dice and consults the following table to determine the reason for the grudge and its effect on the battle.
D6 Result 1 Violated Boundary: Units from the Kharadron Overlords army do not have to take battleshock tests while they are within the wrongdoers’ territory. 2 Broken Deal: Add 1 to battleshock tests for units in the wrongdoers’ army. 3 Filthy Lie: Add 1 to hit rolls in the first battle round for units in the Kharadron Overlords army. 4 Bitter Defeat: Units from the wrongdoers’ army do not have to take battleshock tests while they are within their own territory. 5 Slain Kinsman: One additional HERO in the wrongdoers’ army can bear an artefact of power – choose this immediately. 6 Stolen Treasure: Randomly determine one artefact of power in the Kharadron Overlords’ army. That treasure was stolen and cannot be used.
The rugged, barren terrain seems apt for the coming conflict – the dusty ground will drink the blood that is to be shed, a bleak battleground suited to the Kharadron Overlords’ grim purpose.
The player who finished setting up first takes the first turn in the first battle round.
You can either generate the scenery for this battle as described on the Warhammer Age of Sigmar rules sheet, or use the example scenery shown on the map.
SET-UP The players take it in turns to set up units, as described on the Warhammer Age of Sigmar rules sheet, starting with the wrongdoers’ player. The wrongdoers’ player chooses a territory as shown on the map and sets up their units anywhere within that territory. The Kharadron Overlords player sets up their units anywhere within the opposite territory.
VICTORY Do not use any of the victory conditions on the Warhammer Age of Sigmar rules sheet. Instead, the battle ends after five battle rounds. If none of a player’s models are on the battlefield at the end of a battle round, the other player wins a major victory. In addition, the following table gives you the victory conditions for each grudge. If the victory condition is met at the end of the fifth battle round and neither has won a major victory, the Kharadron Overlords player wins a minor victory. Otherwise the wrongdoers’ player wins a minor victory.
Grudge Victory 1 None of the wrongdoers’ models are in their territory. 2 More of the wrongdoers’ HEROES than the Kharadron Overlords’ HEROES have been slain. 3 None of the wrongdoers’ models are in the Kharadron Overlords’ territory. 4 More of the wrongdoers’ units have been slain than the Kharadron Overlords’ units. 5 The wrongdoers’ HERO chosen when this grudge was determined is not on the battlefield. 6 The wrongdoers’ general is not on the battlefield.
PROSPECTORS DOWN! The life of an Arkanaut is a dangerous one, and every duardin knows the risks of their profession. Many are the vessels that have been lost to mishap, monster or maelstrom, with no trace of their crews. Occasionally, however, the survivors of such an event manage to get a message back to their kin, and a rescue mission is launched with all haste. It becomes a race to recover the lost duardin – and their aethergold – before anyone else discovers them. This battleplan lets you stage a daring rescue with your force of Kharadron Overlords, even as the enemy bears down on the survivors, intent on their destruction.
THE ARMIES One player takes command of the Kharadron Overlords army and the other commands the army of the opportunistic foe. The generals of each army have unique command abilities, shown on the right, in addition to any others they have.
KHARADRON OVERLORDS’ OBJECTIVES A whole expedition has come to grief, vessels plunging from the sky and spilling their cargo of duardin and hard-won riches. Though you roam the skies freely, the land is a different matter, and the survivors find themselves deep in enemy territory. You have been chosen to lead the mission to recover them, and you must move quickly – such a prize will not long go unnoticed. Prepare to fight to recover your kin!
OPPORTUNISTS’ OBJECTIVES Word has reached you of a bounty too great to ignore: a Kharadron Overlords expedition come to ruin deep within your territory. Now is a chance to strike while they are weak, and to take the spoils they no doubt stole from within your territory in any case. You must be quick though – no doubt more of their kind are intent on recovering these isolated survivors. Eliminate the scattered duardin, and, if more should come, teach them that your domain is not to be intruded on. SURVIVORS’ COMMAND ABILITY Sell Your Lives Dearly: The leader of the survivors knows that they are out of time, and they prepare to make the enemy pay. If the survivors’ general uses this ability, until your next hero phase roll a dice when a friendly KHARADRON OVERLORDS model is slain within 12'. On a roll of 6, that model may immediately attack with a missile weapon as if it were your shooting phase before it is removed from the battlefield.
RESCUERS’ COMMAND ABILITY Here Comes the Fleet: The commander of the relief forces boldly promises the rescue of the beleaguered duardin on the ground. If the rescuers’ general uses this ability, until your next hero phase friendly KHARADRON OVERLORDS units within 12' do not have to take battleshock tests.
OPPORTUNISTS’ COMMAND ABILITY Strike Fast: Your general urges their warriors on, demanding that they kill the beleaguered survivors of the crash before reinforcements arrive in overwhelming numbers. If your general uses this ability, until your next hero phase friendly units within 6' can re-roll the dice when they run or charge.
THE BATTLEFIELD You can either generate the scenery for this battle as described on the Warhammer Age of Sigmar rules sheet, or use the example scenery shown on the map.
SET-UP The Kharadron Overlords player must divide their army into two portions – one of these portions cannot include any units that can fly (the survivors), and the other portion can only include units that can fly, or that are embarked on SKYVESSELS (the rescuers). They choose one model in each portion of the army to be its general – one is the leader of the survivors and the other leads the rescue, and each has an additional command ability as described on the previous page. The Kharadron Overlords player sets up all of the survivors within 12' of the centre of the battlefield. The opportunists’ player then sets up their units anywhere on the battlefield that is more than
12' from the Kharadron Overlords’ territory. The rescuers will join the battle during the first battle round, as described below.
FIRST TURN The opportunistic army’s player takes the first turn in the first battle round.
RIDE OF THE OVERLORDS At the beginning of the Kharadron Overlords’ first movement phase, all of the rescuers arrive from one of the battlefield edges. The Kharadron Overlords players rolls a dice and consults the map to see which edge corresponds with that roll. If the roll is a 5 or 6, they can choose the edge. They then set up all of the rescuers units, one at a time, no more than their Move characteristic from the relevant battlefield edge and more than 3' from the enemy. This is their move for this movement phase. Any embarked units can immediately disembark once their
SKYVESSEL has been set up. This is
their move for this movement phase.
VICTORY Do not use any of the victory conditions on the Warhammer Age of Sigmar rules sheet. If the Kharadron Overlords player has no models from the survivors on the battlefield at the end of a battle round, the battle ends and their opponent wins a major victory. If the opportunists’ player has no models on the battlefield at the end of a battle round, the battle ends and the Kharadron Overlords player wins a major victory. Otherwise, the battle ends after the fifth battle round. At the end of the fifth battle round, if half or more of the survivors are still on the battlefield, the Kharadron Overlords player wins a minor victory. If less than half of the survivors are still on the battlefield, the opportunists’ player wins a minor victory.
ACQUISITION Though the Kharadron Overlords are, for the most part, honourable, and always act in accordance with the Code, there are occasions when a target is so tempting that a loophole is found to justify an attack that might seem to others to be more than a little piratical. These raids have a straightforward aim – seize the loot! The Code rules that acquisitions made in an attack of this kind belong to whoever claims them, so for an ambitious duardin it is a great opportunity to advance their standing in a single, bloody battle. This battleplan lets you fight one of these raids, with the Kharadron Overlords descending on their enemies intent on plunder.
THE ARMIES One player takes command of the Kharadron Overlords army, and the other player commands the beset army. Each HERO in the beset army carries some treasure, which will be determined once both armies have been set up and which confers additional rules (see the box, right).
KHARADRON OVERLORDS’ OBJECTIVES After a quick conference with your officers, you are certain that this raid is permitted under the terms of the Code. With that settled, your target – an army unaware of its plight and bearing great riches – lies before you, and all that remains is to signal the attack! First eliminate the enemy champions entrusted with this bounty, and then claim the spoils while eradicating any who still offer resistance.
BESET ARMY’S OBJECTIVES Your agents have spread word of this journey you have embarked upon, seeding tales of great wealth and an army unprepared and unable to defend it. This is all a cunning ruse, of course – your intention is to draw out any enemies that would seek to capitalise on your perceived weakness, and then turn the very artefacts that lured them out against them, dealing with them once and for all. Your scouts have reported that the first vessels have been sighted in the skies. Prepare to destroy the attackers! TREASURE Once both armies have been set up, the beset army’s player rolls a dice for each HERO in their army and consults the following table to see what treasure they have been entrusted with, and what effect it has.
D6 Result 1 Aether-gold: No effect. 2 Revered Artefact: Friendly units within 6' in the battleshock phase do not have to take battleshock tests. 3 Hard-won Trophy: Enemy units within 3' in the battleshock phase add 1 to their battleshock tests. 4 Enchanted Weapon: Choose one of the HERO’ s weapons (it cannot be that of a mount, if they have one) and improve its Rend characteristic by 1 (a Rend of -1 would become -2). 5 Glorious Armour: Re-roll save rolls of 1 for this HERO. 6 Blessed Pendent: Roll a dice in each of your hero phases. On a roll of 4 or more, this HERO heals 1 wound.
The battle takes place on a war-torn plain between two great fortresses. There is nowhere for the beset army to hide as the Kharadron Overlords descend from the skies.
In this battle either side could get the advantage – the Kharadron Overlords are launching an attack at the opportune moment, but their targets are not so unaware as the duardin believe. To represent this, both players roll a dice, re-rolling ties. The beset army’s player must subtract one from their roll for each HERO that is carrying aether-gold. Whoever scores highest can choose who takes the first turn in the first battle round.
Do not use any of the victory conditions on the Warhammer Age of Sigmar rules sheet. Instead, if no HEROES from the beset army are on the battlefield at the end of a battle round, the game ends and the Kharadron Overlords player wins a major victory. If there are no Kharadron Overlords models on the battlefield at the end of a battle round, the game ends and the beset army’s player wins a major victory.
Otherwise the battle ends after the fifth battle round. At the end of the battle, if the Kharadron Overlords have seized half or more of the treasure that was on the battlefield at the beginning of the battle, they win a minor victory. Otherwise the beset army’s player wins a minor victory.
You can either generate the scenery for this battle as described on the Warhammer Age of Sigmar rules sheet, or use the example scenery shown on the map.
SET-UP First, the beset army’s player sets up their units in the territory shown on the map. Then the Kharadron Overlords player sets up their units anywhere in their territory, more than 12' from the enemy.
The Kharadron Overlords are in this for one thing – the loot! All KHARADRON OVERLORDS HEROES re-roll hit and wound rolls of 1 for attacks that target enemy HEROES within 3'. When an enemy HERO is slain within 3' of a KHARADRON OVERLORDS model, their treasure is seized. Seized treasure does not confer any benefit on the model that seized it – it is simply used to determine the victor.
PATH TO GLORY CAMPAIGNS Path to Glory campaigns centre around collecting and fighting battles with a warband in the Age of Sigmar. Champions fight each other and gather followers to join them in their quest for glory, taking advantage of this age of unending battle to win glory and renown. In order to take part in a Path to Glory campaign, you will need two or more players. All players will need to have at least one HERO, who is their champion, and must then create a warband to follow and fight beside their champion during the campaign.
After gaining enough favour in the eyes of your patron, your champion will be granted a final test. Succeed at the test, and your champion’s glory will be affirmed for all time, and you will be crowned as the victor of the campaign.
CREATING A WARBAND The players fight battles against each other using the warbands they have created. The results of these battles will gain their warband favour. The warband will swell in numbers as more warriors flock to their banner, while existing troops become more powerful.
When creating a Path to Glory warband, do not select your army in the normal manner. Instead, your army consists of a mighty HERO battling to earn the favour of the gods, and their entire band of loyal followers. As you wage war against other warbands, your
own warband will grow, and existing units will become grizzled veterans. WARBAND ROSTER The details and progress of each warband need to be recorded on a warband roster. We’ve included a roster for you to photocopy and use on page 115, or you can download a roster from To create a warband, simply follow these steps and record the results on your warband roster:
1. First, pick an allegiance for your warband. Each allegiance has its own set of warband tables that are used to generate the units in the warband and the rewards they can receive for fighting battles. The warband tables included in this battletome let you collect a warband with the KHARADRON OVERLORDS allegiance, but other Warhammer Age of Sigmar publications include warband tables to let you collect warbands from across the grand alliances of ORDER , CHAOS , DEATH and DESTRUCTION . 2. Next, choose the champion of your warband by choosing one of the options from your allegiance’s champion table. The type of champion you choose will determine the number of rolls you can make for the champion’s followers. Give your champion a suitably grand and imposing name, and write this down on your warband roster. 3. Having chosen your champion, the next step is to generate your starting followers. These can be chosen from the followers tables for your allegiance. If your allegiance has more than one followers table you can freely choose which ones you use, selecting all of your followers from a single
table or from several. Instead of choosing, you can place your destiny in the hands of fate and roll on the followers tables instead. To make a followers roll, pick a column from one of the followers tables and then roll a dice. 4. Instead of generating a unit of followers, you can choose to gain 1 Glory Point (see page 114). You can sacrifice any number of your starting units of followers in this way. Taking Glory Points instead of a unit makes it easier to gain the 10 points you need to have a chance of winning, but you will have fewer units with which to fight your battles. 5. Your followers need to be organised into units. The follower table tells you how many models the unit has. Follower units cannot include additional models, but they can otherwise take any options listed on their warscroll. Record all of the information about your followers on your warband roster. 6. Finally, give your warband a name, one that will inspire respect and dread in your rivals. Your warband is now complete, and you can fight your first battle. Good luck!
TO WAR! Having created a warband, you can now fight battles with it. These battles are fought against other warbands taking part in the campaign. You can arrange to fight battles as and when you wish, and can use any of the battleplans available for Warhammer Age of Sigmar. There are some battleplans, for example in the General’s Handbook, that have been designed specifically for use in Path to Glory campaigns.
Warbands receive Glory Points after a battle is complete. If the warband tied or lost the battle, it receives 1 Glory Point. If it won the battle, it receives D3 Glory Points. You can re-roll a result of 1 on the D3 roll if the warband won a major victory. Add the Glory Points you scored to the total recorded on your roster. Once you have won 10 Glory Points, you will have a chance to win the campaign, as described below.
The units you use for a game must be those on your warband’s roster. WIZARDS can summon other units during the course of a battle, but they will vanish once the battle is over. Units can either be fielded at their full roster strength, or broken down into smaller units, as long as no unit is smaller than the minimum size shown on its warscroll. Any casualties suffered by a warband are assumed to have been replaced in time for its next battle. If your champion is slain in a battle, it is assumed that they were merely injured or knocked out, and they are back to their full fighting strength for your next game, thirsty for vengeance!
GAINING GLORY All of the players in the campaign are vying for glory. The amount of glory they have received is represented by the Glory Points that the warband has accumulated. Glory can be increased by fighting and winning battles, as described next. As a warband’s glory increases, it will also attract additional followers, and a warband’s champion may be granted rewards.
2 Champion’s Reward: Your champion’s prowess continues to grow. Make a roll on the champion rewards table for your allegiance. Make a note of the result on your warband roster. If you roll a result the unit has already received, roll again until you get a different result. 3 Follower’s Reward: Those who have stood with your champion become renowned for their mighty deeds. Pick a unit in your warband, then make a roll on the relevant followers rewards table for your allegiance. Make a note of the result on your warband roster. If you roll a result the unit has already received, roll again until you get a different result.
REWARDS OF BATTLE Each allegiance has its own set of rewards tables. After each battle you can take one of the three following options. Alternatively, roll a dice to determine which option to take (1-2 = Additional Followers, 3-4 = Champion’s Reward, 5-6 = Follower’s Reward). 1 Additional Followers: More followers flock to your champion’s banner. Either select a new unit from one of the follower tables, or roll for a random unit from one of those tables, then add them to your warband roster.
In order to win the Path to Glory campaign, your champion must first reach 10 Glory Points. You must then fight and win one more battle in order for you to be affirmed amongst the ranks of the immortals and win the Path to Glory campaign. If the next battle you fight is tied or lost, you do not receive any Glory Points – just keep on fighting battles until you either win the campaign… or another player wins first! You can shorten or lengthen a campaign by lowering or increasing the number of Glory Points a champion must earn. For example, for a shorter campaign, you could say that a champion only needs 5 or 6 Glory Points before fighting their final battle, or for a longer one, say that the demanding gods require them to score 15 or even 20 points!
KHARADRON OVERLORDS WARBAND TABLES Use the following tables to determine the champion that leads your warband, the followers that make up the units which fight at their side, and the rewards they can receive after battle. CHAMPION TABLE Champion Arkanaut Admiral
4 units
5 Grundstok Thunderers
10-strong Arkanaut Company
3 Skywardens or 3 Endrinriggers
1 Grundstok Gunhauler
1 Arkanaut Frigate
1 Arkanaut Ironclad
1 Aetheric Navigator
1 Aether-Khemist
1 Endrinmaster
DESIGNER’S NOTE The Path to Glory rules presented in this book allow you to play an exciting campaign with your friends. You can use the rules exactly as they are laid out here, and fight your way along your path to glory! However, you can instead look at these rules as a framework that you can tinker with however you like, to play the campaign that works best for you and your gaming group. For example, if you’re starting new armies, you might start the campaign with fewer followers – perhaps your general and just two or three other units – that will allow everyone to start playing battles a bit sooner. If, on the other hand, your gaming group is looking for a new challenge, you could decide to generate all followers randomly, taking away the option to choose each unit.
You can take things further – there’s nothing to stop you writing your own battleplans to use in your Path to Glory campaigns, or adapting the rules from the General’s Handbook to play battles with three or more players in your campaign. Equally, while we’ve said that you can adjust the number of Glory Points you need to win the campaign, you could decide with your gaming group on a completely different way to win the campaign – the victor could be the first player to defeat every other player in the campaign, or the first to amass an army of ten or more units. Essentially, you should feel free to use these rules in whichever way you and your gaming group agree is best. Your path to glory is limitless!
SKYFARER FOLLOWERS REWARDS TABLE As your warband progresses along the Path to Glory, it will attract more followers, and especially favoured units will become renowned across the Mortal Realms. D6 Reward 1 Armed to the Teeth: Add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of one kind of weapon the unit carries. 2
Close-quarter Drills: You can add 1 to hit rolls for this unit in the shooting phase for attacks that target enemy units within 3'.
Commandos: This unit can disembark after a SKYVESSEL it is embarked upon has moved in the movement phase. This is its move for that turn.
Crack Shots: Any wound rolls of 6 or more made for this unit cause 1 additional Damage.
Old Hands: You can re-roll one failed hit, wound or save roll for this unit each turn.
Urbaz Courage: This unit never has to take battleshock tests.
SKYVESSEL FOLLOWERS REWARDS TABLE As your glory grows, you will be able to secure the services of the greatest masters of endrincraft and the most stalwart crews for the skyvessels that bear you to war. D6 Reward 1 Parachutes: When this SKYVESSEL ’S passengers bail out, you do not need to roll to see if they survive – they always land safely. Re-roll this result if this SKYVESSEL is a Grundstok Gunhauler. 2
Sturdy Frame: Add 2 to this SKYVESSEL ’s Wounds characteristic.
Smuggling Compartment: Your army can include one additional artefact of power.
Masterwork: This SKYVESSEL can have a great endrinwork. If it already has one, re-roll this result.
Windrider: Once per battle, in your hero phase, this SKYVESSEL can move as if it were the movement phase. It can act normally for the remainder of your turn, including allowing embarked units to disembark in the hero phase.
Master Gunner: You can re-roll one failed hit roll for this SKYVESSEL each turn.
HERO FOLLOWERS REWARDS TABLES The heroes drawn to your cause will grow in ability and reputation, becoming legends in their own right before you come to the end of your journey.
AETHER-KHEMIST D6 Result 1 Ancestor Mask: Enemy units within 3' of this Aether-Khemist add 1 to their battleshock tests. 2
Caustic Breath: This Aether-Khemist’s Noxious Aether has a To Wound characteristic of 3+ rather than 4+. Genius in the Making: The range of this Aether-Khemist’s Aetheric Augmentation ability is 15' rather than 10'.
AETHERIC NAVIGATOR D6 Result 1 Aetheric Ward: When this Aetheric Navigator suffers an unsaved wound or mortal wound, roll a dice. On a roll of 6, that wound is ignored. 2
Bold Sceptic: When an enemy spell would affect a single friendly unit within 12', you can choose for it to affect this Aetheric Navigator instead. If you do so, the Aetheric Navigator can immediately attempt to unbind the spell, unless a model has already attempted to unbind the spell.
Extraordinary Magnificator: All enemy units on the battlefield are considered visible to this Aetheric Navigator.
Reader of the Wind: If this Aetheric Navigator is visible to any friendly Arkanaut Frigates or Arkanaut Ironclads, those units can re-roll the dice for their Aetheric Navigation ability.
Great Discovery: This Aether-Khemist can have an artefact of power in addition to those your army can normally include.
Khemically Inspired: This Aether-Khemist and friendly KHARADRON OVERLORDS units within 6' in the battleshock phase do not have to take battleshock tests.
Wary Prospector: At the beginning of your opponent’s charge phase, this Aether-Khemist can move up to D6'.
Skyfarer: You can add 3' to the Move characteristic of any SKYVESSEL while this Aetheric Navigator is embarked within it.
Sharpshooter: You can re-roll all hit and wound rolls for this Aetheric Navigator’s Ranging Pistol.
ENDRINMASTER D6 Result 1 Armourer: Re-roll save rolls of 1 for this Endrinmaster.
Great Tinkerer: Add 1 to the Damage characteristic of this Endrinmaster’s Gaze of Grungni.
Artificer Harness: Re-roll rolls of 1 for this Endrinmaster’s Supercharged Harness ability.
Mastersmith: You can re-roll the dice for this Endrinmaster’s Endrincraft ability.
Endrinprofessor: Whenever a friendly SKYVESSEL would be healed within 1' of this Endrinmaster, add 1 to the number of wounds healed.
Tough as they Come: Add 1 to this Endrinmaster’s Wounds characteristic.
CHAMPION REWARDS TABLE As your champion progresses along the Path to Glory, they may be gifted with great rewards… if they are deemed worthy. 2D6 Result 2 Demotion: The champion is on their last warning – should they fail even once, they will be stripped of their command. If the champion is ever slain, you lose D3 Glory Points (to a minimum of 0), and must remove all rewards your champion has gained from this table so far from your warband roster. The champion is replaced with a new Arkanaut Admiral. 3
War Wound: Roll a dice for the champion in each of their hero phases. On a roll of 1, their old war wound is playing up; you must re-roll hit and wound rolls of 6 for the champion until your next hero phase. On a roll of 4 or more, the wisdom earned in their many years of war aids them; you can re-roll save rolls of 1 for the champion until your next hero phase. Ancestral Grudge: Name a keyword when you roll this result. You can add 1 to the Damage inflicted by one successful attack made by your champion in each combat phase if the target has this keyword. Aetherturgic Ward: Roll a dice when your champion would be affected by an enemy spell. On a roll of 4 or more, the champion is not affected. Other units are affected as normal.
Aetheric Augmentation: Pick one weapon used by the champion. Add 1 to any hit rolls made for attacks with the weapon that you pick.
Tough as Old Boots: Add 1 to your champion’s Wounds characteristic.
Master-at-Arms: Add 1 to the Bravery of the champion. In addition, add 1 to the Bravery of any units from their warband that are within 8' of the champion in the battleshock phase.
Impervious Armour: You can re-roll failed save rolls for your champion.
10 Glory Hunter: Add 2 to all run and charge rolls you make for your champion. 11 Master Rune: Roll a dice before a wound or mortal wound is inflicted upon the champion. On a roll of 6, the wound is negated and is not applied. 12 A Scholar and an Arkanaut: Generate an additional footnote for your army. You cannot have the same footnote twice – re-roll duplicate results. If your champion is slain before you have used the footnote in a battle, it is lost until your next battle.
FIGHTING BATTLES WITH YOUR KHARADRON OVERLORDS Collecting your army is just the beginning. Whether you have a small scouting force or the makings of a Grand Armada, there are many ways to use your Kharadron Overlords Citadel Miniatures in games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar, forging legends of your own and testing your skill as a general. There are many different ways to enjoy the Games Workshop hobby. Some hobbyists are avid painters and others spend their hobby time learning the lore. For some, though, using their collections to play games against likeminded opponents across the tabletop is at the very heart of their hobby. If you fall into this latter category, then this section of the book is for you. The General’s Handbook introduces three ways to play with your army: open play, narrative play and matched play. Whether you simply want to put all of your miniatures on a table and see what they can do, fight a dramatic battle with various twists and turns, or
clash with an opponent using an army of equal power to see who makes the best general, there’s a play style for you. In open play, there are no limits. This is the simplest and most flexible way to play – all you need are your painted Kharadron Overlords, their warscrolls, the Warhammer Age of Sigmar rules sheet, a set of dice, a tape measure, and a flat surface on which to play. You can make your games as big or small as you like, and you can use whichever extra rules you like. It really is up to you! Narrative play ties the action on the tabletop to the stories of the Mortal Realms, whether you’re fighting for
new territory, trying to settle a grudge, or rescuing fellow Arkanauts stranded in enemy territory. The battleplans presented in this book are ideal for this kind of play, but if you have an idea for an exciting battle, there’s nothing stopping you from creating your own. Finally there is matched play. This gives you the option to fight battles with forces that are balanced against one another, for example in a tournament. You can use any method you like for balancing your army of Kharadron Overlords against your opponent, but this book includes pitched battle profiles which give you a points cost for each unit to make this straightforward.
THEMING YOUR ARMY Theming an army is a great way to shape your collection, and certain themes may lend themselves more readily to one or another type of play – open play, narrative play or matched play. Here are some examples of how you might theme a collection, and what sort of battles you might fight. GRUNGSSON’S GAUNTLET • Brokk Grungsson, Lord-Magnate of Barak-Nar • 1 Arkanaut Ironclad • 2 Arkanaut Frigates • 4 Grundstok Gunhaulers • 2 units of Skywardens • 1 unit of Endrinriggers
BARAK-MHORNAR PRIVATEERS • 4 Grundstok Gunhaulers • 1 Arkanaut Frigate • 2 units of Grundstok Thunderers • 2 units of Skywardens
IRONHEART’S EXPLORATORY EXPEDITION • 1 Arkanaut Admiral • 1 Aether-Khemist • 1 Iron Sky Squadron - 3 Arkanaut Frigates - 3 Arkanaut Companies • 2 units of Grundstok Thunderers • 2 units of Endrinriggers
The Kharadron Overlords’ mastery of the skies of the Mortal Realms is unquestionable, but should someone dare, this army is ready to settle the matter. It’s a collection with a very simple theme – everything can fly! Lord-Magnate Brokk Grungsson bobs proudly at the head of this fleet, which is designed to look great on the tabletop. The Arkanaut Ironclad, as the flagship, is flanked by the Frigates and escorted by the fierce Grundstok
Gunhaulers. The sum is a formidable flying gunline with enough firepower to take on all comers. Should the enemy reach close quarters, Grungsson leads his hand-picked Skywarden bodyguard into the fray with his aethermatic saw roaring. All the while the Endrinriggers work to keep everything ship-shape. This is a collection that lends itself well to open or narrative play battles, as it is a bit of an unusual army and a challenge to face!
This force was chosen to represent the somewhat piratical sky-port of Barak-Mhornar. These cunning warriors prefer to strike hard and fast – preferably before their enemies are even aware of them! The starting point was the sky-port’s rules on page 96, and the units here form a Grundstok Escort Wing (pg 129). This warscroll battalion is formidable in its own right, but Barak-Mhornar’s Escort Wings can include an extra Grundstok Gunhauler,
and there is synergy between the skyport’s abilities and that of the battalion. The lack of a Hero to lead them only emphasises their unconventional approach! The result is an army that can move quickly and hit hard – perfect for an ambush! An opponent would be hard-pressed to survive, and you could create your own narrative play battleplan that reflects that, in which the Kharadron Overlords only win if they can entirely destroy their enemies.
Ironheart’s Exploratory Expedition is a textbook sky-fleet chosen for matched play. It’s the perfect size for a Battlehost, with Arkanaut Companies making up the Battleline core of the army, carried into battle by the formidable Arkanaut Frigates. The army is led by Admiral Ironheart, who fights at the centre of the battle, bolstering those around him. The Grundstok Thunderers take up a commanding position so that their guns threaten a large area of the
battlefield, and the Aether-Khemist stands beside them, enhancing their weapons. Finally, the Endrinriggers accompany the Frigates, keeping them repaired and driving off enemies that come too close. All of the Skyfarers can begin the battle embarked, though the Frigates will be less manoeuvrable until they lighten their load! When fielding this army, you can include two artefacts of power (enough for both Heroes) and two great endrinworks.
DEPLOYMENT & TACTICS There are few armies in Warhammer Age of Sigmar that offer you the flexibility that the Kharadron Overlords provide. With unparalleled mobility, the ability to begin the battle entirely airborne and formidable firepower, they have tactics all of their own. When you set up your army, as long as you have included sufficient Arkanaut Frigates and Ironclads, your whole army can begin the game embarked and in the air. This will almost always mean you finish setting up first, which provides an advantage in many battleplans. It also means that you can wait and see how the opposing army is set up before moving your vessels to advantageous positions, there to disembark the slower-moving elements of your army. The high Move characteristics of Kharadron Overlords Skyvessels combined with the long Range of their weapons gives your army incredible reach in the first battle round. To capitalise on this, if you spread your vessels out when you set them up, your opponent will be hard-pressed to find safety for the choicest targets in their army. With some aggressive manoeuvring in your first turn, you should find that there is very little your vessels’ guns cannot target! Make the most of your army’s defensive abilities by staggering the placement of Skyvessels and Heroes like the Aether-Khemist along your battleline. This way you can use their resilience and their abilities to protect units other than themselves, and your opponent will find it difficult to break through to their desired target. With their charge stymied, you will have the opportunity to bring your strongest weapons to bear!
BARAK-NAR AETHERIC NAVIGATOR You’ll find the Aetheric Navigator a valuable asset in your opponent’s hero phase, as their wizards find their spells unbound by these aetheric savants. Even more effective though are those who hail from the sky-port of Barak-Nar. These masters of their craft can unbind up to three spells in your opponent’s hero phase once per battle, and up to two spells otherwise, and you add 1 to all of their unbinding rolls. To add insult to injury, give your favourite Aetheric Navigator an Aethersight Loupe from the treasures of the sky-ports table and add an extra dice to their unbinding rolls! As an added bonus, you can re-roll battleshock tests for your units while they are within 8' of these Heroes. With careful placement, you can make life very difficult for your opponent indeed. BARAK-ZILFIN SKY-FLEET A Barak-Zilfin sky-fleet offers a unique opportunity to a daring general in the form of the Aetherspheric Endrins. If you outfit one of your Skyvessels with this great endrinwork, you will have the ability to strike anywhere on the battlefield. If you fit it in an Arkanaut Frigate from an Iron Sky Squadron, you can ensure that all of its weapons are in range from the first battle round for that devastating opening volley, and follow up with a daring (re-rollable) charge from the Arkanaut Company that are embarked. Alternatively, you can use it to keep a ship in reserve, ready to descend at the opportune moment to lay claim to an area of the battlefield or strike at your opponent’s most vulnerable units. Don’t forget that Barak-Zilfin’s Skyvessels are also swifter and hardier than most! BARAK-URBAZ ENDRINRIGGERS The Kharadron Overlords of Barak-Urbaz know an opportunity when they see one, and you can give your opponent a nasty surprise with the sky-port’s signature footnote, Where There’s War, There’s Gold. With this footnote, a decent combat unit like the Endrinriggers can punch well above their weight as they pile in and attack in your hero phase! Furthermore, if you choose There’s No Trading With Some People as your additional footnote, this nasty extra set of attacks can be bolstered by an additional D3 mortal wounds – great for those moments when you really need your target to go down. For maximum impact, have one of Barak-Urbaz’s renowned Aether-Khemists increase your chosen unit’s number of attacks with Aetheric Augmentation before using your footnotes. BARAK-ZON SKY-FLEET As the most militaristic of the sky-ports, Barak-Zon boasts the most aggressive abilities. Your Arkanaut Companies become a force to be reckoned with when you’re re-rolling wound rolls of 1 on the charge, getting in an extra charge when your opponent least expects it using Barak-Zon’s unique footnote, Show Them Your Steel, and bolstering your companies with nearby Skyvessels to make battleshock tests less punishing. Remember that Arkanaut Companies from a Barak-Zon Iron Sky Squadron can also re-roll charge rolls in a turn in which they disembark, making these duardin some of the most reliable chargers in Warhammer Age of Sigmar! Your choice of footnote can make them even more dependable, or give them a bit of extra welly when they get into combat.
WARSCROLL BATTALIONS The warriors of the Mortal Realms often fight in battalions. Each of these deadly fighting formations consists of several units that are organised and trained to fight alongside each other. The units in warscroll battalions can employ special tactics on the battlefield, making them truly deadly foes. If you wish, you can organise the units in your army into a warscroll battalion. Doing so will give you access to additional abilities that can be used by the units in the battalion. The information needed to use these powerful formations can be found on the warscroll battalion sheets that we publish for Warhammer Age of Sigmar. Each warscroll battalion sheet lists the units that make it up, and the rules for any additional abilities that units from the warscroll battalion can use.
When you are setting up, you can set up all of the units in a warscroll battalion instead of setting up a single unit. Alternatively, you can set up some of the units from a warscroll battalion, and set up any remaining units individually later on, or you can set up all of the units individually. For example, in a battle where each player takes it in turns to set up one unit, you could set up one, some or all of the units belonging to a warscroll battalion in your army.
On the following pages you will find a selection of warscroll battalions. Usually, a unit can only belong to one battalion, and so can only benefit from a single set of battalion abilities. However, some very large battalions include other, smaller battalions, and in this case it is possible for a unit to benefit from the abilities of two different battalions at the same time.
1. Title: The name of the warscroll battalion and a short overview of the background for it and how it fights. 2. Organisation: This section lists the units that make up the warscroll battalion and any restrictions that may apply to the models that you can include.
4 1 2
3. Abilities: Every warscroll battalion includes one or more abilities that some or all of the units from the battalion can use. The abilities listed for a warscroll battalion only apply to the units that make it up (even if there are other units of the same type in your army). These abilities are in addition to the abilities listed on the units’ warscrolls.
4. Allegiance: If a battalion has an allegiance, its units can be included in an army that has that allegiance even if they do not have that keyword on their warscroll. However, its units only benefit from that army’s allegiance abilities if they have the appropriate keyword on their warscroll. A battalion can still be part of any allegiance that all its units have on their warscrolls.
GRAND ARMADA Aggressive and determined, an Admiral leads his Kharadron Overlords fleet forth from their sky-port, sailing outwards intent on completing their mission and securing riches. ORGANISATION A Grand Armada consists of the following units and warscroll battalions: • 1 Arkanaut Admiral • 1 Iron Sky Command • 1 Iron Sky Squadron • 1 Grundstok Escort Wing
ABILITIES On a War Footing: In the hero phase of your first turn, all SKYVESSELS in this battalion can move as if it were the movement phase. They can act normally for the remainder of your turn, including allowing embarked units to disembark in the hero phase. Constitutional Experts: As long as the Admiral and at least one other HERO from the Grand Armada are on the battlefield, you can use footnotes (other than These Are Just Guidelines) once per battle round, rather than once per battle.
IRON SKY COMMAND When the warriors of the fleet form up around the officers and specialists of Iron Sky Command, neither the strongest aether-currents nor the most terrible foe can divert them from their course. ORGANISATION An Iron Sky Command battalion consists of the following units:
ABILITIES Lords of the Skies: Friendly units within 12' of the Arkanaut Ironclad from this battalion subtract 1 from the result of any battleshock test they make.
• 1 Arkanaut Ironclad • 3 HEROES chosen in any combination from the following list: Aether-Khemist, Aetheric Navigator, Endrinmaster • 1 Arkanaut Company • 1-3 units of Endrinriggers
Trusted Bodyguard: While a friendly HERO is within 3' of the Arkanaut Company from this battalion, you can roll a dice every time they suffer a wound or mortal wound. On the roll of 5 or more, the Arkanaut Company suffers the wound instead.
IRON SKY SQUADRON The opening enfilade unleashed by a gunline of Arkanaut Frigates followed by the rapid deployment of Arkanaut Company eager to stake their claim has spelled swift doom for many a foe. ORGANISATION An Iron Sky Squadron consists of the following units: • 2-10 Arkanaut Frigates • 2-10 Arkanaut Companies
ABILITIES Bold Privateers: In the turn in which an Arkanaut Company from this battalion disembarks from an Arkanaut Frigate from this battalion, you can re-roll run and charge moves for that unit. Opening Salvo: In the first battle round, add 1 to the Attacks characteristics of all missile weapons of the Arkanaut Frigates from this battalion.
GRUNDSTOK ESCORT WING A great deal of the Grundcorps’ training revolves around focussed fire, and nowhere is this better exemplified than when a Grundstok Escort Wing directs its formidable guns upon a single target. ORGANISATION A Grundstok Escort Wing consists of the following units: • 3 Grundstok Gunhaulers • 1 Arkanaut Frigate • 1-3 units of Grundstok Thunderers • 1-3 units of Skywardens
ABILITIES Focus Fire: At the start of each of your shooting phases, choose an enemy unit. Add 1 to the hit rolls for any units from this battalion if all of that unit’s attacks are directed against that enemy unit.
AETHERSTRIKE FORCE Filling the air with blazing shots and meteoric missiles, an Aetherstrike Forces combines the celestial powers of the Stormcast Eternals with the aether-fuelled technologies of the Kharadron Overlords. ORGANISATION An Aetherstrike Force consists of the following units: • • • • •
1 Knight-Venator 3 units of Prosecutors 1 Grundstok Gunhauler 1 unit of Endrinriggers 2 units of Skywardens
ABILITIES Marked for Destruction: In any of your hero phases, the Knight-Venator from this battalion can loose their Star-fated Arrow as if it were your shooting phase. If this attack hits but the target unit is not slain, units from this battalion add 1 to their hit rolls against that unit for the remainder of the battle. Lightning-fast Volleys: In each of your hero phases, you can choose a single unit (other than the Knight-Venator) from this battalion to make shooting attacks as if it were your shooting phase. A unit may only do so if two or more other units from this battalion are within 6'.
igmarites, Captain,’ snorted Alraf Hailcall, gesturing at the golden figures held aloft by resplendent wings of light. ‘I hear they claim to be one with the tempest.’ ‘So the Stormling’s new armies seek to roam the skies at will,’ mused Hrolf Alespitter, stroking the metal forks of his beard-mask. ‘Not sure I like that. Not at all Perhaps we should give them a taste of aethershot…’ ‘Captain,’ came a shout from the Frigate’s stern, ‘the skysharks return! Starboard bow!’ Turning, Hrolf Alespitter extended his scryerscope until his pursuers turned from blue blurs into blade-winged terrors. They were gaining fast. Amongst them was an avian giant, its pinions trailing blue flame.
‘Ho there! You with the fancy wings!’ he boomed. ‘How does a tenth-share sound if we see these things off?’ The gilded Sigmarites in the middle distance called out amongst themselves before darting forward. Alraf Hailcall turned to his superior officer, aghast. ‘Captain,’ he said, ‘you would share our bounty?’ ‘Artycle Two, Footnote Twenty-one says to make fair use of all the gold in the sky,’ said the Captain. ‘These ones are gold. They are also in the sky. Do you challenge it?’ Nearby, the storm warriors were sending lightningswathed projectiles into the ranks of the nearest skysharks. Each strike blasted a daemon to nothingness. ‘No, Captain,’ said Hailcall with a slow and eager smile.
‘I have a better idea,’ said the Captain, tapping his loudmouth array so it activated with a shriek of static.
‘As I thought,’ said Alespitter curtly. ‘Fire at will!’
WARSCROLLS The warriors and creatures that battle in the Mortal Realms are incredibly diverse, each one fighting with their own unique weapons and combat abilities. To represent this, every model has a warscroll that lists the characteristics, weapons and abilities that apply to the model. Every Citadel Miniature in the Warhammer range has its own warscroll, which provides you with all of the information needed to use that model in a game of Warhammer Age of Sigmar. This means that you can use any Citadel Miniatures in your collection as part of an army as long as you have the right warscrolls.
When fighting a battle, simply refer to the warscrolls for the models you are using. Warscrolls for all of the other models in the Warhammer Age of Sigmar range are available from Games Workshop. Just visit our website at for more information on how to obtain them.
The key below explains what you will find on a warscroll, and the Warhammer Age of Sigmar rules sheet explains how this information is used in a game. The warscroll also includes a short piece of text explaining the background for the models and how they fight.
1. Title: The name of the model that the warscroll describes. 2. Characteristics: This set of characteristics tells you how fast, powerful and brave the model is, and how effective its weapons are.
1 2 6
3 4
3. Description: The description tells you what weapons the model can be armed with, and what upgrades (if any) it can be given. The description will also tell you if the model is fielded on its own as a single model, or as part of a unit. If the model is fielded as part of a unit, then the description will say how many models the unit should have (if you don’t have enough models to field a unit, you can still field one unit with as many models as you have available). 4. Abilities: Abilities are things that the model can do during a game that are not covered by the standard game rules. 5. Keywords: All models have a list of keywords. Sometimes a rule will say that it only applies to models that have a specific keyword. 6. Damage Table: Some models have a damage table that is used to determine one or more of the model’s characteristics. Look up the number of wounds the model has suffered to find the value of the characteristic in question.
HINTS & TIPS Modifiers: Many warscrolls include modifiers that can affect characteristics. For example, a rule might add 1 to the Move characteristic of a model, or subtract 1 from the result of a hit roll. Modifiers are cumulative. Random Values: Sometimes, the Move or weapon characteristics on a warscroll will have random values. For example, the Move characteristic for a model might be 2D6 (two dice rolls added together), whereas the Attacks characteristic of a weapon might be D6. When a unit with a random Move characteristic is selected to move in the movement phase, roll the indicated number of dice. The total of the dice rolled is the Move characteristic for all models in the unit for the duration of that movement phase. Generate any random values for a weapon (except Damage) each time it is chosen as the weapon for an attack.
Roll once and apply the result to all such weapons being used in the attack. The result applies for the rest of that phase. For Damage, generate a value for each weapon that inflicts damage. When to Use Abilities: Abilities that are used at the start of a phase must be carried out before any other actions. By the same token, abilities used at the end of the phase are carried out after all normal activities for the phase are complete.
Keywords: Keywords are sometimes linked to (or tagged) by a rule. For example, a rule might say that it applies to ‘all KHARADRON OVERLORDS models’. This means that it would apply to models that have the Kharadron Overlords keyword on their warscroll. Keywords can also be a useful way to decide which models to include in an army. For example, if you want to field a Kharadron Overlords army, just use models that have the Kharadron Overlords keyword.
If you can use several abilities at the same time, you can decide in which order they are used. If both players can carry out abilities at the same time, the player whose turn is taking place uses their abilities first.
Minimum Range: Some weapons have a minimum range. For example 6'-48'. The weapon cannot shoot at an enemy unit that is within the minimum range.
Save of ‘-’: Some models have a Save of ‘-’. This means that they automatically fail all save rolls (do not make the roll, even if modifiers apply).
Weapons: Some models can be armed with two identical weapons. When the model attacks with these weapons, do not double the number of attacks that the weapons make; usually, the model gets an additional ability instead.
BROKK GRUNGSSON, LORD-MAGNATE OF BARAK-NAR Each time Brokk Grungsson returns to his sky-port, he does so with his airships’ holds so filled with treasure that they make some of the vaults in Azyrheim look like loose-change tins in comparison. No duardin alive reaps profit at such a ferocious rate as the Lord-Magnate of Barak-Nar, who takes the maxim ‘to the victor the spoils’ to new extremes on the battlefields of the Mortal Realms.
12' 8
3+ 8
To Hit
To Wound
Grungsson’s Boast
Magnate’s Charter
To Hit
To Wound
Aethermatic Saw
Brokk Grungsson, Lord-Magnate of Barak-Nar is a single model. Borne aloft in his magnificent custom-built dirigible suit, Grungsson deals death from afar with Grungsson’s Boast, the Magnate’s Charter and his mustache-mounted Aetherblasters. When he is called upon to trade blows with his enemies, he does so with his Aethermatic Saw.
The Lord-Magnate Moves: If Brokk Grungsson ends a charge move within ½' of any enemy units, pick one of those units and roll a dice. On a roll of 2 or more, that unit suffers D3 mortal wounds from the crushing impact of the Lord-Magnate’s charge.
First Rule of Grungsson: If Brokk Grungsson uses this ability, he invokes his first and most significant commentary on the Code – ‘to the victor, the spoils’. Until your next hero phase, friendly KHARADRON OVERLORDS units within 18' can charge even if they ran in the same turn.
Champion of Barak-Nar: You can re-roll hit and wound rolls of 1 for Brokk Grungsson if those attacks are directed against a HERO or MONSTER .
Brokk Grungsson can fly. Supercharged Harness: Brokk Grungsson can supercharge his harness in the combat phase to give himself extra strength, but doing so can be hazardous. If Brokk Grungsson uses this ability, roll a dice. On a roll of 1, he suffers a mortal wound. On a roll of 3 or more, the Damage characteristic of his Aethermatic Saw is 3 rather than D3 until the end of the phase. High Hitcher: Brokk Grungsson does not count towards the maximum number of SKYFARERS that can be embarked on a SKYVESSEL , and is not counted for the Overburdened rule.
ARKANAUT ADMIRAL The Kharadron Code states that an Admiral is entitled to a greater share of any profits generated by an expedition – wealth they usually put towards the procurement of the finest arms and armour. In order to avoid being voted out, however, an Admiral must never fail to lead their fleet to success – a charge that ensures they are the most driven members of an intrepid race.
4' 6
3+ 8
To Hit
To Wound
Volley Pistol
To Hit
To Wound
An Arkanaut Admiral is a single model. They are armed with a Skalfhammer and a Volley Pistol.
First to the Fray: If an Arkanaut Admiral ends a charge move within ½' of an enemy unit, you can add 1 to charge rolls for friendly KHARADRON OVERLORDS units within 18' until the end of the phase.
Invoke the Code: If an Arkanaut Admiral uses this ability, they invoke one of the central tenets of the Code. Choose one of the following tenets – the effect lasts until your next hero phase.
Master of the Skies: If an Arkanaut Admiral is embarked on a SKYVESSEL , that vessel can run and shoot in the same turn. If You Want A Job Done…: You can re-roll hit and wound rolls of 1 for an Arkanaut Admiral if the target is a HERO OR MONSTER .
Lead By Example: Friendly KHARADRON OVERLORDS units within 12' of the Admiral in the battleshock phase do not have to take battleshock tests. Look Out For The Boss: If there is a friendly SKYFARERS unit within 1' when the Admiral suffers a wound or mortal wound, you can roll a dice. On a 5 or 6, that unit suffers a mortal wound instead. Talk Softly, Carry A Big Hammer: Re-roll failed hit and wound rolls for the Admiral in the combat phase.
AETHERIC NAVIGATOR Masters of the high winds, Aetheric Navigators can unpick enemy spells via direct manipulation of arcane jet streams and hidden gales. With signal flashes of their zephyrscopes, Aetheric Navigators can also help steer any Kharadron Overlords airships into prevailing currents, or even redial their gear’s settings to summon raging aetherstorms that force airborne foes to the ground.
4' 5
3+ 7
To Hit
To Wound
Ranging Pistol
To Hit
To Wound
An Aetheric Navigator is a single model. They are armed with a Zephyrscope and a Ranging Pistol.
Aethersight: An Aetheric Navigator can attempt to unbind a spell in each enemy hero phase as if they were a wizard. Aetherstorm: In your hero phase, an Aetheric Navigator can attempt to manipulate the aether to cause a storm. If they do so, roll a dice. On a 3 or more they are successful – until your next hero phase, enemy units that can fly must halve their Move characteristic if they begin their movement phase within 18' of the Aetheric Navigator.
Read the Winds: If an Aetheric Navigator does not move in the movement phase, you can re-roll the dice for all visible friendly SKYVESSELS when they run or charge. You cannot use this ability in a turn in which an Aetheric Navigator has attempted to cause an aetherstorm. An Aetheric Navigator can use this ability even when embarked, but if they do so it only affects the SKYVESSEL they are embarked upon.
AETHER-KHEMIST Using an atmospheric anatomiser, an Aether-Khemist can fill the surrounding air with alchemic compounds, using a myriad concoctions to boost the power of their fleetmates’ aethermatic weapons or smother enemies in billowing clouds of toxins. Their strange apparatus can also suck away vital airborne elements, sapping the vitality of enemies in close proximity.
4' 5
4+ 7
To Hit
To Wound
Noxious Aether
To Hit
To Wound
Rend -
Heavy Instruments
An Aether-Khemist is a single model armed with an Atmospheric Anatomiser that shoots clouds of Noxious Aether. They also carry Heavy Instruments with which they can bludgeon foes.
Aetheric Augmentation: An Aether-Khemist can use their Atmospheric Anatomiser in their hero phase to augment the weapons of nearby Arkanauts. When they do so, pick a friendly SKYFARERS unit within 10'. Until your next hero phase, add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of one kind of weapon carried by the unit (e.g. their Privateer Pistols).
Atmospheric Isolation: An Aether-Khemist can use their Anatomiser at the beginning of the combat phase to create a vacuum around themselves, suffocating their foes. When they do so, enemy models within 3' reduce each of their Attacks characteristics by 1, to a minimum of 1.
ENDRINMASTER True geniuses of Kharadron endrincraft, Endrinmasters can repair or shore up even the most battered of airships. Powered by their aether-fuelled endrinharness, an Endrinmaster’s aethermight hammer and welding raybeam are just as useful at wreaking devastation upon the foe as they are when conducting mid-battle repairs.
4' 6
4+ 7
To Hit
To Wound
Gaze of Grungni
To Hit
To Wound
Aethermight Hammer
An Endrinmaster is a single model. They wield an Aethermight Hammer with the help of their Endrinharness, and wear a God’s Eye that can unleash the Gaze of Grungni.
Endrincraft: In each of your hero phases, an Endrinmaster can repair a single SKYVESSEL within 3' or the one they are embarked upon. That SKYVESSEL immediately heals D3 wounds.
Supercharged Harness: An Endrinmaster can supercharge their harness in the combat phase to give themselves extra strength, but doing so can be hazardous. If an Endrinmaster uses this ability, roll a dice. On a roll of 1, they suffer a mortal wound. On a roll of 3 or more, the Damage characteristic of their Aethermight Hammer is 3 rather than D3 until the end of the phase.
ARKANAUT COMPANY The backbone of the airships, the Arkanaut Companies stand ready to deploy within the holds of their airships, whether to drive off attackers or secure plunder in the name of their sky-port. Wielding pistols and blades, the duardin of the Companies make stout warriors, each a bold privateer eager to win recognition for daring deeds.
4' 1
5+ 6
To Hit
To Wound
Privateer Pistol Aethermatic Volley Gun Light Skyhook
12' 18' 24'
2 6 1
4+ 5+ 4+
4+ 4+ 3+
-1 -2
1 1 D3
To Hit
To Wound
Arkanaut Cutter Gun Butt Skypike
1' 1' 2'
1 1 2
4+ 4+ 4+
4+ 5+ 4+
1 1 D3
An Arkanaut Company has 10 or more models. The Arkanauts are armed with Privateer Pistols and Arkanaut Cutters. For every 10 models in the company, up to 3 can instead be armed with a Skypike or a specialist gun in the form of a Light Skyhook or Aethermatic Volley Gun. Arkanauts armed with specialist guns can club the foe with their Gun Butts in combat.
The leader of this unit is the Company Captain. A Company Captain has a modified Privateer Pistol – either a Volley Pistol, which makes 3 Attacks rather than 2, or an Aetherflare Pistol, which has a To Wound characteristic of 3+ rather than 4+. A Company Captain makes 2 Attacks rather than 1 with their Arkanaut Cutter.
Glory-seekers: Add 1 to the hit rolls for any model in this unit if the target for all of its attacks in that phase is a HERO or MONSTER .
ARKANAUT IRONCLAD With their thick hulls, large transport capacities and formidable arsenals, Arkanaut Ironclads are the pride of their fleet, often chosen to serve as capital ships. Many are the tales told by the Kharadron of Ironclads single-handedly wreaking ruin upon entire armies. MISSILE WEAPONS
To Hit
To Wound
Great Sky Cannon
Great Skyhook
Aethermatic Volley Cannon
Aethershock Torpedoes
8' 18
4+ 7
Aethershot Carbines
✹ ✹
To Hit
To Wound
Fragmentation Charges

Belaying Valves
DAMAGE TABLE Wounds Suffered
Aethershock Torpedoes
Aethershot Carbines
Fragmentation Charges
DESCRIPTION An Arkanaut Ironclad is a single model. Its arsenal includes Aethershot Carbines, Grudgesettler Bombs, Fragmentation Charges, Detonation Drills, Aethershock Torpedoes and a Supremacy Mine. Its main gun is either a Great Sky Cannon, Great Skyhook or an Aethermatic Volley Cannon. The crew use Belaying Valves as improvised weapons. FLY
Bomb Racks: If any enemy unit ends its charge within 1' of the Ironclad, it can drop Detonation Drills or Grudgesettler Bombs. Choose which bombs it will drop, and then roll a dice. On a roll of 4 or more the enemy unit suffers the following effect: Detonation Drills: The enemy unit cannot be chosen to pile in and attack until all other units have done so. Units that can fly are not affected.
Arkanaut Ironclads can fly. Grudgesettler Bombs: The enemy unit suffers D3 mortal wounds. Units that can fly are not affected.
ABILITIES Aetheric Navigation: If there is a friendly Aetheric Navigator visible to it, an Arkanaut Ironclad can move an extra D3' in the movement phase. Flagship: In each of your hero phases, one Arkanaut Ironclad in your army can raise one of the following signals. The signal affects all visible friendly SKYVESSELS until your next hero phase: Fire At Will: Add 2 to the Attacks characteristic of Aethershot Carbines.
Skyhook: If one or more enemy units suffer an unsaved wound from a Great Skyhook, the Arkanaut Ironclad can immediately move D6', as long as it ends the move closer to one of these units. Supremacy Mine: Once per battle, when an enemy unit that can fly ends its charge within 1' of the Ironclad, you can launch the Supremacy Mine. When you do so, roll a dice. On a 2 or more, that unit suffers D6 mortal wounds.
declare which units are embarked inside the Arkanaut Ironclad when you set it up. Embark: If all models in a SKYFARER unit can move to within 3' of a friendly Arkanaut Ironclad in the movement phase, they can embark within it. Remove the unit from the battlefield and place it to one side – it is now embarked inside the vessel. Embarked units cannot normally do anything or be affected in any way whilst they are embarked. Unless specifically stated, abilities that affect other units within a certain range have no effect on a unit that is embarked or whilst the unit that has the ability is embarked, and you cannot measure from or to an embarked unit. If the Arkanaut Ironclad is destroyed, the passengers immediately bail out: roll a dice for each model embarked within it. For each roll of 1, a model from that model’s unit (your choice) is slain. The embarked units must then disembark before the vessel is removed.
Make Every Shot Count: Re-roll hit rolls of 1 in the shooting phase.
Tireless Endrinrigger: Roll a dice for this model in each of your hero phases. On a 4 or more it heals 1 wound.
Prove Your Worth: Add 3' to the Range characteristic of all missile weapons.
Vessel: An Arkanaut Ironclad can carry 20 SKYFARER models in relative safety.
Disembark: Any unit that begins its hero phase embarked within an Arkanaut Ironclad can disembark. When a unit disembarks, set it up so that all its models are within 3' of the vessel and none are within 3' of any enemy models – any disembarking model that cannot be set up in this way is slain.
’Ware The Skies: Re-roll hit and wound rolls of 1 for attacks directed against units that can fly.
Overburdened: If you wish, your Arkanaut Ironclad can carry up to 25 SKYFARER models. For each SKYFARER over 20 that it carries, reduce the Ironclad’s Move characteristic by 1'.
Units that disembark can then act normally, including using abilities that can be used in the hero phase, for the remainder of their turn. A unit cannot disembark and embark in the same turn.
Batten the Hatches: In each of your hero phases, before any unit disembarks, an Ironclad’s Captain can give this order. If they do so, until your next hero phase you can re-roll save rolls of 1 for this model, but no unit can disembark or embark.
Set-up: When you set up an Arkanaut Ironclad, units of SKYFARERS can start the battle embarked within it instead of being set up separately –
ARKANAUT FRIGATE The mainstay ships of the Kharadron Overlords airfleets, Arkanaut Frigates can batter foes from afar with heavy ordnance, drop ground-pounding bombs or strike deep into enemy territory to deploy troops straight into the thick of the fight.
5+ 7
To Hit
To Wound
Heavy Sky Cannon
Heavy Skyhook
Aethershot Carbines

To Hit
To Wound
Belaying Valves

DAMAGE TABLE Wounds Suffered
Aethershot Carbines
Belaying Valves
DESCRIPTION An Arkanaut Frigate is a single model. It is armed with Aethershot Carbines, racks of Grudgesettler Bombs, Skymines and Detonation Drills. Its main gun – mounted above its forecastle – is either a Heavy Sky Cannon or a Heavy Skyhook. The crew of the Arkanaut Frigate operate these deadly armaments, but can always use Belaying Valves to defend their vessel. FLY
Skyhook: If one or more enemy units suffer an unsaved wound from a Heavy Skyhook, the Arkanaut Frigate can immediately move D6', as long as it ends the move closer to one of these units.
units within a certain range have no effect on a unit that is embarked or whilst the unit that has the ability is embarked, and you cannot measure from or to an embarked unit.
Skymines: An Arkanaut Frigate will release clusters of spiked Skymines to defend itself from flying enemies. When an enemy unit that can fly ends its charge within 1' of a Frigate, roll a dice for each model in the charging unit. On each roll of 6 the unit suffers a mortal wound.
If the Arkanaut Frigate is destroyed, the passengers immediately bail out: roll a dice for each model embarked within it. For each roll of 1, a model from that model’s unit (your choice) is slain. The embarked units must then disembark before the vessel is removed.
Tireless Endrinrigger: Roll a dice for this model in each of your hero phases. On a 4 or more it heals 1 wound.
Disembark: Any unit that begins its hero phase embarked within an Arkanaut Frigate can disembark during the hero phase. When a unit disembarks, set it up so that all its models are within 3' of the vessel and none are within 3' of any enemy models – any disembarking model that cannot be set up in this way is slain.
Arkanaut Frigates can fly.
ABILITIES Aetheric Navigation: If there is a friendly Aetheric Navigator visible to it, an Arkanaut Frigate can move an extra D3' in the movement phase. All Hands to the Guns: In each of your hero phases, the Captain of an Arkanaut Frigate can give this order. If they do so, until your next hero phase you can re-roll hit rolls of 1 in the shooting phase for the Arkanaut Frigate, but its Move characteristic is halved and it may not run. Bomb Racks: If any enemy unit ends its charge within 1' of the Frigate, it can drop Detonation Drills or Grudgesettler Bombs. Choose which bombs it will drop, and then roll a dice. On a roll of 4 or more the enemy unit suffers the following effect: Detonation Drills: The enemy unit cannot be chosen to pile in and attack until all other units have done so. Units that can fly are not affected. Grudgesettler Bombs: The enemy unit suffers D3 mortal wounds. Units that can fly are not affected.
Vessel: An Arkanaut Frigate can carry 10 SKYFARER models, allowing them to move swiftly across the battlefield and in relative safety. Overburdened: If you wish, your Arkanaut Frigate can carry up to 15 SKYFARER models. For each SKYFARER over 10 that it carries, reduce the Frigate’s Move characteristic by 1'.
Units that disembark can then act normally, including using abilities that can be used in the hero phase, for the remainder of their turn. Note that a unit cannot both disembark and embark in the same turn.
Set-up: When you set up an Arkanaut Frigate, units of SKYFARERS can start the battle embarked within it instead of being set up separately – declare which units are embarked inside the Arkanaut Frigate when you set it up. Embark: If all models in a SKYFARER unit can move to within 3' of a friendly Arkanaut Frigate in the movement phase, they can embark within it. Remove the unit from the battlefield and place it to one side – it is now embarked inside the vessel. Embarked units cannot normally do anything or be affected in any way whilst they are embarked. Unless specifically stated, abilities that affect other
GRUNDSTOK GUNHAULER Fast and armed with a powerful main gun, the Grundstok Gunhauler is the deadly escort-class ship of the Kharadron Overlord airfleets. These small, manoeuvrable craft are tasked with ensuring the safety of the airfleets’ larger ships, and it is a role they perform well, swarming in defence before peeling off to launch deadly attack runs.
12' 10
5+ 7
To Hit
To Wound
Sky Cannon
Drill Cannon
Aethershot Carbine
To Hit
To Wound
Fragmentation Charges
Belaying Valves
A Grundstok Gunhauler is a single model. It is armed with a Sky Cannon or a Drill Cannon, as well as an Aethershot Carbine and racks of Grudgesettler Bombs, Fragmentation Charges and Detonation Drills. The crew of the Grundstok Gunhauler operate these deadly armaments, but will defend their vessel with Belaying Valves if need be.
Exploding Drill: If the wound roll for a Drill Cannon is a 6 or more, you can pick another enemy unit within 3' of the target unit. That unit suffers D3 mortal wounds in addition to any damage dealt to the target unit.
Grundstok Gunhaulers can fly.
Bomb Racks: If any enemy unit ends its charge within 1' of the Gunhauler, it can drop Detonation Drills or Grudgesettler Bombs. Choose which bombs it will drop, and then roll a dice. On a roll of 4 or more the enemy unit suffers the following effect:
Ahead Full: In each of your hero phases, the Captain of a Grundstok Gunhauler can give this order. If they do so, until your next hero phase you can re-roll run and charge rolls for the Grundstok Gunhauler, but it may not attack in the shooting phase. Escort Vessel: Every time a SKYVESSEL (other than another Grundstok Gunhauler) suffers a wound or mortal wound within 3' of a friendly Grundstok Gunhauler, you can roll a dice. On a roll of 5 or more, the Grundstok Gunhauler suffers a mortal wound instead. You can only use this ability once for each wound or mortal wound.
Detonation Drills: The enemy unit cannot be chosen to pile in and attack until all other units have done so. Units that can fly are not affected. Grudgesettler Bombs: The enemy unit suffers D3 mortal wounds. Units that can fly are not affected.
GRUNDSTOK THUNDERERS Grundstok Thunderers are professional warriors, well drilled and trained to fire quickly with great accuracy. They are equipped with a broad arsenal of deadly aethermatic weapons, and it is their task to lay down a blistering hail of firepower to protect the Kharadron Overlords’ airfleets and the goods that they carry.
4' 1
4+ 7
To Hit
To Wound
Aethershot Rifle
Aetheric Fumigator
Grundstok Mortar
To Hit
To Wound
Gun Butt
A unit of Grundstok Thunderers has 5 or more models. Each Grundstok Thunderer is armed with an aethermatic weapon, whether the signature Aethershot Rifle, an Aetheric Fumigator, a Decksweeper, an Aethercannon or a Grundstok Mortar. If any enemies survive their devastating fusillades, they resort to bashing in skulls with their Gun Butts.
The leader of this unit is the Gunnery Sergeant. A Gunnery Sergeant makes 4 attacks rather than 2 with an Aethershot Rifle.
Drillbill: A unit of Grundstok Thunderers can be accompanied by an aethermatic bird known as a Drillbill, which perches upon the shoulder of one of the duardin. When the unit is threatened, the Drillbill whirrs to life, pecking at the enemy’s vulnerable spots. If any enemy unit ends its charge within 1' of a unit with a Drillbill, roll a dice. On a 2 or more the unit suffers a mortal wound.
Models in this unit can be Honour Bearers. You can re-roll battleshock tests for a unit of Grundstok Thunderers that includes any Honour Bearers.
Keep Your Distance: When this unit is chosen to make attacks in the combat phase, they can instead retreat, making a move (including running if you wish) as if it were their movement phase. They may not embark as part of this move.
ENDRINRIGGERS With aether-endrins strapped to their backs, Endrinriggers use the power of flight to enable them to conduct repairs on their beloved airships miles above ground. In battle, their aether-powered tools become lethal weapons capable of punching through the thickest enemy armour or messily sawing off heads and limbs.
12' 2
4+ 7
To Hit
To Wound
Rapid-fire Rivet Gun Aethermatic Volley Gun Skyhook Drill Cannon
12' 24' 24' 24'
3 6 1 1
3+ 4+ 4+ 4+
4+ 4+ 3+ 3+
-1 -1 -2 -3
1 1 3 3
To Hit
To Wound
Aethermatic Saw Gun Butt
1' 1'
1 1
3+ 4+
2+ 5+
-2 -
D3 1
A unit of Endrinriggers has 3 or more models. The Endrinriggers are armed with Rapid-fire Rivet Guns and Aethermatic Saws. For every 3 models in the unit, in place of their rivet gun and saw, 1 may be armed with an Aethermatic Volley Gun and 1 may be armed with either a Skyhook, Drill Cannon or Grapnel Launcher – these Endrinriggers will resort to clubbing the enemy with their Gun Butts at close quarters.
Endrincraft: In each of your hero phases, a unit of Endrinriggers can repair a single SKYVESSEL within 1' or the one they are embarked upon. That SKYVESSEL immediately heals 1 wound.
Endrinriggers can fly. MIZZENMASTER
The leader of this unit is a Mizzenmaster. A Mizzenmaster makes 2 attacks rather than 1 with their Aethermatic Saw.
Exploding Drill: If the wound roll for a Drill Cannon is a 6 or more, you can pick another enemy unit within 3' of the target unit. That unit suffers D3 mortal wounds in addition to any damage dealt to the target unit.
Hitchers: Endrinriggers do not count towards the maximum number of SKYFARERS that can be embarked on a SKYVESSEL , and are not counted for the Overburdened rule. Skyhook: If any enemy units suffer an unsaved wound from a Skyhook, those units are harpooned. The Endrinriggers can immediately move D6', as long as this move takes them closer to a harpooned unit.
Grapnel Launcher: An Endrinrigger with a Grapnel Launcher can fire it at the end of their shooting phase, after all other shooting has been resolved. Choose a terrain feature or a unit – friend or foe – with a Wounds characteristic of 10 or more within 24' and roll a dice. On a roll of 4 or more the grapnel has snagged on the target; immediately move this unit of Endrinriggers any distance directly towards the target. They must finish their move more than 3' from enemy models.
SKYWARDENS Skywardens are elite formations of Arkanaut warriors that swoop from on high to skewer enemies upon long-hafted skypikes, or hover at short range to incinerate them with vulcaniser pistols. Portable aether-endrins grant these duardin the power of true flight, allowing them to dart and weave through the airfleets before launching hit-and-run attacks against targets of opportunity.
12' 2
4+ 7
To Hit
To Wound
Vulcaniser Pistol Aethermatic Volley Gun Skyhook Drill Cannon
9' 24' 24' 24'
1 6 1 1
3+ 4+ 4+ 4+
3+ 4+ 3+ 3+
-1 -1 -2 -3
1 1 3 3
To Hit
To Wound
Gun Butt Skypike
1' 2'
1 2
4+ 4+
5+ 3+
1 D3
A unit of Skywardens has 3 or more models. The Skywardens are armed with Vulcaniser Pistols and Skypikes. For every 3 models in the unit, in place of their pistol and Skypike, 1 may be armed with an Aethermatic Volley Gun and 1 may be armed with either a Skyhook, Drill Cannon or Grapnel Launcher – these Skywardens will resort to clubbing the enemy with their Gun Butts at close quarters. Each Skywarden also carries a Timed Charge and Skymines.
Exploding Drill: If the wound roll for a Drill Cannon is a 6 or more, you can pick another enemy unit within 3' of the target unit. That unit suffers D3 mortal wounds in addition to any damage dealt to the target unit.
Skywardens can fly. CUSTODIAN
The leader of this unit is a Custodian. A Custodian makes 3 attacks rather than 2 with their Skypike.
Grapnel Launcher: A Skywarden with a Grapnel Launcher can fire it at the end of their shooting phase, after all other shooting has been resolved. Choose a terrain feature or a unit – friend or foe – with a Wounds characteristic of 10 or more within 24' and roll a dice. On a roll of 4 or more the grapnel has snagged on the target; immediately move this unit of Skywardens any distance directly towards the target. They must finish their move more than 3' from enemy models. Hitchers: Skywardens do not count towards the maximum number of SKYFARERS that can be embarked on a SKYVESSEL , and are not counted for the Overburdened rule.
Skyhook: If any enemy units suffer an unsaved wound from a Skyhook, those units are harpooned. The Skywardens can immediately move D6', as long as this move takes them closer to a harpooned unit. Skymines: Skywardens surround themselves with airborne mines that explode on contact. When an enemy unit that can fly ends its charge within 1' of any units of Skywardens, roll a dice for each model in the charging unit. On each roll of 6 the unit suffers a mortal wound. Timed Charges: Skywardens are practised at striking hard and then retreating quickly amidst timed explosions to cause massive confusion and damage. When a unit of Skywardens retreats, before moving the unit, roll a dice for each enemy unit within 3'. On a roll of 6 that unit suffers a mortal wound.
PITCHED BATTLE PROFILES The tables below provide points, minimum and maximum unit sizes and battlefield roles for the warscrolls and warscroll battalions in this book, for use in Pitched Battles. Used alongside the rules for Pitched Battles in the General’s Handbook, this provides you with everything you need to field your Kharadron Overlords army in a Pitched Battle against any opponent. KHARADRON OVERLORDS UNIT
Aetheric Navigator
Arkanaut Admiral
Arkanaut Company
Arkanaut Frigate
Arkanaut Ironclad
Brokk Grungsson, Lord-Magnate of Barak-Nar
Grundstok Gunhauler
Grundstok Thunderers
Aetherstrike Force
Warscroll Battalion
Iron Sky Squadron
Warscroll Battalion
Iron Sky Command
Warscroll Battalion
Grundstok Escort Wing
Warscroll Battalion
Grand Armada
Warscroll Battalion
Only one of this model can be included in a Pitched Battle army.
THERULES Warhammer Age of Sigmar puts you in command of a force of mighty warriors, monsters and war engines. This rules sheet contains everything you need to know in order to do battle amid strange and sorcerous realms, to unleash powerful magic, darken the skies with arrows, and crush your enemies in bloody combat!
Before the conflict begins, rival warlords gather their most powerful warriors. In order to play, you must first muster your army from the miniatures in your collection. Armies can be as big as you like, and you can use as many models from your collection as you wish. The more units you decide to use, the longer the game will last and the more exciting it will be! Typically, a game with around a hundred miniatures per side will last for about an evening. WARSCROLLS& UNITS All models are described by warscrolls, which provide all of the rules for using them in the game. You will need warscrolls for the models you want to use. Models fight in units. A unit can have one or more models, but cannot include models that use different warscrolls. A unit must be set up and finish any sort of move as a single group of models, with all models within 1' of at least one other model from their unit. If anything causes a unit to become split up during a battle, it must reform the next time that it moves. TOOLSOF WAR In order to fight a battle you will require a tape measure and some dice. Distances in Warhammer Age of Sigmar are measured in inches ('), between the closest points of the models or units you’re measuring to and from. You can measure distances whenever you wish. A model’s base isn’t considered part of the model – it’s just there to help the model stand up – so don’t include it when measuring distances. Warhammer Age of Sigmar uses sixsided dice (sometimes abbreviated to D6). If a rule requires you to roll a D3, roll a dice and halve the total, rounding fractions up. Some rules allow you to re-roll a dice roll, which means you get to roll some or all of the dice again. You can never re-roll a dice more than once, and re-rolls happen before modifiers to the roll (if any) are applied.
Be they pillars of flame, altars of brass or haunted ruins, the realms are filled with strange sights and deadly obstacles. Battles in Warhammer Age of Sigmar are fought across an infinite variety of exciting landscapes in the Mortal Realms, from desolate volcanic plains and treacherous sky temples, to lush jungles and cyclopean ruins. The dominion of Chaos is all-pervading, and no land is left untouched by the blight of war. These wildly fantastical landscapes are recreated whenever you play a game of Warhammer Age of Sigmar. The table and scenery you use constitute your battlefield. A battlefield can be any flat surface upon which the models can stand – for example a dining table or the floor – and can be any size or shape provided it’s bigger than 3 feet square. First you should decide in which of the seven Mortal Realms the battle will take place. For example, you might decide that your battle will take place in the Realm of Fire. Sometimes you’ll need to know this in order to use certain abilities. If you can’t agree on the realm, roll a dice, and whoever rolls highest decides. The best battles are fought over lavishly designed and constructed landscapes, but whether you have a lot of scenery or only a small number of features doesn’t matter! A good guide is at least 1 feature for every 2 foot square, but less is okay and more can make for a really interesting battle. To help you decide the placement of your scenery, you can choose to roll two dice and add them together for each 2 foot square area of your battlefield and consult the following table: Roll 2-3 4-5 6-8 9-10 11-12
Terrain Features No terrain features. 2 terrain features. 1 terrain feature. 2 terrain features. Choose from 0 to 3 terrain features.
MYSTERIOUSLANDSCAPES The landscapes of the Mortal Realms can both aid and hinder your warriors. Unless stated otherwise, a model can be moved across scenery but not through it (so you can’t move through a solid wall, or pass through a tree, but can choose to have a model climb up or over them). In addition, once you have set up all your scenery, either roll a dice on the following table or pick a rule from it for each terrain feature: THE SCENERYTABLE Roll Scenery 1 Damned: If any of your units are within 3' of this terrain feature in your hero phase, you can declare that one is making a sacrifice. If you do so, the unit suffers D3 mortal wounds, but you can add 1 to all hit rolls for the unit until your next hero phase. 2 Arcane: Add 1 to the result of any casting or unbinding rolls made for a wizard within 3' of this terrain feature. 3 Inspiring: Add 1 to the Bravery of all units within 3' of this terrain feature. 4 Deadly: Roll a dice for any model that makes a run or charge move across, or finishing on, this terrain feature. On a roll of 1 the model is slain. 5 Mystical: Roll a dice in your hero phase for each of your units within 3' of this terrain feature. On a roll of 1 the unit is befuddled and can’t be selected to cast spells, move or attack until your next hero phase. On a roll of 2-6 the unit is ensorcelled, and you can reroll failed wound rolls for the unit until your next hero phase. 6 Sinister: Any of your units that are within 3' of this terrain feature in your hero phase cause fear until your next hero phase. Subtract 1 from the Bravery of any enemy units that are within 3' of one or more units that cause fear.
Thunder rumbles high above as the armies take to the battlefield. You are now ready for the battle to begin, but before it does you must set up your armies for the coming conflict. SET-UP Before setting up their armies, both players roll a dice, rolling again in the case of a tie. The player that rolls higher must divide the battlefield into two equal-sized halves; their opponent then picks one half to be their territory. Some examples of this are shown below.
The opposing player can continue to set up units. When they have finished, setup is complete. The player that finishes setting up first always chooses who takes the first turn in the first battle round. THE GENERAL Once you have finished setting up all of your units, nominate one of the models you set up as your general. Your general has a command ability, as described in the rules for the hero phase on the next page. GLORIOUSVICTORY In the Mortal Realms battles are brutal and uncompromising – they are fought to the bitter end, with one side able to claim victory because it has destroyed its foe or there are no enemy models left on the field of battle. The victor can immediately claim a major victory and the honours and triumphs that are due to them, while the defeated must repair to their lair to lick their wounds and bear the shame of failure. If it has not been possible to fight a battle to its conclusion or the outcome is not obvious, then a result of sorts can be calculated by comparing the number of models removed from play with the number of models originally set up for the battle for each army. Expressing these as percentages provides a simple way to determine the winner. Such a victory can only be claimed as a minor victory. For example, if one player lost 75% of their starting models, and the other player lost 50%, then the player that only lost 50% of their models could claim a minor victory. Models added to your army during the game (for example, through summoning, reinforcements, reincarnation and so on) do not count towards the number of models in the army, but must be counted among the casualties an army suffers.
Your Territory
Enemy Territory
The players then alternate setting up units, one at a time, starting with the player that won the earlier dice roll. Models must be set up in their own territory, more than 12' from enemy territory. You can continue setting up units until you have set up all the units you want to fight in this battle, or have run out of space. This is your army. Count the number of models in your army – this may come in useful later. Any remaining units are held in reserve, playing no part unless fate lends a hand.
SUDDENDEATHVICTORIES Sometimes a player may attempt to achieve a sudden death victory. If one army has a third more models than the other, the outnumbered player can choose one objective from the sudden death table after generals are nominated. A major victory can be claimed immediately when the objective is achieved by the outnumbered player. TRIUMPHS After any sudden death objectives have been chosen, if your army won a major victory in its previous battle, roll a dice and look up the result on the triumph table to the right. 146
THE SUDDENDEATHTABLE Assassinate: The enemy player picks a unit with the HERO, WIZARD, PRIEST or MONSTER keyword in their army. Slay the unit that they pick. Blunt: The enemy player picks a unit with five or more models in their army. Slay the unit that they pick. Endure: Have at least one model which started the battle on the battlefield still in play at the end of the sixth battle round. Seize Ground: Pick one terrain feature in enemy territory. Have at least one friendly model within 3' of that feature at the end of the fourth battle round. THE TRIUMPHTABLE Roll Triumph 1-2 Blessed: You can change the result of a single dice to the result of your choosing once during the battle. 3-4 Inspired: You can re-roll all of the failed hit rolls for one unit in your army in one combat phase. 5-6 Empowered: Add 1 to your general’s Wounds characteristic.
Mighty armies crash together amid the spray of blood and the crackle of magic. Warhammer Age of Sigmar is played in a series of battle rounds, each of which is split into two turns – one for each player. At the start of each battle round, both players roll a dice, rolling again in the case of a tie. The player that rolls highest decides who takes the first turn in that battle round. Each turn consists of the following phases: 1. Hero Phase Cast spells and use heroic abilities. 2. Movement Phase Move units across the battlefield. 3. Shooting Phase Attack with missile weapons. 4. Charge Phase Charge units into combat. 5. Combat Phase Pile in and attack with melee weapons. 6. Battleshock Phase Test the bravery of depleted units. Once the first player has finished their turn, the second player takes theirs. Once the second player has also finished, the battle round is over and a new one begins.
RULES PRE-BATTLEABILITIES Some warscrolls allow you to use an ability ‘after set-up is complete’. These abilities are used before the first battle round. If both armies have abilities like this, both players roll a dice, re-rolling in the case of a tie. The player that rolls highest gets to use their abilities first, followed by their opponent.
As the armies close in, their leaders use sorcerous abilities, make sacrifices to the gods, or give strident commands. In your hero phase you can use the wizards in your army to cast spells (see the rules for wizards on the last page of these rules). In addition, other units in your army may have abilities on their warscrolls that can be used in the hero phase. Generally, these can only be used in your own hero phase. However, if an ability says it can be used in every hero phase, then it can be used in your opponent’s hero phase as well as your own. If both players can use abilities in a hero phase, the player whose turn it is gets to use all of theirs first. COMMANDABILITY In your hero phase, your general can use one command ability. All generals have the Inspiring Presence command ability, and some may have more on their warscroll. Inspiring Presence: Pick a unit from your army that is within 12' of your general. The unit that you pick does not have to take battleshock tests until your next hero phase.
The ground shakes to the tread of marching feet as armies vie for position. Start your movement phase by picking one of your units and moving each model in that unit until you’ve moved all the models you want to. You can then pick another unit to move, until you have moved as many of your units as you wish. No model can be moved more than once in each movement phase. MOVING A model can be moved in any direction, to a distance in inches equal to or less than the Move characteristic on its warscroll. It can be moved vertically in order to climb or cross scenery, but cannot be moved across other models. No part of the model may move further than the model’s Move characteristic.
ENEMYMODELS When you move a model in the movement phase, you may not move within 3' of any enemy models. Models from your army are friendly models, and models from the opposing army are enemy models. Units starting the movement phase within 3' of an enemy unit can either remain stationary or retreat. If you choose to retreat, the unit must end its move more than 3' away from all enemy units. If a unit retreats, then it can’t shoot or charge later that turn (see below). RUNNING When you pick a unit to move in the movement phase, you can declare that it will run. Roll a dice and add the result to the Move characteristic of all models in the unit for the movement phase. A unit that runs can’t shoot or charge later that turn. FLYING If the warscroll for a model says that the model can fly, it can pass across models and scenery as if they were not there. It still may not finish the move within 3' of an enemy in the movement phase, and if it is already within 3' of an enemy it can only retreat or remain stationary.
A storm of death breaks over the battle as arrows fall like rain and war machines hurl their deadly payloads. In your shooting phase you can shoot with models armed with missile weapons. Pick one of your units. You may not pick a unit that ran or retreated this turn. Each model in the unit attacks with all of the missile weapons it is armed with (see Attacking). After all of the models in the unit have shot, you can choose another unit to shoot with, until all units that can shoot have done so.
Howling bloodcurdling war cries, warriors hurl themselves into battle to slay with blade, hammer and claw. Any of your units within 12' of the enemy in your charge phase can make a charge move. Pick an eligible unit and roll two dice. Each model in the unit can move this number in inches. You may not pick a unit that ran or retreated this turn, nor one that is within 3' of the enemy.
The first model you move must finish within ½' of an enemy model. If that’s impossible, the charge has failed and no models in the charging unit can move in this phase. Once you’ve moved all the models in the unit, you can pick another eligible unit to make a charge, until all units that can charge have done so.
Carnage engulfs the battlefield as the warring armies tear each other apart. Any unit that has charged or has models within 3' of an enemy unit can attack with its melee weapons in the combat phase. The player whose turn it is picks a unit to attack with, then the opposing player must attack with a unit, and so on until all eligible units on both sides have attacked once each. If one side completes all its attacks first, then the other side completes all of its remaining attacks, one unit after another. No unit can be selected to attack more than once in each combat phase. An attack is split into two steps: first the unit piles in, and then you make attacks with the models in the unit. Step 1: When you pile in, you may move each model in the unit up to 3' towards the closest enemy model. This will allow the models in the unit to get closer to the enemy in order to attack them. Step 2: Each model in the unit attacks with all of the melee weapons it is armed with (see Attacking).
Even the bravest heart may quail when the horrors of battle take their toll. In the battleshock phase, both players must take battleshock tests for units from their army that have had models slain during the turn. The player whose turn it is tests first. To make a battleshock test, roll a dice and add the number of models from the unit that have been slain this turn. For each point by which the total exceeds the highest Bravery characteristic in the unit, one model in that unit must flee and is removed from play. Add 1 to the Bravery characteristic being used for every 10 models that are in the unit when the test is taken. You must choose which models flee from the units you command.
Blows hammer down upon the foe, inflicting bloody wounds. When a unit attacks, you must first pick the target units for the attacks that the models in the unit will make, then make all of the attacks, and finally inflict any resulting damage on the target units. The number of attacks a model can make is determined by the weapons that it is armed with. The weapon options a model has are listed in its description on its warscroll. Missile weapons can be used in the shooting phase, and melee weapons can be used in the combat phase. The number of attacks a model can make is equal to the Attacks characteristic for the weapons it can use. PICKINGTARGETS First, you must pick the target units for the attacks. In order to attack an enemy unit, an enemy model from that unit must be in range of the attacking weapon (i.e. within the maximum distance, in inches, of the Range listed for the weapon making the attack), and visible to the attacker (if unsure, stoop down and get a look from behind the attacking model to see if the target is visible). For the purposes of determining visibility, an attacking model can see through other models in its unit. If a model has more than one attack, you can split them between potential target units as you wish. If a model splits its attacks between two or more enemy units, resolve all of the attacks against one unit before moving onto the next one. MAKINGATTACKS Attacks can be made one at a time, or, in some cases, you can roll the dice for attacks together. The following attack sequence is used to make attacks one at a time: 1. Hit Roll: Roll a dice. If the roll equals or beats the attacking weapon’s To Hit characteristic, then it scores a hit and you must make a wound roll. If not, the attack fails and the attack sequence ends. 2. Wound Roll: Roll a dice. If the roll equals or beats the attacking weapon’s To Wound characteristic, then it causes damage and the opposing player must make a save roll. If not, the attack fails and the attack sequence ends. 3. Save Roll: The opposing player rolls a dice, modifying the roll by the attacking weapon’s Rend characteristic. For example, if a weapon has a -1 Rend characteristic, then 1 is subtracted from the save roll. If the result equals or beats
the Save characteristic of the models in the target unit, the wound is saved and the attack sequence ends. If not, the attack is successful, and you must determine damage on the target unit. 4. Determine Damage: Once all of the attacks made by a unit have been carried out, each successful attack inflicts a number of wounds equal to the Damage characteristic of the weapon. Most weapons have a Damage characteristic of 1, but some can inflict 2 or more wounds, allowing them to cause grievous injuries to even the mightiest foe, or to cleave through more than one opponent with but a single blow! In order to make several attacks at once, all of the attacks must have the same To Hit, To Wound, Rend and Damage characteristics, and must be directed at the same enemy unit. If this is the case, make all of the hit rolls at the same time, then all of the wound rolls, and finally all of the save rolls; then add up the total number of wounds caused. INFLICTINGDAMAGE After all of the attacks made by a unit have been carried out, the player commanding the target unit allocates any wounds that are inflicted to models from the unit as they see fit (the models do not have to be within range or visible to an attacking unit). When inflicting damage, if you allocate a wound to a model, you must keep on allocating wounds to that model until either it is slain, or no more wounds remain to be allocated. Once the number of wounds suffered by a model during the battle equals its Wounds characteristic, the model is slain. Place the slain model to one side – it is removed from play. Some warscrolls include abilities that allow wounds to be healed. A healed wound no longer has any effect. You can’t heal wounds on a model that has been slain. MORTALWOUNDS Some attacks inflict mortal wounds. Do not make hit, wound or save rolls for a mortal wound – just allocate the wounds to models from the target unit as described above. COVER If all models in a unit are within or on a terrain feature, you can add 1 to all save rolls for that unit to represent the cover they receive from the terrain. This modifier does not apply in the combat phase if the unit you are making saves for made a charge move in the same turn. 148
The realms are saturated with magic, a seething source of power for those with the wit to wield it. Some models are noted as being a wizard on their warscroll. You can use a wizard to cast spells in your hero phase, and can also use them to unbind spells in your opponent’s hero phase. The number of spells a wizard can attempt to cast or unbind each turn is detailed on its warscroll. CASTINGSPELLS All wizards can use the spells described below, as well as any spells listed on their warscroll. A wizard can only attempt to cast each spell once per turn. To cast a spell, roll two dice. If the total is equal to or greater than the casting value of the spell, the spell is successfully cast. If a spell is cast, the opposing player can choose any one of their wizards that is within 18' of the caster, and that can see them, and attempt to unbind the spell before its effects are applied. To unbind a spell, roll two dice. If the roll beats the roll used to cast the spell, then the spell’s effects are negated. Only one attempt can be made to unbind a spell. ARCANEBOLT Arcane Bolt has a casting value of 5. If successfully cast, pick an enemy unit within 18' of the caster and which is visible to them. The unit you pick suffers D3 mortal wounds. MYSTICSHIELD Mystic Shield has a casting value of 6. If successfully cast, pick the caster, or a friendly unit within 18' of the caster and which is visible to them. You can add 1 to all save rolls for the unit you pick until the start of your next hero phase.
In a game as detailed and wide-ranging as Warhammer Age of Sigmar, there may be times when you are not sure exactly how to resolve a situation that has come up during play. When this happens, have a quick chat with your opponent, and apply the solution that makes the most sense to you both (or seems the most fun!). If no single solution presents itself, both of you should roll a dice, and whoever rolls higher gets to choose what happens. Then you can get on with the fighting!
WHAT’SNEXT? Warhammer Age of Sigmar is a collecting, painting and gaming experience whose appeal and excitement lasts a lifetime. Whether it be assembling and painting a mighty horde of fantastical warriors or immersing yourself in the magical worlds and stories of the realms, Warhammer Age of Sigmar offers endless opportunities for enjoyment. Equally, if you hunger to launch your own crusade of conquest, you’ll be hurling your armies into bloody battle before you know it. INTOTHE REALMS… They say that every journey begins with a single step, and in the case of Warhammer Age of Sigmar there is no better first step than the starter set itself. Contained within this exceptional set is an impressive range of beautifully detailed Citadel Miniatures, excellent starting forces for the brave and noble Stormcast Eternals and the murderous Khorne Bloodbound. This starter set is the starting point of a truly
epic story, pitting Vandus Hammerhand and his Hammers of Sigmar against the daemon-worshipping Korghos Khul and his cruel Goretide warriors. As such, not only does this starter set get you off to a great start with your model collections, but it also represents an excellent way to learn the Warhammer Age of Sigmar rules and plunge straight into the story of the Age of Sigmar.
Another excellent avenue into Warhammer Age of Sigmar is the book of the same name. Providing the perfect companion volume to the contents of the starter set, this book is replete with beautiful artwork, helpful painting guides and showcases of models painted by the world-renowned ’Eavy Metal team – all in all, it’s an excellent visual guide to the war across the realms. Furthermore, this book expands hugely upon the back story
of Warhammer Age of Sigmar, setting out the blood-soaked history of the Age of Chaos and revealing the opening moves of the God-King Sigmar’s great gambit to defeat the Dark Gods. As if all this were not enough, it provides a wealth of warscrolls and battleplans allowing you to expand your own collections of miniatures, add new factions to your battles, and fight through many exciting new scenarios as your army grows.
THE REALMGATEWARS A major feature of Warhammer Age of Sigmar is its grand, ongoing narrative. This is more than just a collecting and gaming experience, it is also an interactive saga of battle in which you play the lead role. Just as Warhammer Age of Sigmar helps you begin this journey, so your copy of The Realmgate Wars: Quest for Ghal Maraz plunges you deeper
into this epic tale. This is an excellent next step down the collecting road, as this book details a plethora of new units to add to your armies and new battleplans for them to fight through. This is but the first in an ongoing series of narrative supplements, so as your collection of Citadel Miniatures grows and diversifies, so the stories you can tell on the battlefield grow ever more grand and exciting as well.
BATTLETOMES Many collectors begin their journey with the miniatures from the Warhammer Age of Sigmar starter set, which provides all the excitement and satisfaction you need in your introduction to the battlefields of the Mortal Realms. Soon enough though, you will probably find that the many factions that wage war across the realms draw your eye. With their ever-growing miniatures ranges and inspiring stories, the races of the realms offer near-endless diversity for collectors; in each case, this history and model range is fully explored in the battletome
that accompanies that race. Whether it be the gore-drenched berserkers of the Khorne Bloodbound, the god-forged heroes of the Stormcast Eternals, the strange and otherworldly seraphon, or any of the other warlike races that populate the realms, the battletome will furnish you with everything you need to collect, organise, and tell stories upon the battlefield with that race. Thus, with each battletome you read, your knowledge of the races of Warhammer Age of Sigmar will grow, and most likely your miniatures collection along with it.
THE STORYCONTINUES With such vast and thrilling worlds to explore, there’s always scope for more stories and greater adventures. As a fantastic companion to the narrative presented in the Warhammer Age of Sigmar collecting and gaming supplements – and your own tabletop tales of war and glory – you can also read about the exploits of the heroes and villains of the realms in our accompanying novels. These books can be both an invaluable
source of inspiration for your collection, and a great way to live out the action of the Realmgate Wars and beyond, blow by visceral blow. Such exciting tales as War Storm and Ghal Maraz tie directly into the Warhammer Age of Sigmar narrative as it develops, giving you yet another route into the Mortal Realms and providing unique insights into the action that aren’t available anywhere else.